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Some people seem to have an ironclad grip on their beliefs, and they’re not even willing to entertain the possibility that they might be wrong. It’s not always easy to have a healthy debate with someone like that, and they often resort to certain phrases and tactics to shut down any conversation that challenges their world view. Here are some of the classic lines people use to avoid having their beliefs questioned.

1. “That’s just my opinion.”

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Ah, the classic conversation stopper. This phrase is often used to dismiss any opposing viewpoints or evidence. It’s a way of saying, “I’m right, and you’re wrong, and there’s no point in discussing it further.” It’s a bit of a cop-out, isn’t it?

2. “You’re entitled to your opinion.”


This one sounds polite, but it’s often used in a condescending way. It implies that your opinion is somehow less valid than theirs, and that it’s not worth their time or consideration. It’s a passive-aggressive way to shut down a conversation without engaging in actual debate.

3. “I did my research.”

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This phrase is often used as a shield to deflect any further questioning. It implies that they’ve done their due diligence and are therefore infallible. But what if their research is biased, outdated, or simply incorrect? It’s important to remember that everyone has their own biases and sources of information, and it’s always worth exploring different perspectives.

4. “I just know what I know.”

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This one is a real head-scratcher. It’s a vague and dismissive statement that offers no real explanation or justification for their beliefs. It’s essentially saying, “I can’t explain it, but I’m right.” It’s a frustrating response that often leaves you feeling like you’re talking to a brick wall.

5. “It’s common sense.”

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This phrase is often used to shut down any argument that challenges their beliefs. It implies that their viewpoint is so obvious and self-evident that anyone who disagrees must be lacking in common sense. But what’s considered “common sense” can vary greatly depending on one’s background, experiences, and cultural context.

6. “I don’t want to argue about it.”

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This is a classic way to avoid engaging in a healthy debate. It suggests that any disagreement is automatically an argument, and that they’re not interested in having a respectful exchange of ideas. It’s a way to shut down a conversation before it even begins.

7. “You just don’t understand.”

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This phrase is often used to dismiss someone’s perspective as invalid or uninformed. It implies that they have some secret knowledge or insight that you lack, and therefore your opinion doesn’t matter. It’s a condescending and dismissive response that can be incredibly frustrating.

8. “I’m not interested in politics/religion/etc.”

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This is a common way for people to avoid discussing controversial topics. It’s a way to say, “I don’t want to think about it, and I don’t want you to make me think about it.” But avoiding difficult conversations doesn’t make them go away, and it can actually perpetuate ignorance and misunderstanding.

9. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

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This can be a classic deflection tactic when a narcissist is called out. They might feign confusion or act like they have no idea what you’re talking about, even if you’ve presented clear evidence of their behaviour. It’s a way to make you doubt yourself and question your own sanity, effectively shifting the focus away from their own wrongdoing.

9. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

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This statement is a declaration of stubbornness and a refusal to even consider alternative perspectives. It shuts down any possibility of dialogue or growth, as it implies that their mind is made up and there’s no room for new information or ideas. It’s a way of saying, “I’m right, and I don’t care what you have to say about it.”

10. “I’m not religious/spiritual, so I don’t believe in that stuff.”

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While everyone is entitled to their own beliefs (or lack thereof), using this phrase as a way to dismiss spiritual or religious beliefs is dismissive and can be hurtful to those who hold those beliefs dear. It’s important to respect different perspectives, even if you don’t personally agree with them.

11. “It’s always been this way.”

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This phrase often indicates a resistance to change and a reliance on tradition or the status quo. It’s a way of saying, “We’ve always done it this way, so there’s no reason to question it.” But just because something has always been done a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the right or best way. Progress and growth often require challenging outdated traditions and embracing new ideas.

12. “You’re just trying to be politically correct.”

Valerii Honcharuk

This phrase is often used to dismiss concerns about social justice or equality. It implies that those who advocate for change are simply trying to be “politically correct” or overly sensitive, rather than addressing real issues. It’s a way to shut down a conversation and avoid acknowledging the validity of different perspectives.

13. “I don’t have time for this.”

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This phrase is a classic way to brush off a challenging conversation. It suggests that the topic is not important enough to warrant their time and attention. But avoiding difficult conversations doesn’t make them go away, and it can actually perpetuate ignorance and misunderstandings. It’s important to make time for meaningful dialogue and engage with different perspectives, even if it’s uncomfortable.