Envato Elements

Ever felt like you’re constantly getting in your own way when it comes to love? Like there’s an invisible wall between you and that deeper connection? It might be some sneaky habits you haven’t even realised you have. These habits can act as roadblocks to love, making it difficult to build lasting relationships. Here are some of the most harmful practices that may be working against you.

1. You have unrealistic expectations.

Envato Elements

We all have a vision of our ideal partner, but sometimes our expectations can be a bit too high. Expecting perfection or a fairytale romance can set you up for disappointment and make it hard to appreciate the real people in front of you. Remember, no one is perfect, and every relationship has its ups and downs. Lowering your expectations doesn’t mean settling, it means being open to love in its many forms.

2. You fear vulnerability.

Liubomyr Vorona

Letting someone in is scary because it means opening yourself up to the possibility of getting hurt. But true intimacy requires vulnerability. If you’re constantly guarding your heart and keeping people at arm’s length, it’s going to be hard to form a deep connection. Try to slowly let your guard down and allow yourself to be seen for who you truly are. It might be scary at first, but the rewards of vulnerability are worth it.

3. You focus on flaws instead of strengths.

Envato Elements

Everyone has flaws, but if you’re constantly focusing on the negative, you’ll miss out on all the good stuff. Instead of nitpicking every little imperfection, try to appreciate your partner’s strengths and unique qualities. Remember, a healthy relationship is built on mutual appreciation and acceptance, not on constant criticism and judgment.

4. You hold on to past hurt.

Liubomyr Vorona

Past relationships can leave scars, but holding on to that pain can prevent you from moving forward. If you’re still carrying baggage from previous heartbreaks, it can make it difficult to trust new people and open yourself up to love again. Take time to heal those old wounds, whether it’s through therapy, journaling, or simply talking to a trusted friend. Let go of the past so you can create space for new love to enter your life.

5. You sabotage your relationships.

Valerii Honcharuk

Sometimes, we unconsciously self-sabotage our relationships because we’re afraid of intimacy or believe we don’t deserve happiness. This can manifest in different ways, like picking fights, pushing people away, or creating drama. If you notice a pattern of self-sabotage, it’s important to address the underlying fear or insecurity that’s driving it. Talk to a therapist or counsellor who can help you identify and overcome these destructive patterns.

6. You’re too critical of yourself.

Liubomyr Vorona

If you’re constantly putting yourself down, focusing on your flaws, and never feeling good enough, it’s going to be hard to attract and maintain a healthy relationship. Remember, self-love is the foundation for all other love. Start by practising self-compassion, accepting your imperfections, and celebrating your strengths. When you feel good about yourself, you’ll radiate a positive energy that attracts people.

7. You have trouble communicating your needs.

Envato Elements

Healthy relationships require open and honest communication. If you have a hard time expressing your needs, feelings, or expectations, it can create misunderstandings and resentment. Your partner isn’t a mind-reader, so it’s important to communicate your needs clearly and directly. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, express your concerns, or share your feelings. Open communication is the key to building a strong and lasting connection.

8. You’re not willing to compromise.

Envato Elements

Relationships involve give and take. You can’t always have things your way, and neither can your partner. If you’re unwilling to compromise or meet your partner halfway, it can create conflict and resentment. It’s important to be flexible, adaptable, and willing to find solutions that work for both of you. Remember, a healthy relationship is a partnership, not a dictatorship.

9. You play games and send mixed signals.

Envato Elements

Playing hard to get, sending mixed signals, or testing your partner’s interest might seem like a fun way to keep the spark alive, but it can also backfire. It can create confusion, insecurity, and mistrust in the relationship. Be upfront about your feelings, communicate your intentions clearly, and avoid playing mind games. This fosters a sense of trust and security, which is essential for building a deeper connection.

10. You hold on to grudges and refuse to forgive.

Envato Elements

We all make mistakes, and holding on to grudges only poisons the relationship. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning the behaviour, it means letting go of the anger and resentment so you can move forward. If you’re unable to forgive your partner’s past mistakes, it will create a barrier between you, preventing you from building a stronger bond. Learn to communicate your hurt feelings, set boundaries, and move on, so you can focus on building a healthy and loving future together.

11. You’re always trying to change your partner.

Vladimirs Poplavskis

Acceptance is key in a relationship. You fell for them for who they are, not for who you want them to be. Trying to change someone is a recipe for resentment and conflict. Instead of focusing on their flaws, try to appreciate their unique qualities and strengths. If there are issues that need to be addressed, communicate them openly and honestly, but don’t try to mould them into someone they’re not.

12. You prioritise your own needs and wants above theirs.

Envato Elements

Relationships are a two-way street, and both partners’ needs and desires should be considered. If you consistently prioritise your own needs and wants, neglecting your partner’s feelings and desires, it can lead to resentment and imbalance. It’s important to communicate your needs clearly, but also to listen to your partner’s needs and find ways to compromise and meet each other halfway.

13. You have trouble letting go of the past.

Envato Elements

Past relationships can hold us back from fully embracing new love. If you’re constantly comparing your current partner to your ex, bringing up old wounds, or dwelling on past hurts, it will be difficult to move forward and build a healthy relationship. Let go of the past, focus on the present, and create new, positive memories with your current partner. Holding on to the past only prevents you from fully experiencing the love and happiness that’s right in front of you.