David Pereiras

We all know that one person who seems to have it all together. They’re always talking about their latest accomplishments, healthy habits, and perfect life. But let’s be real, sometimes people tend to exaggerate a little (or a lot). Here are some common things people claim to do, but don’t really do.

1. “I never miss a workout.”

David Pereiras

Sure, they might hit the gym a few times a week, but “never” is a strong word. Life happens, schedules get busy, and sometimes Netflix is just too tempting. Don’t beat yourself up if you skip a workout occasionally. Consistency is key, but it’s okay to take a break sometimes.

2. “I read a book a week.”

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This might be true for some literary fanatics, but for most of us, it’s a bit of a stretch. Between work, social commitments, and binge-watching the latest series, finding time to read can be a challenge. Even if you only manage a few pages a day, it’s still progress.

3. “I always cook my meals from scratch.”

Source: Unsplash

Homemade meals are great, but let’s be honest, sometimes takeaway is just easier. And there’s no shame in that. Whether it’s a busy weeknight or you just don’t feel like cooking, don’t feel guilty about opting for convenience every now and then.

4. “I’m always early.”

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Sure, punctuality is a virtue, but even the most organised people run late sometimes. Traffic jams, wardrobe malfunctions, or simply losing track of time can happen to anyone. Don’t stress if you’re not always the first one to arrive.

5. “I never watch TV.”

Liubomyr Vorona

In the age of streaming services and endless entertainment options, this claim is pretty hard to believe. While some people might limit their screen time, most of us enjoy indulging in a good show or film every now and then. It’s all about finding a healthy balance.

6. “I’m always positive.”


Life is full of ups and downs, and it’s unrealistic to expect anyone to be positive all the time. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or frustrated sometimes. Acknowledging your emotions is a healthy way to cope with stress and challenges.

7. “I never procrastinate.”

Envato Elements

Procrastination is a universal struggle. Even the most productive people have moments where they put things off until the last minute. It’s important to be aware of your procrastination tendencies and try to find strategies to overcome them, but don’t beat yourself up if you slip up sometimes.

8. “I’m always up for anything.”

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While spontaneity can be fun, it’s okay to say no sometimes. You don’t have to agree to every invitation or activity. It’s important to prioritise your own needs and well-being.

9. “I’m a morning person.”

Envato Elements

While some people genuinely thrive in the early hours, many of us hit the snooze button more times than we’d like to admit. If you find yourself struggling to get out of bed before noon, you might not be as much of a morning person as you claim. Embrace your inner night owl and don’t force yourself into a schedule that doesn’t work for you.

10. “I’m always on top of my emails.”

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With the constant influx of emails, it’s nearly impossible to stay on top of them all. Unless you’re some kind of email ninja, chances are you have a few unread messages (or a few hundred) lurking in your inbox. Don’t stress about achieving inbox zero, just try to stay organised and respond to important messages in a timely manner.

11. “I’m not addicted to my phone.”

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In today’s digital age, it’s easy to become overly reliant on our phones. If you find yourself constantly checking social media, scrolling through news feeds, or playing games, you might be more attached to your phone than you realise. Try setting limits on your screen time and engaging in activities that don’t involve your phone.

12. “I drink eight glasses of water a day.”

Source: Unsplash

Staying hydrated is important, but eight glasses might not be the magic number for everyone. Your individual water needs depend on various factors like your activity level, climate, and overall health, the Mayo Clinic explains. Listen to your body’s cues and drink when you’re thirsty.

13. “I never lose my temper.”

Source: Unsplash

Everyone gets angry sometimes. It’s a natural human emotion. If you claim to never lose your temper, you’re probably suppressing your anger, which can be unhealthy. It’s okay to express your anger in a healthy and constructive way.

14. “I’m always organised.”

Source: Unsplash

Even the most organised people have moments of chaos. Messy desks, cluttered closets, and forgotten appointments are a part of life. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not always perfectly organised. Focus on finding systems that work for you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.