Discovering that someone in your family may have psychopathic traits can be deeply unsettling.

While that might sound a tad dramatic, it refers to a specific set of behaviours and personality traits, such as a lack of empathy, manipulative tendencies, and impulsivity. And while, in isolation, these traits don’t necessarily mean that you’re related to a psychopath, if a majority of these qualities and behaviours apply to them, you might start to question whether a proper diagnosis needs to be made.
1. They show no remorse for their actions.

When they hurt someone, whether physically or emotionally, they don’t seem to care. They may dismiss your feelings, shift blame, or act like nothing happened. Unlike most people, who feel guilt or regret after wrongdoing, a family member with psychopathic traits is often indifferent to the pain they cause.
2. They lie constantly, even when there’s no need.

They lie about things big and small, even when the truth would be perfectly acceptable. Their dishonesty is not just about getting out of trouble; it’s often a way to manipulate or control people. The constant stream of half-truths and outright lies can leave you feeling confused and unsure of reality.
3. They’re incredibly manipulative.

They always seem to have a hidden agenda and know exactly how to push people’s buttons to get what they want. They may use guilt, charm, or intimidation to control situations and people. Their manipulations are often subtle and persistent, making it difficult to spot until you’re deeply entangled.
4. They lack empathy for anyone.

One of the most defining traits of a psychopath is a lack of empathy. They struggle to understand or care about how other people feel. If someone in your family seems unfazed by other people’s suffering or emotions — even in situations where compassion is expected — this could be a red flag.
5. They’re charming, but superficially so.

They can be incredibly charismatic, charming, and persuasive, especially when they want something. This charm, however, often feels shallow or calculated. They might switch it on and off depending on the situation, making their behaviour feel inconsistent or insincere.
6. They engage in reckless or impulsive behaviour.

They often act without thinking about the consequences, whether it’s with money, relationships, or personal safety. Their thrill-seeking or reckless actions may put themselves or other people in danger, but they seem unconcerned by the risks. Their impulsivity can create chaos within the family.
7. They have a history of violent outbursts or aggression.

While not all psychopaths are violent, frequent aggressive behaviour can be a sign. If they lash out physically or verbally, especially over minor issues, it may indicate a lack of emotional control. Their aggression is often disproportionate to the situation and can make people feel unsafe.
8. They exploit people for personal gain.

They see people as tools or stepping stones to achieve their goals. They may take advantage of family members financially, emotionally, or socially. Once they’ve got what they want, they often discard people without a second thought, leaving you feeling used and betrayed.
9. They have no respect for rules or boundaries.

They tend to disregard family rules, social norms, or even laws. They may think the rules don’t apply to them and react with anger or disdain when held accountable. Their lack of respect for boundaries can create constant conflict within the family.
10. They regularly gaslight or undermine people.

Gaslighting — making people doubt their perceptions or sanity — is a common tactic. They might say, “You’re imagining things,” or “You’re too sensitive,” after doing something hurtful. It seriously undermines your confidence and makes you question your reality, giving them more control over you.
11. They’re overly arrogant or have a sense of superiority.

They believe they’re smarter, better, or more deserving than everyone else. Their arrogance can manifest as belittling people, bragging excessively, or refusing to acknowledge anyone else’s achievements. Their inflated sense of self-worth can create a toxic family dynamic.
12. They’re emotionally cold or distant.

They rarely show genuine warmth, affection, or vulnerability. Their emotional responses often seem calculated or hollow, even during important family moments. Such emotional distance can make it hard to connect with them, leaving you feeling rejected or unimportant.
13. They blame everyone else for their problems.

Nothing is ever their fault. If something goes wrong, they point fingers, make excuses, or create elaborate stories to avoid responsibility. Their refusal to accept accountability can be incredibly frustrating and often creates tension within the family.
14. They thrive on creating drama and chaos.

They seem to enjoy stirring up conflict, playing people against each other, or creating tension. They may spread rumours, reveal secrets, or manufacture crises. The constant drama keeps everyone off balance and gives them a sense of power or control.