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We’ve all had those moments where we roll our eyes at our parents’ seemingly arbitrary rules. Curfews, chores, and restrictions on everything from screen time to snacks felt like a never-ending list of “don’ts.” But looking back, those quirky rules might have shaped us into the awesome people we are today. Who knew that forced family dinners and mandatory thank-you notes could have such a positive impact?

1. No elbows on the table.

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This might seem like a trivial rule, but it instilled a sense of decorum and respect for mealtime. It taught us to be mindful of our manners and to appreciate the shared experience of dining together. While we might have grumbled about it as kids, we now realise it helped us develop good posture and table etiquette that serve us well in social and professional settings.

2. Always write thank-you notes.

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Remember those painstakingly handwritten notes we were forced to write after birthdays and holidays? As tedious as it seemed at the time, it taught us the importance of gratitude and appreciation. It helped us understand that even small gestures of kindness deserve acknowledgement, and it fostered a sense of thoughtfulness and empathy that we carry with us today.

3. No TV during dinner.

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This rule might have seemed like a cruel punishment, but it actually fostered meaningful conversations and stronger family bonds. Without the distraction of the television, we were forced to engage with each other, share stories, and debate the issues of the day. This improved our communication skills and created lasting memories and a sense of connection with our loved ones.

4. You have to eat everything on your plate.

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While this rule might have been a bit extreme, it did teach us not to waste food and to appreciate the effort that goes into preparing a meal. It also exposed us to a wider variety of foods, encouraging us to try new things, even if they didn’t initially appeal to us. This willingness to experiment and step outside our comfort zones has served us well in various aspects of life.

5. Always make your bed in the morning.

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This seemingly mundane chore instilled a sense of discipline and order. It taught us the importance of starting the day with a small accomplishment, setting a positive tone for the rest of our day. While we might have resisted it as kids, we now appreciate the calming effect of a tidy bedroom and the sense of control it brings to our lives.

6. No swearing in the house.

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This rule might have felt restrictive, but it encouraged us to expand our vocabulary and express ourselves creatively. It forced us to find alternative ways to convey our emotions, leading to a richer and more nuanced understanding of language. While we might slip up occasionally, we now realise the power of words and the importance of choosing them wisely.

7. Always offer to help around the house.

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This rule instilled a sense of responsibility and teamwork. It taught us that we’re part of a larger unit, and everyone needs to contribute to its smooth functioning. Whether it was washing dishes, mowing the lawn, or taking out the rubbish, these chores helped us develop a strong work ethic and a willingness to pitch in, even when it wasn’t our favourite thing to do.

8. Always be respectful to your elders.

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This rule might have seemed outdated, but it taught us the importance of honouring the wisdom and experience of those who came before us. It encouraged us to listen to different perspectives, even if we didn’t always agree with them. This respect for authority figures has translated into a respect for diverse opinions and a willingness to learn from those who have more life experience.

9. No phones at the dinner table.

Source: Unsplash

In the age of smartphones, this rule might seem almost revolutionary. But back then, it ensured that mealtimes were dedicated to face-to-face interaction. It taught us to be present with our loved ones, to listen actively, and to engage in meaningful conversations without the constant distraction of notifications and scrolling.

10. Always say please and thank you.

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These two simple words might seem insignificant, but they carry immense weight. By instilling this habit from a young age, our parents taught us the importance of politeness, respect, and gratitude. It helped us understand that even the smallest interactions deserve courtesy and appreciation, and it made us more pleasant individuals to be around.

11. No talking back to adults.

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While this rule might have felt frustrating at times, it taught us to respect authority figures and to choose our words carefully. It encouraged us to think before we spoke, to consider different viewpoints, and to express our opinions respectfully. This has proven invaluable in navigating professional relationships and resolving conflicts in a mature and constructive manner.

12. Always wear clean underwear in case you get into an accident.

Valerii Honcharuk

This seemingly bizarre rule might have elicited a few giggles, but it had a surprisingly practical purpose. It taught us to be prepared for the unexpected and to take care of our personal hygiene, even when no one was watching. While we might not always follow this rule to the letter, it did instil a sense of responsibility for our own well-being and a healthy respect for cleanliness.

13. Always try your best, even if you don’t succeed.

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This rule might seem like a cliché, but it instilled a growth mindset and a resilience that have served us well in life. It taught us that failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone to success. By encouraging us to persevere, even when faced with challenges, our parents helped us develop a strong work ethic, a determination to overcome obstacles, and a belief in our own abilities.