10 Signs Someone Is Highly Attracted To You But Trying To Play It Cool

When someone likes you, they won’t necessarily find it easy to be upfront about it.

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For instance, maybe you work together, you’re already in a relationship, or they’re just afraid of rejection if you don’t reciprocate their feelings. As a result, they’ll keep their cards close to their chest and won’t tell you just how attracted they are to you anytime soon. However, if you notice these things happening, it’s pretty obvious that they’re into you.

1. They create opportunities to be around you.

Marko Ristic

If someone likes you but isn’t ready to admit it, they might just “happen” to be around a lot. They’ll show up at places you hang out or join in on activities you’ve mentioned enjoying. It’s their way of getting to spend time with you without making it too obvious. If you notice them popping up in your favourite spots more than seems coincidental, they’re probably hoping to run into you.

2. Their body language gives them away.

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Even if they’re trying to act casual, their body language can be a dead giveaway. They might mirror your movements, lean in when you talk, or make a point to face you in group settings. Little things like lingering eye contact or fidgeting with their clothes when you’re nearby are signs they’re feeling something but don’t want to blurt it out.

3. They remember surprising details about you.

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When someone’s into you, they remember stuff—small details you mentioned in passing or things you like. Maybe they bring up that random fact about you weeks later, or they surprise you by remembering your favourite snack. It’s their way of showing they care, even if they’re not saying it outright.

4. Their friends behave differently when you’re around.

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Sometimes the people they hang out with will clue you in. If their friends start paying extra attention to you or tease them when you’re around, it’s often because they’ve spilled the beans about their feelings. Keep an eye on how their group acts when you’re there—it can be pretty revealing.

5. They get a little nervous around you.

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Even if they’re normally calm and collected, you might notice they get a bit flustered when you’re nearby. Maybe they trip over their words, laugh a little too much, or fidget more than usual. It’s a sign they’re feeling something, even if they’re trying hard not to show it.

6. They reach out for reasons that aren’t necessary.

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You might notice they find excuses to talk to you outside of regular interactions. They’ll send random texts about something minor, ask your opinion on trivial matters, or share articles they think you’ll like. It’s their way of keeping the conversation going without making it obvious they want to connect with you more.

7. They seem a bit jealous when you’re talking to other people.

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If they’re into you but trying to keep it hidden, they might still show signs of jealousy when you interact with other people. They could get quieter, try to insert themselves into the conversation, or act a little differently when you’re giving attention to someone else. Even if they’re playing it cool, the jealousy sneaks through.

8. They step up their appearance when you’re around.

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You might notice that they look a little more put-together when they know they’ll see you. Maybe they dress up a bit more or seem to put extra effort into their grooming. Even if they’re not saying they’re trying to impress you, their actions speak louder than words.

9. They find ways to casually touch you.

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Physical touch, even the casual kind, is often a sign of attraction. They might brush against you when passing by, give you a light touch on the arm, or playfully nudge you during a conversation. If these touches seem to happen more with you than others, it’s probably not accidental.

10. They’re curious about your love life but try to appear nonchalant.

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They’ll ask about your relationship status, but they’ll try to keep it low-key, like they’re just making conversation. They might ask if you’re seeing anyone or what your type is, then play it off as no big deal. But their interest in your love life is a big hint that they’re hoping for a chance themselves.

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