Envato Elements

Navigating the dating world can be a lot of fun.

However, it can also be a minefield of incompatible personalities and potential heartbreak. To help you steer clear of unnecessary drama and emotional turmoil, we’re shining a spotlight on some common types of men who might not be the best fit for a healthy, fulfilling relationship. And for the record, women who have these qualities are also worth avoiding — it applies across the board!

1. He never wants to grow up.

Envato Elements

This man is all about fun and games, but when it comes to responsibility and commitment, he’s nowhere to be found. He might be charming and spontaneous, but his refusal to grow up can leave you feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. If you’re looking for a partner who can share the burdens of adult life and build a future together, this man-child might not be the one for you.

2. He’s completely self-absorbed.

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This man is so self-absorbed that he can barely see past his own reflection. He craves admiration and attention, and he’ll go to great lengths to get it, even if it means manipulating or belittling you. A relationship with a narcissist can be emotionally draining and damaging to your self-esteem. If you find yourself constantly walking on eggshells and questioning your worth, it’s time to move on.

3. He wants to control you.

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This man wants to be in charge of everything, from where you go on dates to what you wear. He might disguise his controlling behaviour as concern or protectiveness, but it’s really about power and dominance. A relationship with a controlling man can be suffocating and limit your personal freedom. If you feel like you’re losing your sense of self, it’s time to break free.

4. He doesn’t want to share his feelings.

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This man is like a closed book, rarely sharing his feelings or opening up emotionally. He might be afraid of intimacy or commitment, or he might simply not be capable of deep emotional connection. A relationship with an emotionally unavailable man can leave you feeling lonely and unfulfilled. If you crave emotional intimacy and vulnerability, this man might not be the right match.

5. He’s a habitual liar.

man guySource: Unsplash

This man has a habit of bending the truth, whether it’s about small things or big ones. He might lie to avoid conflict, to make himself look better, or simply out of habit. A relationship built on lies is a shaky foundation, and it can be difficult to trust someone who consistently deceives you. If you find yourself constantly questioning his honesty, it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.

6. He blames everyone but himself.

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Source: Unsplash

A little jealousy can be flattering, but when it becomes excessive, it’s a red flag. This man is constantly worried about losing you, and he might try to control your interactions with others, accuse you of flirting, or even check your phone or emails. This kind of behaviour is rooted in insecurity and can quickly turn toxic. If you feel like you’re being suffocated or monitored, it’s time to set some boundaries or move on.

8. He’s addicted to something.

Alex Papin

Whether it’s drugs, alcohol, gambling, or something else, addiction can take a serious toll on a relationship. This man might prioritise his addiction over your needs, lie to you about his habits, or even steal from you to support his addiction. A relationship with an addict can be emotionally draining and unpredictable. If you find yourself constantly worried about his well-being or enabling his destructive behaviour, it’s time to seek support and prioritise your own health and happiness.

9. He disrespects your boundaries.

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This man can’t seem to commit to one person, and he’s always keeping his options open. He might flirt with other people in front of you, talk about his exes constantly, or even actively date multiple people at once. If you’re looking for a monogamous relationship, this player isn’t the one for you. He’ll only leave you feeling insecure and unappreciated.

11. He makes you feel bad about yourself.

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A supportive partner should uplift you and make you feel good about yourself. This man, however, does the opposite. He might criticise your appearance, put down your accomplishments, or make you feel like you’re not good enough. His words and actions chip away at your self-esteem, leaving you feeling insecure and unworthy. If you find yourself constantly doubting yourself or feeling down when you’re with him, it’s time to walk away.

12. He doesn’t support your dreams and goals.

Source: Unsplash

A healthy relationship involves mutual support and encouragement. This man, however, doesn’t seem interested in your aspirations. He might belittle your dreams, discourage you from pursuing your goals, or even actively sabotage your efforts. A partner who doesn’t believe in you or support your ambitions is not a partner worth keeping. You deserve someone who will cheer you on and help you reach your full potential.