Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

When you’re in a rut in life, it’s easy to assume that things will always be this way.

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You assume that every day is going to be as boring and uninspiring as the last, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are things you can do to switch things up and start moving forward again. It just takes a little motivation, and perhaps a bit of elbow grease.

1. Step away from your current environment.


Sometimes, all you need is a change of scenery. Take a short walk outside, visit a new café, or sit in a park. Getting out of your usual space can refresh your mind and offer a new perspective on things.

2. Declutter your space.

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A cluttered environment can lead to a cluttered mind. Take some time to organise your desk, room, or home. Clearing physical clutter can often lead to mental clarity, helping you to feel more organised and focused.

3. Set small, manageable goals.

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Instead of overwhelming yourself with large tasks, break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. Completing even the smallest goal can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going.

4. Explore something creative outside your norm.

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Try a creative activity that you wouldn’t normally engage in, such as painting, writing poetry, or baking. Exploring different creative outlets can often lead to unexpected inspiration and help you see things from a fresh perspective.

5. Talk to someone who inspires you.

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Having a conversation with someone who motivates or inspires you can reignite your own sense of purpose. Hearing their perspective or simply chatting about your challenges can provide fresh insights and help you move forward.

6. Take a break from social media.

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Constant exposure to other people’s lives can sometimes leave you feeling drained or unmotivated. Disconnecting from social media, even for a short time, can help you focus on your own goals and regain a sense of clarity.

7. Read or listen to something uplifting.

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Whether it’s a book, podcast, or audiobook, engaging with content that inspires or educates you can help reignite your creativity. Choose something that aligns with your interests and see how it sparks new ideas.

8. Try a new physical activity.

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Physical movement can have a positive effect on your mental state. Whether it’s yoga, dancing, or a simple workout, moving your body can relieve tension and allow you to approach tasks with a fresh mindset.

9. Allow yourself to rest.

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Sometimes, feeling uninspired is your body and mind’s way of telling you to take a break. Give yourself permission to rest without guilt. Often, inspiration returns when you’ve had the chance to recharge.

10. Revisit old projects or ideas.

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Looking back at past work or ideas that you’ve set aside can sometimes spark new inspiration. You might find that with a fresh perspective, these old projects take on new life and offer direction.

11. Meditate or practice mindfulness.

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Taking a few moments to centre yourself through meditation or mindfulness exercises can reduce stress and clear mental blocks. It’s a way to reset your mind and regain focus on what truly matters.

12. Write down your thoughts.


Journaling or simply jotting down how you’re feeling can be incredibly cathartic. Getting your thoughts out on paper can help organise your mind, and you may discover new ideas or solutions in the process.

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