Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

If you’re someone who takes months to get through a book, you might be a slower reader.

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There’s nothing wrong with that — maybe you just like savouring every word, or perhaps you really do find it hard to concentrate and move through narratives with any sort of speed. If you’re in the latter camp, and you’d like to get through your TBR pile a bit quicker, here are some tips that might help.

1. Stop that inner voice in your head.


You know that little voice that reads along in your head? It’s slowing you down. Try to quiet it and let your eyes do the work. It takes practice, but once you crack it, you’ll zoom through pages.

2. Use your finger as a guide.

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It might feel a bit primary school, but using your finger to guide your eyes can really help. It keeps you focused and stops your eyes from wandering. Give it a go — you might be surprised.

3. Expand your vision.

Instead of reading word by word, try to take in chunks of text at a time. It’s like widening your eye’s focus. With practice, you’ll start picking up whole phrases or even lines in one go.

4. Skip the small talk.

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Not every word is crucial. Learn to skim over less important bits like ‘the’, ‘a’, and ‘an’. Your brain can fill in the gaps. It feels weird at first, but you’ll get used to it.

5. Don’t backtrack.

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Resist the urge to re-read sentences. It’s a habit that slows you down. Trust that you’ve got the gist and keep moving forward. If you really didn’t get it, you can always come back later.

6. Use a timer.


Set yourself a challenge. Time how long it takes you to read a page, then try to beat that time on the next page. It’s like a little game that can help you pick up the pace.

7. Take breaks.

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Sounds counterintuitive, right? But short breaks can actually help you read faster. They keep your brain fresh and focused. Try reading in 25-minute chunks with 5-minute breaks in between.

8. Preview before you dive in.

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Before you start a chapter, skim through it. Look at headings, first sentences, and any bold text. It gives your brain a roadmap of what’s coming, making it easier to speed through.

9. Ditch the distractions.

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Find a quiet spot and put your phone on silent. The fewer distractions you have, the quicker you’ll read. It’s amazing how much faster you can go when you’re not checking Instagram every five minutes.

10. Read more often.

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Like anything, reading speed improves with practice. The more you read, the faster you’ll naturally become. So make it a habit to read a bit every day.

11. Try speed reading apps.


There are loads of apps out there designed to boost your reading speed. They can be fun to use and give you some structured practice. Just don’t get so caught up in the app that you forget to actually enjoy what you’re reading.

12. Know when to slow down.

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Not everything needs to be speed-read. Sometimes it’s worth taking your time, especially with tricky bits or parts you really want to remember. It’s all about finding the right balance.

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