Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

You obviously know when you’re feeling depressed or anxious, but some mental health issues can be a lot more subtle.

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After all, most of us don’t suddenly wake up one morning feeling absolutely dreadful — it’s usually a more gradual process that can sneak up on us if we don’t know what we’re looking for. If you notice these signs, however, you’re on a slippery slope to poor mental health. Don’t ignore them!

1. You’re struggling to get out of bed in the morning.

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We all have mornings when we’d rather stay under the duvet, but if you’re consistently finding it nearly impossible to face the day, it might be a sign of something more serious. A constant lack of motivation or feeling overwhelmed by your normal daily tasks could mean your mental health is in trouble.

2. Your eating habits have changed dramatically.

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Whether you’re eating much more or much less than usual, major changes in appetite can be a red flag. Comfort eating or losing interest in food entirely might be your body’s way of coping with stress or emotional turmoil. Pay attention to these shifts in your eating patterns.

3. You’re isolating yourself from friends and family.

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If you find yourself constantly making excuses to avoid social interactions, even with people you usually enjoy spending time with, it could be a sign that your mental health is suffering. While alone time is important, excessive isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and depression.

4. Your sleep patterns are all over the place.

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Trouble falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, or sleeping excessively can all be indicators of poor mental health. Sleep and mental health are closely linked, so disruptions in your sleep pattern shouldn’t be ignored.

5. You’re finding it hard to concentrate.

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If you’re struggling to focus on tasks that used to be easy for you, or if you’re constantly feeling scattered and forgetful, it might be more than just everyday stress. Difficulty concentrating can be a symptom of various mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.

6. You’re experiencing unexplained physical symptoms.

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Mental health problems can manifest physically. Headaches, stomach issues, or general aches and pains that can’t be explained by other health conditions could be your body’s way of signalling that your mental health needs attention. Don’t dismiss these physical symptoms.

7. Your mood swings are more intense than usual.

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While it’s normal to experience a range of emotions, if you find yourself having extreme mood swings or feeling irritable more often than not, it could be a sign that your mental health is on the down slide. Pay attention to sudden outbursts or feelings of anger that seem disproportionate to the situation.

8. You’re relying more on alcohol or other substances.

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If you find yourself reaching for a drink or other substances more frequently to cope with daily life, it’s a cause for concern. While these might provide temporary relief, they can worsen mental health issues in the long run and lead to addiction problems.

9. You’re neglecting your personal hygiene.

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When mental health goes downhill, self-care often takes a back seat. If you’re skipping showers, not brushing your teeth regularly, or wearing the same clothes for days on end, it might be a sign that you’re struggling to take care of yourself due to poor mental health.

10. You’re experiencing persistent feelings of hopelessness.

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If you frequently feel like things will never get better or that there’s no point in trying, it’s a serious red flag. Persistent hopelessness is often a sign of depression and shouldn’t be ignored. Remember, these feelings aren’t a reflection of reality, but of how your mind is currently processing things.

11. Your work performance is suffering.

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If you’re usually on top of your work but are now missing deadlines, making uncharacteristic mistakes, or struggling to complete tasks, it could be due to declining mental health. Mental health issues can significantly impact your ability to focus and perform at work.

12. You’re having recurring negative thoughts.


If you find yourself stuck in a loop of negative thinking, constantly berating yourself or imagining worst-case scenarios, it’s a sign that your mental health might be suffering. These intrusive thoughts can be exhausting and can further impact your mental well-being if not addressed.

13. You’ve lost interest in things you used to enjoy.

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If your favourite hobbies or activities no longer bring you joy, you might not be feeling your best. Your loss of interest, also known as anhedonia, is a common symptom of depression. It’s not just feeling bored; it’s a persistent lack of enjoyment in things that once made you happy.

14. You’re experiencing panic attacks or increased anxiety.

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If you’re suddenly experiencing panic attacks or feeling more anxious than usual in everyday situations, it’s a clear sign that your mental health needs attention. Increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, or feeling of impending doom are all symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored.