12 Easy Ways To Stay Relaxed This Weekend

The weekend is meant to be the perfect time to relax and unwind, but are you actually doing that?

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It’s easy to feel pressured to get up and out and do all the things you don’t have time or energy for during the week, but where’s the joy in that? Sometimes you just need some serious downtime, but if you’re not very good at it, you might need a little help. Here’s how to truly chill out this weekend. You deserve it!

1. Disconnect from work-related technology.

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If you’re still checking your emails or taking work calls, you’re not really unwinding. Go ahead and turn off those notifications. Let your coworkers know you’re off the clock for the weekend. You’ll be amazed at how much lighter you feel when you’re not tethered to work 24/7. It’s all about setting those boundaries so your brain can actually switch off.

2. Start your morning with some easy stretches.

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No need for a full-on gym session — just a gentle stretch or some light yoga can make all the difference. It wakes up your body, gets the blood flowing, and helps you start the day feeling calm and centred. Plus, it’s the perfect way to shake off any stress you might be carrying from the week.

3. Do something you love, just for you.

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Whether it’s reading, painting, gardening, or jamming out on an instrument, take some time for a hobby that makes you happy. Getting lost in something you enjoy is a great way to shut out the noise and just focus on the moment. It’s all about doing something that fills you up, not drains you.

4. Take a stroll in nature, no rush.

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There’s something about fresh air that instantly relaxes you. Head to a nearby park, beach, or trail, and just walk at your own pace. Take in the sounds, the smells, the sights — it’s like a mini escape without the travel. Nature has this sneaky way of calming you down and helping you feel more grounded.

5. Create your own little sanctuary at home.

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Transform your space into a calm, cosy retreat. Clean up the clutter, light a candle, play some soft music, and settle in. A peaceful environment does wonders for your mindset. Make your space somewhere you actually want to unwind, and you’ll feel the stress melt away.

6. Give mindfulness or meditation a go.

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Even if it’s just for five minutes, taking time to focus on your breathing or try a short meditation can really help clear your mind. It’s not about doing it perfectly — it’s about giving yourself the chance to slow down and quiet those racing thoughts. Start small and see how much calmer you feel.

7. Turn bath time into a spa moment.

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Turn your usual shower or bath into something special. Use bath salts, light a few candles, or bring in some relaxing music. Even if it’s just 20 minutes, it’s your time to unwind and let the stress of the week wash away. Trust me, you’ll come out feeling refreshed and relaxed.

8. Make a meal that feels good.

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Cooking can be therapeutic, especially when you’re not rushing it. Take your time to prepare something nourishing and delicious. Mindfully eating your meal — without distractions — lets you appreciate the flavours and textures. It’s about giving your body something it loves, and that’s relaxing in itself.

9. Listen to calming music or nature sounds.

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Create a playlist of calming tunes or pull up some nature sounds—rain, ocean waves, birds chirping, whatever makes you feel at ease. Play it while you’re lounging around, cooking, or just sitting quietly. It’s a simple way to create a chill vibe that helps you fully unwind.

10. Give yourself some free time, with no agenda.

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It’s okay to have nothing planned. In fact, it’s great! Leave some time open to just go with the flow. Whether you have a nap, daydream, or spontaneously decide to bake cookies, having no schedule is the ultimate way to relax. It’s your weekend—why not let yourself do whatever feels right in the moment?

11. Chill out with loved ones in a low-key setting.

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Hang out with family or friends, but keep it relaxed. Skip the fancy plans and just enjoy each other’s company—whether that’s a casual dinner, a walk in the park, or chatting over a cup of coffee. Spending time with people you care about, without the pressure of big events, is one of the best ways to relax.

12. Move your body, but keep it light.

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You don’t have to go all out—just do something gentle, like a bike ride, swimming, or even a slow yoga session. Physical activity doesn’t have to be intense to be effective at lowering stress. Find something that makes you feel good, not exhausted, and let your body release tension while you enjoy yourself.

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