Grief can be overwhelming, but just because we’ve lost someone we love doesn’t mean they’re not still with us.

Sometimes certain things happen that make you wonder if somehow, however impossible it seems, that person is around in spirit. You’re not crazy for thinking it — who’s to say it’s not true? These strange, comforting signs might just be their way of saying, “I’m still here.”
1. You keep seeing their favourite numbers.

Maybe it’s their birthday, the date you lost them, or just a number that held significance to them. You might see it on clocks, licence plates, or receipts. It can feel like more than a coincidence — almost as if they’re giving you a gentle nudge to say hello.
2. Objects seem to move or disappear.

You’re absolutely sure you left your keys on the table, but now they’re on the kitchen counter. Items that were special to them might mysteriously shift or vanish for a bit. It’s as if they’re playfully reminding you of their presence or helping you pay attention to the moment.
3. You smell a familiar scent out of nowhere.

Maybe it’s the faint scent of their perfume, aftershave, or a particular flower they loved. These smells can appear unexpectedly, even when there’s no logical source. It’s like a soft whisper from them, a reminder that their essence is still near.
4. You hear their favourite song at just the right moment.

You’re in the car, thinking about them, and suddenly, their favourite song comes on the radio. Or you’re in a shop, lost in thought, and that song plays in the background. It’s as if they’re reaching out to let you know they’re still around and listening.
5. You feel a sudden, unexplained warmth or chill.

Sometimes, when you’re sitting quietly or thinking about them, you might feel a sudden change in temperature — a wave of warmth or a light chill on your skin. It can feel like an invisible embrace or a gentle brush of their presence.
6. You see a bird, butterfly, or animal behaving unusually.

A bird tapping on your window, a butterfly landing on your hand, or a random animal staring at you longer than usual might seem insignificant, but it can feel like a sign. Many people believe these creatures act as messengers, connecting you to your loved one in spirit.
7. Your dreams feel incredibly real.

Dreams of your lost loved one can be more vivid and real than typical dreams. You might wake up feeling as though you actually spoke with them. These dreams often bring comfort, peace, or even a sense of closure — almost as if they came to visit while you were sleeping.
8. Electronics act up in strange ways.

Your phone rings with no one there, the lights flicker without reason, or the TV turns on by itself. While it might seem spooky, many believe spirits can manipulate energy. These little glitches could be a playful or subtle way of saying, “I’m still with you.”
9. You feel a sudden presence when you’re alone.

You’re sitting quietly, and out of nowhere, you get the feeling that someone is there with you. It’s not frightening — it’s more like a calming sense of being watched over. This could be your loved one’s way of staying close and offering comfort.
10. You find random feathers or coins.

Feathers, particularly white ones, and coins appearing in your path are classic symbols that a loved one might be nearby. These small, unexpected discoveries can feel like messages, as if they’re saying, “I’m still looking out for you.”
11. You experience an unexpected sense of peace.

Grief is heavy, but sometimes, out of nowhere, you’re hit with a wave of peace or calm. It might feel like a quiet reassurance from your loved one. It’s as if they’re letting you know they’re okay — and they want you to be okay, too.
12. You notice shadows or flashes of light.

Maybe you catch a shadow out of the corner of your eye or see an unexplained flash of light. It’s subtle and fleeting, but it catches your attention. Many believe these brief moments are glimpses of the spirit world, reminding you that your loved one is still close.
13. You get a sudden thought or message in your mind.

Sometimes, an unexpected thought, phrase, or memory pops into your head with a clarity that feels different. It might be advice, a comforting phrase, or just a reminder of a shared joke. It’s as though they’re still offering guidance or companionship, even from beyond.