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Intelligence isn’t just about having a high IQ — in fact, that’s probably the least important element of what it means to be smart.

True brain power is about being able to recognise and avoid behaviours that can hurt not just you, but the people around you as well. After all, there are certain actions and mindsets that can destroy your personal growth and make your life miserable. That’s why genuinely intelligent people avoid doing these toxic things.

1. They don’t dwell on the past.

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Intelligent people understand that the past is just that – the past. While it’s important to learn from past experiences, constantly dwelling on them can be (and usually is) a total waste of time. It prevents you from moving forward and focusing on the present moment. Instead, they use the past as a stepping stone for growth and focus on creating a better future.

2. They don’t compare themselves to anyone else.

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Everyone is on their own unique journey, and comparing yourself to anyone else is a recipe for unhappiness. Intelligent people recognise their own strengths and weaknesses and focus on their own progress, rather than getting caught up in the comparison game. They understand that true fulfilment comes from within, not from external validation.

3. They don’t hold grudges.

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Hanging on to anger and resentment is basically an act of self-sabotage. Intelligent people understand that forgiveness is not about condoning the other person’s actions, but about freeing themselves from the burden of negativity. They choose to let go and move on. This way, they can focus their energy on more positive pursuits.

4. They don’t gossip or talk about people behind their backs.


Gossip is a toxic and petty habit that can damage relationships and create unnecessary drama. Intelligent people understand that spreading rumours or speaking badly about people behind their backs is not only disrespectful but also a waste of time and energy. They choose to focus on making people feel better about themselves and creating positive connections.

5. They don’t avoid difficult conversations.

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Intelligent people understand that avoiding difficult conversations doesn’t make problems go away. In fact, it often makes them worse. They choose to face challenges head-on, communicating openly and honestly with the people involved. They understand that healthy communication is key to resolving conflicts and building stronger relationships.

6. They don’t go looking for validation from anyone else.

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While it’s natural to want to feel accepted and appreciated, relying on external validation for self-worth is a slippery slope. Intelligent people understand that true confidence comes from within. They trust their own judgment and don’t need constant approval from anyone else to feel good about themselves.

7. They don’t waste time on negativity.


Life is too short to be surrounded by negativity. Intelligent people choose to surround themselves with positive people and experiences. They limit their exposure to toxic environments and don’t waste their time on activities or relationships that drain their energy. Instead, they focus on things that bring them joy and fulfilment.

8. They don’t take things personally.

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Intelligent people understand that not everything is about them. They don’t let other people’s opinions or actions define their self-worth. Instead, they focus on their own goals and values, and they don’t let external negativity affect their inner peace. They understand that everyone is fighting their own battles and that it’s important to show compassion and understanding.

9. They don’t make assumptions.

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Intelligent people understand the dangers of jumping to conclusions. They gather all the necessary information before forming an opinion or making a decision. They ask clarifying questions, seek different perspectives, and avoid making assumptions based on limited information. This helps them avoid misunderstandings and make more informed choices.

10. They don’t resist change.

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Change is a natural part of life, and intelligent people embrace it rather than resist it. They understand that change can bring new opportunities and experiences. They are adaptable and willing to adjust their plans or strategies when necessary. They see change as a chance for growth and development, rather than something to be feared.

11. They don’t neglect self-care.

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Intelligent people understand that taking care of themselves is not selfish, but essential. They prioritise their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, knowing that they cannot function at their best if they are not taking care of themselves. They make time for activities that recharge and rejuvenate them, whether it’s exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.

12. They don’t surround themselves with negativity.

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The company we keep can have a significant impact on our mindset and overall well-being. Intelligent people choose to surround themselves with positive, supportive people who uplift and inspire them. They avoid toxic relationships and environments that drain their energy and bring them down. They understand that surrounding themselves with positive energy is essential for personal growth and happiness.

13. They don’t give up on their dreams.

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Intelligent people are resilient and persistent in pursuing their goals. They don’t let setbacks or failures discourage them. Instead, they view them as learning opportunities and use them to fuel their determination. They understand that success often requires hard work, dedication, and the ability to overcome obstacles. They don’t give up on their dreams, even when things get tough.