Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

The decisions you make on a daily basis affect your overall life more than you realise.

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We all want to be happy and successful, but are we making the right choices on a daily basis to make that outcome more likely? Here are some decisions you can make every single day that will make your life fulfilling, inspiring, and admirable to everyone around you.

1. Choose to lead with kindness.

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Choosing kindness in how you treat people has a ripple effect. It can turn a bad day around for someone else and improve your relationships. It’s not always easy, but a little bit can go a long way. And the best part? It often comes back to you in unexpected ways.

2. Prioritise personal growth.

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Keep learning and growing, whether it’s through reading, trying new things, or picking up a new skill. You don’t need to become the smartest person in the room—it’s about staying curious and constantly improving. Personal growth keeps you engaged with life and makes tackling challenges feel more doable.

3. Be more grateful for the little things.

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Take a moment to appreciate the good stuff in your life. It could be anything—the return of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, a text from a friend, or just having a comfy bed. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s missing to what you already have, which can do wonders for your happiness.

4. Own your actions.

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It’s easy to point fingers when things go wrong, but taking responsibility puts you in control of making things better. It doesn’t mean you have to beat yourself up, but recognising your role in situations helps you grow and move forward with confidence.

5. Invest in meaningful relationships.

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The people who matter most deserve your time and energy. Whether it’s family, friends, or a partner, meaningful relationships bring joy and support. Be present and show genuine interest in the people you care about. It’s these connections that truly make life rich.

6. Set goals that matter.

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Having goals gives your life direction. Whether it’s in your career or personal life, setting meaningful goals keeps you moving forward. Break them into manageable steps, and remember to enjoy the journey. Achieving a goal feels great, but growing along the way is just as rewarding.

7. Practise forgiveness.

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Holding on to anger only hurts you. Letting go of grudges doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing bad behaviour—it’s about freeing yourself from negative emotions. Forgiving someone can be tough, but it lightens your emotional load and helps you find peace.

8. Be your authentic self.

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Stop worrying about fitting into what other people expect and start embracing who you are. Being true to yourself builds confidence and attracts people who like the real you. It’s more rewarding to live authentically than to constantly try to please everyone else.

9. Take care of yourself.

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Your health (both mental and physical) matters, so don’t skimp on self-care. Eat well, move your body, get enough sleep, and make time for yourself. When you’re feeling good physically and mentally, it’s easier to handle whatever life throws at you—and you’ll have more to give to other people, too.

10. Choose to be positive.

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You won’t always feel happy, but you can choose to approach things with a positive attitude. It’s not about ignoring problems—it’s about seeing them as challenges you can overcome. Positivity makes you more resilient and easier to be around, which benefits both you and those close to you.

11. Live with integrity.

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Being honest, keeping promises, and standing up for what you believe in makes you trustworthy and respected. Living in line with your values isn’t always easy, but it gives you peace of mind and strengthens your relationships with those who admire your integrity.

12. Keep learning.

Stay curious and never stop learning, whether it’s about the world, new skills, or different perspectives. Learning keeps life exciting and helps you adapt to whatever comes your way. It’s the key to staying sharp and open-minded as the world around you changes.

13. Be mindful.

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Pay attention to the present moment instead of stressing about the future or dwelling on the past. Practising mindfulness helps reduce stress and makes life more enjoyable. Whether it’s focusing on your breath or enjoying a meal, being present helps you appreciate the small joys in life.

14. Give back.

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Helping other people gives your life meaning and connects you to something bigger. Whether it’s volunteering or lending a hand to a friend, contributing to your community makes the world a better place—and it often makes you feel happier, too.

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