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Family – it’s the people you’re stuck with, for better or worse. While every family has its quirks, some quirks are a little more, well, quirky than others. From passive-aggressive comments to full-blown shouting matches, there’s a whole spectrum of dysfunction out there. If you’re wondering whether your family dynamics are a bit off, here are some signs that might confirm your suspicions.

1. You dread family gatherings.

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While some people look forward to holidays and family reunions, you might find yourself dreading them. Instead of feeling excited to see your loved ones, you feel a sense of impending doom, knowing that awkward conversations, passive-aggressive remarks, or even full-blown arguments are inevitable. You might even invent excuses to skip out on these events altogether.

2. Secrets and lies are the norm.

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In your family, secrets are kept, and lies are told – sometimes even about seemingly trivial matters. Perhaps there’s a family secret that everyone knows but no one talks about, or maybe individual family members withhold information from each other to avoid conflict. This lack of open communication creates an atmosphere of distrust and can make it difficult to form genuine connections.

3. Emotional outbursts are common.

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Whether it’s your mom throwing a tantrum over a burnt dinner or your siblings engaging in a screaming match over who gets the remote, emotional outbursts are par for the course in your family. These outbursts can be triggered by seemingly minor events and often escalate quickly. They can leave everyone feeling emotionally drained and create a tense, unpredictable atmosphere.

4. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells.

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You’re constantly on edge, worried about saying or doing the wrong thing that might trigger a negative reaction from a family member. You might censor your thoughts and opinions, or avoid certain topics altogether, just to keep the peace. This constant vigilance can be exhausting and prevent you from feeling truly comfortable and relaxed around your family.

5. There’s a lot of unresolved conflict.

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Old grudges, past hurts, and unresolved disagreements linger in your family, creating an undercurrent of tension. Instead of addressing these issues head-on, they’re often swept under the rug or ignored altogether. This can lead to resentment, passive-aggressive behaviour and even full-blown feuds that can last for years.

6. There’s a lack of emotional support.


When you’re going through a tough time, you don’t feel like you can turn to your family for comfort or support. Maybe they’re dismissive of your feelings, or perhaps they’re too wrapped up in their own dramas to offer you a listening ear. This lack of emotional connection can leave you feeling isolated and alone, even when surrounded by family.

7. Your family has unhealthy coping mechanisms.

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Maybe your dad turns to alcohol whenever he’s stressed, or perhaps your sister binges on junk food when she’s feeling down. Whatever the specific behaviour, your family tends to rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with life’s challenges. This can create a cycle of dysfunction that’s difficult to break and can have negative consequences for everyone involved.

8. You feel like you can’t be yourself around your family.

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You feel like you have to put on a facade or pretend to be someone you’re not in order to fit in with your family. Maybe you hide certain aspects of your personality, interests, or beliefs, or perhaps you feel pressured to conform to their expectations. This lack of authenticity can be stifling and prevent you from forming genuine connections with your loved ones.

9. There’s a lack of boundaries.

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In your family, personal boundaries are often blurred or non-existent. Family members might pry into your personal life, offer unsolicited advice, or overstep your boundaries in other ways. This lack of respect for individual autonomy can make it difficult to establish healthy relationships, both within and outside the family.

10. Comparisons are constant.

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You’re constantly being compared to your siblings, cousins, or even strangers. Maybe your parents always praise your brother’s academic achievements, or your aunt can’t stop gushing about your cousin’s successful career. These comparisons can make you feel inadequate and create a sense of competition within the family.

11. You feel like you’re constantly being judged.

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No matter what you do, it feels like your family is always evaluating and judging your choices. Maybe your mom criticises your fashion sense or your dad disapproves of your career path. This constant scrutiny can erode your self-esteem and make you feel like you can never measure up to their standards.

12. You have a hard time trusting people.

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Growing up in a dysfunctional family can make it hard to trust people. Maybe you’ve been betrayed by family members in the past, or perhaps you’ve simply witnessed too much dishonesty and manipulation. This lack of trust can make it hard to form close relationships and can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.