Envato Elements

We all know a strong woman. She’s confident, resilient, and knows her worth. While she values friendship, she’s not afraid to walk away from those who don’t respect her boundaries. Strong women have standards, and they won’t settle for less than they deserve, especially in their friendships. So, what exactly won’t a strong woman tolerate in a friendship?

1. Constant negativity and complaining

Envato Elements

Life has its ups and downs, and everyone vents from time to time. But a strong woman won’t tolerate a friend who constantly complains, sees the glass half empty, and brings down the mood. She surrounds herself with positive people who lift her up and encourage her growth.

2. Disrespect and lack of consideration


Strong women value respect and expect it from their friends. They won’t put up with disrespectful comments, belittling behaviour, or actions that disregard their feelings. They believe in mutual respect and understanding, and won’t tolerate anyone who treats them poorly.

3. Dishonesty and lack of trust

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

Trust is the foundation of any strong friendship. A strong woman won’t tolerate dishonesty, betrayal, or broken promises. She values transparency and expects her friends to be truthful and reliable. Once trust is broken, it’s hard to repair, and a strong woman knows when it’s time to move on.

4. One-sided friendships

Avelino Calvar Martinez

A healthy friendship is a two-way street. Strong women won’t tolerate friendships where they are always the ones giving support, advice, or a listening ear, without receiving the same in return. They value reciprocity and expect their friends to contribute equally to the relationship.

5. Jealousy and competitiveness


Strong women celebrate their friends’ successes and are happy for their achievements. They won’t tolerate jealousy, envy, or a competitive spirit that undermines their happiness. They believe in lifting each other up, not tearing each other down.

6. Controlling behaviour and manipulation

Envato Elements

Strong women are independent and make their own choices. They won’t tolerate friends who try to control their lives, manipulate their decisions, or dictate who they can be friends with. They value autonomy and will stand up against anyone who tries to limit their freedom.

7. Lack of support and encouragement

Liubomyr Vorona

Strong women need friends who believe in them, support their dreams, and encourage their growth. They won’t tolerate friends who doubt their abilities, discourage their ambitions, or try to hold them back. They need a support system that lifts them up and helps them reach their full potential.

8. Inconsistent behaviour and flakiness

Envato Elements

Strong women value reliability and dependability in their friendships. They won’t tolerate friends who constantly cancel plans, forget important dates, or are always late. They expect their friends to be consistent, dependable, and respect their time.

9. Gossiping and negativity about other people

Aleksei Isachenko

Strong women uplift and empower everyone around them. They don’t engage in gossip or spread negativity about other people. They understand that talking behind someone’s back is hurtful and unproductive. They prefer to focus on positive interactions and build genuine connections with people.

10. A lack of personal growth and stagnation

Envato Elements

Strong women are constantly evolving and striving to be better versions of themselves. They won’t tolerate friends who are content with staying stagnant, resist personal growth, or hold them back from pursuing their dreams. They need friends who inspire and challenge them to become the best versions of themselves.

11. Conditional friendships and fair-weather friends

Source: Unsplash

Strong women value genuine connections and friendships that are unconditional. They won’t tolerate friends who are only there during the good times or when it’s convenient for them. They need friends who are there through thick and thin, offering support and understanding during both the highs and lows of life.

12. Being taken for granted or undervalued

Source: Unsplash

Strong women know their worth and won’t allow themselves to be taken for granted. They won’t tolerate friends who don’t appreciate their efforts, ignore their needs, or fail to reciprocate their kindness. They deserve to be valued and cherished in their friendships.

13. A lack of authenticity and being fake

Liubomyr Vorona

Strong women value authenticity and genuine connections. They won’t tolerate friends who put on a façade, pretend to be someone they’re not, or try to fit in with a certain crowd. They want friends who are true to themselves and embrace their unique personalities.