Myron Standret

Love is grand, but not when it morphs into something suffocating. You know, the kind where your partner starts acting less like a boyfriend and more like a guard dog. If that sounds familiar, it’s time to pay attention. Possessiveness is a sneaky beast, creeping in slowly with seemingly harmless gestures before tightening its grip. But recognising the early signs is crucial to protecting yourself. Here are a few red flags that could signal a possessive partner.

1. He constantly texts or calls when you’re apart.

Myron Standret

It’s sweet to get a “thinking of you” text, but when it turns into a barrage of messages and calls every time you’re not together, it’s not about affection anymore. It’s about control. He wants to know where you are, who you’re with, and what you’re doing at all times. If you feel like you need to report your every move, that’s a major red flag.

2. He gets jealous easily and frequently.

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A little jealousy is normal in any relationship, but a possessive man takes it to the extreme. He might get upset if you talk to other guys, even if it’s just a friendly conversation. He might accuse you of flirting or even cheating, even if there’s no reason to. This kind of jealousy can be suffocating and damaging to your self-esteem.

3. He doesn’t like it when you spend time with your friends or family.

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A healthy relationship involves a balance of time spent together and time spent apart, but a possessive man wants to be the centre of your world, and he’ll try to isolate you from your loved ones. He might make snide comments about your friends, discourage you from seeing your family, or even try to start arguments when you have plans with people.

4. He wants to know your passwords and check your phone.

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Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, but a possessive man doesn’t trust you. He might demand your passwords, check your phone without your permission, or even track your location. This kind of behaviour is invasive and disrespectful, and it’s a sign that he doesn’t see you as an equal partner.

5. He criticises your appearance or choices. - #1428006

A possessive man wants to control every aspect of your life, including how you look and what you do. He might criticise your clothes, your hair, your makeup, or even your friends. He might try to tell you what you should wear, who you should hang out with, or what you should do with your life. This kind of criticism is designed to undermine your confidence and make you more dependent on him.

6. He makes all the decisions in the relationship.

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A healthy relationship is a partnership, where both people have a say in decisions. But a possessive man wants to be in charge, and he’ll make all the decisions without consulting you. He might decide where you go on dates, what you eat for dinner, or even what you should do for a living. This kind of behaviour is controlling and disrespectful, and it can leave you feeling powerless.

7. He guilt-trips you or makes you feel bad when you don’t do what he wants.

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A possessive man is skilled at manipulating your emotions to get what he wants. He might guilt-trip you for spending time with your friends, accuse you of not caring about him if you don’t want to have sex, or even threaten to break up with you if you don’t do what he says. This kind of emotional manipulation is toxic and can leave you feeling confused, trapped, and unsure of yourself.

8. He gets angry or violent when he feels threatened or insecure.

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This is the most dangerous sign of a possessive man. If he gets angry or violent when he feels like he’s losing control, it’s a sign that he’s incapable of a healthy relationship. This kind of behaviour is abusive and can escalate quickly. If you ever feel threatened or unsafe, it’s important to get help immediately.

9. He accuses you of things you didn’t do.

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A possessive man often projects his own insecurities onto you. He might accuse you of flirting with other men, even if you weren’t, or of wanting to leave him, even if you’ve never given him a reason to think that. These accusations are not only hurtful, but they’re also a way for him to control you by making you feel guilty and defensive.

10. He makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells.

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Do you feel like you have to constantly watch what you say and do around him, lest you trigger his jealousy or anger? This is a classic sign of a possessive partner. You shouldn’t have to censor yourself or tiptoe around your own boyfriend. A healthy relationship is one where you can be yourself without fear of reprisal.

11. He tries to isolate you from your support system.


A possessive man wants to be the only person you rely on. He might try to turn you against your friends and family, make it difficult for you to see them, or even try to convince you that they’re bad for you. This is a way for him to control you and make you more dependent on him.

12. He puts down your accomplishments or interests.

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A possessive man doesn’t want you to be too independent or successful. He might belittle your achievements, make fun of your hobbies, or discourage you from pursuing your goals. This is a way for him to keep you feeling small and insecure so that you’ll be less likely to leave him.

13. He constantly checks up on you.

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Whether it’s through texts, calls, or social media, a possessive man will always want to know where you are and what you’re doing. He might ask for detailed accounts of your day, demand to know who you’re with, or even show up unannounced to check on you. This kind of behaviour is invasive and can make you feel like you’re being watched.

14. He threatens to hurt himself if you leave.

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This is a desperate and manipulative tactic that possessive men sometimes use to keep their partners from leaving. If your boyfriend ever threatens to hurt himself or someone else if you break up with him, take it seriously. This is a sign of emotional instability and a potential for violence. Seek help immediately if you feel threatened or unsafe.