Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Weekends don’t always have to be about wild nights out and nursing hangovers — I left those behind years ago because I realised I couldn’t pretend I was in my 20s anymore!

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There are plenty of ways to have an amazing time without stepping foot in a club or touching a drop of alcohol. Whether you’re looking to save money, focus on your health, or just fancy a change of pace, here are some ways you can make the most of your days off.

1. Host a board game marathon with your mates.

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Dust off those old board games or invest in some new ones. Invite your friends over for an afternoon (or entire day) of friendly competition. From classic Monopoly to strategy games like Settlers of Catan, there’s something for everyone. Don’t forget to prepare some snacks (or plan on Deliveroo!) to keep the energy high as you battle it out for board game glory.

2. Explore a new hiking trail in your area.

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Lace up your trainers and head out into nature. Look up local hiking trails you haven’t tried before and spend a day exploring the great outdoors. Pack a picnic lunch to enjoy at a scenic spot along the way. Not only will you get some exercise, but you’ll also have a chance to clear your mind and enjoy some fresh air.

3. Have a DIY spa day at home.

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Transform your bathroom into a relaxing oasis. Run a bubble bath, light some scented candles, and put on a face mask. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure, or try out a new hairstyle. Put on some soothing music and spend the day pampering yourself. You’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated without spending a fortune at a fancy spa.

4. Start a mini book club with your friends.

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Pick a book you’ve all been meaning to read and set aside the weekend to dive in. Meet up on Sunday afternoon to discuss your thoughts over tea and biscuits. It’s a great way to stay connected with friends while also expanding your literary horizons. Plus, it gives you a perfect excuse to spend a cosy day curled up with a good book.

5. Try your hand at a new recipe or cuisine.

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Challenge yourself in the kitchen by attempting a dish you’ve never made before. Maybe it’s a complicated pastry you’ve always admired or a cuisine you’ve wanted to try. Spend Saturday shopping for ingredients and Sunday cooking up a storm. Invite some friends over to taste your creation and turn it into a fun dinner party.

6. Have a film festival at home.

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Choose a theme — perhaps all the films of a particular director, or movies set in a specific city — and settle in for a weekend of cinema. Make it special by creating themed snacks to go with each film. You could even dress up in outfits inspired by the movies. It’s like going to the cinema, but in the comfort of your own home.

7. Start a new project or hobby you’ve been putting off.

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Always wanted to learn how to knit? Fancy trying your hand at painting? Use your weekend to dive into a new hobby. Watch some tutorial videos online, gather the necessary supplies, and give it a go. Don’t worry about being perfect — it’s all about enjoying the process of learning something new.

8. Have a technology-free day and reconnect with simple pleasures.

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Turn off your phone, unplug the TV, and step away from your computer. Spend the day rediscovering offline activities. Read a book, write in a journal, play a musical instrument, or simply sit in a park and people-watch. You might be surprised at how refreshing it feels to disconnect from the digital world for a while.

9. Organise a neighbourhood clean-up or community project.

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Get together with your neighbours and spend a day making your community a better place. Organise a litter pick in your local park, plant some flowers in a communal area, or volunteer at a nearby charity shop. It’s a great way to meet new people, give back to your community, and feel good about how you’ve spent your time.

10. Take a day trip to a nearby town or attraction you’ve never visited.

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Become a tourist in your own region. Research interesting places within driving distance that you’ve never been to before. It could be a quaint village, a historical site, or a natural wonder. Pack a picnic, hop in the car (or on a train), and spend the day exploring somewhere new. You might discover hidden gems right on your doorstep.

11. Have an at-home cultural exchange with friends from different backgrounds.

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Invite friends from various cultural backgrounds to share aspects of their heritage. Each person could bring a traditional dish, teach a few words in their language, or share stories about their customs. It’s a fantastic way to broaden your horizons, learn about different cultures, and appreciate the diversity among your friends.

12. Create a mini indoor garden or terrarium.

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Bring a bit of nature indoors by creating your own little garden. You could start an herb garden in your kitchen, create a succulent arrangement, or build a terrarium in a glass container. Not only will you have a fun project for the weekend, but you’ll also have something beautiful to look at and care for in the weeks to come.

13. Have a nostalgic day reliving your childhood favourites.

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Dedicate a day to revisiting the things you loved as a kid. Watch your favourite childhood cartoons, play the video games you were obsessed with, or recreate the snacks your mum used to make for you after school. Invite some friends over to join in and share their own childhood favourites. It’s a fun way to reconnect with your younger self and create new memories with old favourites.

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