Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Ever had a dream simmering on the back burner, something you’ve always wanted to do but thought you’d missed the boat?

Well, chuck those doubts out the window! It’s never too late to chase after what sets your soul on fire. Life’s too short to be filled with “what ifs” and regrets. Here are some reasons why it’s absolutely okay to go after your dreams, no matter where you are on your journey.

1. Your perspective is invaluable.

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With age and experience comes a unique perspective that younger versions of ourselves simply don’t have. You’ve seen a thing or two, learned from your mistakes, and developed a deeper understanding of yourself and the world. This wisdom can be a tremendous asset when pursuing your passions. It allows you to approach challenges with maturity, make informed decisions, and navigate obstacles with resilience. Your perspective is a valuable tool that can enhance your journey and set you apart from the crowd.

2. Change is the only constant.

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Life is a series of transitions and transformations. Nothing stays the same forever, and that includes your circumstances, interests, and aspirations. What you want out of life now might be entirely different from what you wanted ten or twenty years ago. Embracing change and adapting to new circumstances is a natural part of life. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back from pursuing what you want now, even if it means deviating from your previous path. Change can be exciting and lead to unexpected opportunities.

3. Every day is a new beginning.


No matter how much time has passed or how many setbacks you’ve faced, every day offers a fresh start. You have the power to make choices that align with your dreams and goals. Don’t get bogged down by past regrets or missed opportunities. Instead, focus on the present moment and the possibilities it holds. Each day is a chance to take a step closer to what you want, to learn something new, and to grow as a person. Embrace the power of new beginnings and start each day with a sense of purpose and determination.

4. Learning never stops.

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The pursuit of your dreams is a continuous learning process. It’s about acquiring new skills, expanding your knowledge, and challenging yourself to grow. There are endless opportunities to learn, whether it’s through formal education, workshops, online courses, or simply by trying new things. Don’t let the fear of not knowing everything hold you back. Embrace the learning process as an exciting adventure, and be open to the lessons and experiences that come your way.

5. Your passions can evolve.

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The things that light you up might change over time, and that’s okay. Your passions aren’t set in stone, and they can evolve as you do. Don’t be afraid to explore new interests, try different paths, and discover what truly makes your heart sing. Maybe a hobby you once loved has lost its appeal, or a new passion has emerged unexpectedly. Embrace the evolution of your passions and allow yourself the freedom to pursue what truly excites you in the present moment.

6. It’s okay to start small.

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Chasing your dreams doesn’t have to mean making drastic changes overnight. You can start small, take baby steps, and gradually work your way towards your goals. Maybe it’s dedicating a few hours each week to your passion project, taking a short course to learn a new skill, or simply making time for activities that bring you joy. Don’t underestimate the power of small actions taken consistently. Over time, those small steps can lead to significant progress and bring you closer to your dreams.

7. Your dreams can inspire other people, too.

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When you pursue your passions with enthusiasm and determination, it can inspire other people to do the same. Your courage to chase your dreams can ignite a spark in those around you, reminding them that it’s never too late to go after what they want. You become a living example of the power of perseverance, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness. Your journey can be a source of motivation and encouragement for other people, helping them to overcome their own doubts and fears and take a leap of faith towards their own aspirations.

8. You have unique talents to share.

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Everyone has unique talents, skills, and experiences to offer the world. Your passions might be a reflection of those hidden gifts, waiting to be unleashed. Chasing your dreams allows you to tap into your full potential and share your talents with other people. Whether it’s through creative expression, entrepreneurship, volunteering, or simply by being yourself, you have something valuable to contribute. Don’t let those talents go to waste. Embrace your unique gifts and use them to make a positive impact on the world around you.

9. You can redefine success on your own terms.

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Society often has a narrow definition of success, often tied to material wealth, status, or achievements. But true success is personal and subjective. It’s about living a life that aligns with your values, passions, and aspirations. Chasing your dreams allows you to define success on your own terms, whether it’s about personal growth, creative expression, making a difference in the world, or simply finding joy and fulfilment in your everyday life. Don’t let societal expectations dictate what success looks like for you. Create your own definition and pursue a path that brings you genuine happiness and satisfaction.

10. It’s an opportunity to reinvent yourself.

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Chasing your dreams isn’t just about achieving a goal; it’s about embracing the journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. It’s a chance to step outside your comfort zone, challenge your limitations, and reinvent yourself. You might discover hidden talents, strengths, and passions that you never knew you had. You might shed old beliefs and habits that no longer serve you and embrace new perspectives and ways of being. The pursuit of your dreams is a catalyst for personal growth and transformation, allowing you to become the best version of yourself.

11. Life is too short for regrets.


Imagine looking back on your life with a sense of regret, wishing you had taken that leap of faith, pursued that passion, or spoken your truth. It’s a painful thought, isn’t it? Life is unpredictable and fleeting. Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back from experiencing all that life has to offer. Chasing your dreams is an act of self-love and a way to honour your own desires and aspirations. Don’t let the fear of failure or other people’s opinions deter you from living a life that is true to yourself.

12. Failure is not the end.

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It’s natural to fear failure, but it’s important to remember that failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a part of it. Every successful person has faced setbacks, made mistakes, and learned valuable lessons along the way. Failure can be a stepping stone to success, providing you with valuable insights and opportunities for growth. Don’t let the fear of failure paralyse you. Embrace it as a learning experience, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward with renewed determination.

13. You deserve to be happy.

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At the end of the day, you deserve to be happy. Chasing your dreams is a way to create a life that brings you joy, fulfilment, and a sense of purpose. Don’t settle for a life that doesn’t light you up. You deserve to pursue your passions, explore your potential, and live a life that makes you feel alive. Remember, happiness is a choice, and chasing your dreams is a step towards creating a life that you truly love.