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We’ve all felt a pang of jealousy at some point. It’s a completely normal human emotion. But some people just can’t hide it, and it seeps into their conversations like an unwelcome guest. Ever wonder if your friend is low-key jealous of your new promotion, or that your partner is a tad envious of your blossoming social life? It’s not always obvious, but there are some telltale signs.

1. They downplay your accomplishments.

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You just got a promotion, and instead of celebrating with you, they say, “Oh, that’s cool, I guess. But the workload must be insane.” They might even bring up their own past achievements to try to one-up you. It’s like they can’t fully acknowledge your success without diminishing it in some way.

2. They make sarcastic or backhanded compliments.

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They might say things like, “Wow, that dress looks great on you…for your body type,” or “You’re so lucky you don’t have to worry about your weight.” These seemingly harmless comments are actually thinly veiled insults that reveal their envy.

3. They change the subject when you talk about your successes.

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You start sharing some exciting news, like landing a new client or booking a dream holiday, and they quickly steer the conversation in another direction. It’s almost as if they don’t want to hear about your good fortune because it makes them feel inadequate.

4. They compare themselves to you constantly.

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They might make comments like, “I wish I had your metabolism,” or “You’re so lucky to have such a supportive partner.” These comparisons are a way for them to express their envy and dissatisfaction with their own lives.

5. They ask probing questions about your achievements.

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Instead of being happy for you, they want to know every detail of your success. They might ask questions like, “How much did you pay for that?” or “Did you really deserve that promotion?” These questions aren’t coming from a place of genuine curiosity, but rather a desire to find flaws or reasons to be less impressed.

6. They offer unsolicited advice or criticism.

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They might say things like, “You should really be careful with that new client. They seem shady,” or “That outfit might be a bit too revealing for a work event.” This unsolicited advice or criticism is often a passive-aggressive way to express their jealousy and make you feel bad about yourself.

7. They’re overly competitive with you.

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Everything becomes a competition, whether it’s who has the better job, the nicer car, or the more exciting social life. They’re constantly trying to one-up you or prove that they’re better than you. This competitiveness can be exhausting and create a toxic dynamic.

8. They make jokes at your expense.

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These jokes might seem harmless on the surface, but they often have a cutting edge to them. They might tease you about your quirks, your insecurities, or your successes. If their jokes consistently leave you feeling hurt or uncomfortable, it’s a sign that their humour might be masking their jealousy.

9. They gossip about people you both know.

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Gossip can be a sneaky way for someone to express their jealousy. If they’re constantly pointing out other people’s flaws and failures, it might be a way for them to feel better about themselves in comparison. It’s as if they’re trying to bring people down to their level instead of celebrating their own achievements.

10. They try to sabotage your happiness.

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This can manifest in subtle ways, like making snide remarks about your new relationship or trying to discourage you from pursuing a new opportunity. They might also try to create drama or conflict in your life, hoping to make you feel less happy and successful.

11. They give you the silent treatment.

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Jealousy can sometimes manifest as passive-aggressive behaviour, like giving you the silent treatment or withdrawing affection. This is their way of punishing you for your success or happiness, even if they don’t consciously realise it. It’s a manipulative tactic designed to make you feel guilty or responsible for their negative emotions.

12. They copy your style or interests.

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Imitation might be the sincerest form of flattery, but when it’s taken to the extreme, it can be a sign of jealousy. If they’re constantly copying your fashion choices, hobbies, or even the way you talk, it might be because they’re trying to emulate your success or steal your spotlight.

13. They express unwarranted concern about your decisions.

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They might try to disguise their jealousy as concern, questioning your choices or decisions even when it’s none of their business. This is their way of undermining your confidence and making you doubt yourself. It’s important to trust your own judgment and not let their negativity sway your decisions.