Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

We’re always so focused on the roles we play for other people — friend, partner, family member, colleague — that we never stop to think about the roles we should be playing in our own lives.

Yuri Arcurs

There are certain things we should always be doing for ourselves first and foremost in order to ensure our personal growth, wellness, and overall happiness. Here are just a few of them.

1. Your own biggest cheerleader

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Being your own cheerleader means celebrating your achievements, no matter how small. It’s about recognising your efforts and progress, even when other people don’t. This role involves positive self-talk and acknowledging your strengths. By cheering yourself on, you build resilience and maintain motivation, especially during challenging times when external support might be lacking.

2. Life coach

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As your own life coach, you set goals, create action plans, and hold yourself accountable. This role involves regular self-reflection to assess your progress and adjust your strategies. It’s about asking yourself tough questions, identifying areas for improvement, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. By coaching yourself, you take an active role in your personal development and career growth.

3. The guardian of your mental health

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Guarding your mental health involves being attuned to your emotional state and taking proactive steps to maintain psychological well-being. This role requires setting boundaries, practising self-care, and recognising when you need to step back from stressful situations. It also means asking for help when you need it and developing healthy coping mechanisms for the challenges that crop up.

4. Your body’s caretaker

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As the caretaker of your body, you prioritise physical health through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest. This role involves listening to your body’s signals, attending regular health check-ups, and making lifestyle choices that promote long-term well-being. It’s about treating your body with respect and understanding its crucial role in your overall quality of life.

5. The curator of your experiences

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Being the curator of your experiences means actively choosing how you spend your time and energy. This role involves pursuing new adventures, learning opportunities, and meaningful interactions. It’s about being selective with your commitments and ensuring that your experiences align with your values and contribute to your personal growth.

6. The advocate for your needs and boundaries

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As your own advocate, you stand up for your needs and enforce your personal boundaries. This role requires clear communication, assertiveness, and the ability to say no when necessary. It’s about recognising your worth and ensuring that your relationships and commitments are balanced and respectful of your individual needs.

7. The architect of your future

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Being the architect of your future involves strategic planning and decision-making. This role requires you to envision your long-term goals and take consistent steps towards achieving them. It’s about making choices today that align with your desired future, whether in your career, relationships, or personal development.

8. Your inner critic’s mediator

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As the mediator of your inner critic, you learn to balance self-improvement with self-compassion. This role involves recognising negative self-talk and reframing it constructively. It’s about challenging unrealistic expectations and finding a middle ground between pushing yourself to grow and being kind to yourself during setbacks.

9. The custodian of your time

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Being the custodian of your time means taking control of how you allocate this precious resource. This role involves setting priorities, managing your schedule effectively, and ensuring a balance between productivity and leisure. It’s about recognising the value of your time and using it in ways that contribute to your goals and overall life satisfaction.

10. The nurturer of your passions

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As the nurturer of your passions, you make space in your life for activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. This role involves identifying your interests, dedicating time to develop them, and finding ways to incorporate them into your daily life. It’s about recognising the importance of passion in maintaining a sense of purpose and enthusiasm for life.

11. The guardian of your personal growth

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Being the guardian of your personal growth means actively looking for opportunities for learning and self-improvement. This role involves staying curious, embracing challenges as learning experiences, and continuously expanding your knowledge and skills. It’s about taking responsibility for your own development and not waiting for other people to provide growth opportunities.

12. Your own financial manager

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As your financial manager, you take control of your economic well-being. This role involves budgeting, saving, investing wisely, and making informed financial decisions. It’s about understanding your relationship with money, setting financial goals, and working towards long-term financial security and independence.

13. The author of your own story

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Being the author of your narrative means taking control of how you interpret and frame your life experiences. This role involves choosing how you tell your story, both to yourself and other people. It’s about finding meaning in your experiences, reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, and crafting a personal narrative that empowers and motivates you to live your best life.