© Milenko Đilas - Veternik

We all know that person who just can’t keep their mouth shut. You know, the one who spills their deepest secrets to the barista, the cashier, or even the random person sitting next to them on the bus. Oversharers are a unique breed, and while their openness might be endearing at times, it can also be downright cringe-worthy.

1. They tell you about their bowel movements in excruciating detail.

© Milenko Đilas - Veternik

Yes, you read that right. They’ll spare no detail about their morning constitutional, including the colour, consistency, and frequency. They might even whip out their phone to show you a picture of the “evidence.” Seriously, why?

2. They discuss their sex life as if it’s a casual topic like the weather.

Envato Elements

Oversharers have no boundaries when it comes to their romantic encounters. They’ll tell you about their wildest fantasies, their partner’s kinks, and even their most embarrassing bedroom fails. You might find yourself blushing and awkwardly searching for an escape route.

3. They reveal deeply personal medical issues to anyone who will listen.

Vladimirs Poplavskis

From their latest rash to their chronic digestive problems, nothing is off-limits for these oversharers. They’ll describe their symptoms in graphic detail, complete with sound effects, leaving you feeling queasy and wishing you could unhear the whole conversation.

4. They share their financial woes as if they’re auditioning for a sob story.

Envato Elements

They’ll lament about their mountain of debt, their unpaid bills, and their meagre salary. They might even try to guilt-trip you into lending them money or covering the cost of their next meal. All you can think is, “TMI, dude!”

5. They tell you about their relationship drama in real-time, as if you’re their therapist.

Envato Elements

They’ll live-tweet their fights with their partner, their breakups, and their makeups. They’ll dissect every text message and social media post, looking for hidden meanings and clues about their relationship’s future. You’re just an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire of their emotional roller coaster.

6. They reveal embarrassing childhood stories that should have stayed buried.

Source: Pexels

From bed-wetting incidents to awkward first kisses, they’ll recount every cringe-worthy moment from their past. They might even pull out old photos or home videos as “proof.” You’ll find yourself wishing you could travel back in time and prevent them from ever opening their mouth.

7. They share unsolicited opinions about your appearance, your lifestyle, and your choices.

Source: Unsplash

They’ll critique your outfit, your haircut, your weight, your dating life, and even your career path. They might disguise their judgment as “helpful advice,” but it usually comes across as rude and intrusive. You’ll want to politely tell them to mind their own business.

8. They divulge the intimate details of their friends’ and family members’ lives without their consent.

Source: Unsplash

They’ll gossip about their friends’ divorces, their siblings’ addictions, and their parents’ financial troubles. They seem to have no concept of privacy or discretion, and they’ll happily spread rumours and speculation without a second thought. You’ll start to wonder if they can be trusted with any secrets at all.

9. They post every mundane detail of their lives on social media, as if anyone cares.

Source: Unsplash

From what they had for breakfast to their latest gym selfie, they document every waking moment on social media. They’ll even post updates from the bathroom or the doctor’s office, seemingly oblivious to the concept of oversharing. You can’t help but roll your eyes and mute their notifications.

10. They constantly fish for compliments, even when it’s inappropriate.

Source: Unsplash

They’ll post a selfie and then ask, “Do I look okay?” They’ll brag about their accomplishments and then ask, “Am I amazing or what?” They’ll even complain about their problems and then ask, “Am I the worst person ever?” It’s exhausting and a bit pathetic.

11. They tag you in embarrassing photos and posts without your permission.

Source: Unsplash

They’ll tag you in photos from that drunken night out, even though you specifically asked them not to. They’ll post inside jokes or embarrassing nicknames on your wall, oblivious to the fact that your boss or grandma might see it. You’ll cringe every time you get a notification from them.

12. They corner you at social events and talk your ear off, leaving you no escape.

Source: Unsplash

They’ll latch onto you at parties, weddings, or any other gathering, and proceed to tell you their entire life story in one breath. They’ll ignore your subtle hints to move on or talk to someone else. You’ll end up feeling trapped and desperately wishing for a rescue.

13. They send you long, rambling text messages or emails that could have been summarised in two sentences.

Source: Unsplash

They’ll send you paragraphs upon paragraphs about their latest drama, their newest obsession, or their random thoughts. They’ll use excessive emojis and exclamation points, as if their words aren’t enough to convey their excitement. You’ll skim through their messages, trying to extract the main point and wondering why they couldn’t just pick up the phone and call you.