Balancing work, relationships, parenting, and general life responsibilities can be a real struggle sometimes. You’re constantly trying to figure out how many things you can cram in a day, kinda like a jigsaw where all the pieces definitely don’t fit. Somehow, you just about manage, but what if it could
10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Choosing A Wedding Venue
Choosing the best place to say “I do” is a big decision, and one that you and your future spouse will probably agonise over for a while. While you may have a dream venue in mind, you might also worry that you’re not choosing the “right” place for you. While
13 Game-Changing Tips To Feeling Less Anxious Before A Date
You’d think that the older you get and the more relationship experience you have, the less rattled you’d get at the prospect of a first date. Sadly, that’s not the case. For many of us, the anxiety that comes along with going out with someone you might just end up
14 Simple Ways To Find Time For You
Between work, family, friends, and general adult responsibilities, finding time just for you can feel pretty much impossible. When every minute of your day is already accounted for, how are you supposed to carve out a section of it to look after yourself? It’s not easy, but it is possible,
16 Worst Relationship Tips You’ll Ever Receive
Most of the well-meaning relationship advice you get from family members and friends is absolute rubbish, to be honest. No two relationships are alike, and only you and your partner know your dynamic, your issues, and the areas in which you’re strongest. However, while most “tips” you get in this
15 Reasons Why Being Flamboyant Can Be Fabulous
Some people just have naturally more flamboyant personalities. You can see it in the way they dress, the way they speak, and even how they carry themselves through the world. Sure, they may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but so what? If you’re one of those loud and exuberant
If You Do These Things For People Without Thinking, You Have A Nurturing Personality
While selfishness feels like somewhat of an epidemic these days, there are some genuinely kind, caring people out there. They go out of their way to make other people’s lives easier just because they can, and they restore your faith in the world when all the bad stuff shakes it.
Hypocritical People Regularly Get Caught Out By These 17 Behaviours
Hypocrites live a life based on double standards. They say one thing but do another, and they don’t see a problem with it. They may act as if they’re living life on the straight and narrow, but their behaviour often gives away their real game. Here’s how you can spot
People Who Are Addicted To Playing The Martyr Often Say These 16 Things
While most people prefer feeling empowered and in control of their lives, others are obsessed with playing the victim. Nothing that goes wrong in their own life is ever their fault; instead, other people or outside circumstances are clearly conspiring against them to keep them from being happy and successful,
15 Awkward Signs You Have No Sense Of Humour
The ability to laugh — yes, even at yourself — is a non-negotiable in many people’s books. Without a sense of humour, you take everything too seriously, fail to see the silver linings in the dark clouds that creep into your life every once in a while, and you’re just…