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Being in touch with your inner child is meant to be a positive thing, but if that kid is hogging the spotlight too much, that’s a problem.

At some point, it really is important to grow up. That doesn’t mean becoming boring, it just means learning how to find some balance so that you can still enjoy life while also handling your responsibilities. Here are some signs you’re not quite there yet.

1. You have a meltdown when things don’t go your way.

Envato Elements

Whether you missed the Tube or spilled your Pret latte on the way to work, these are minor inconveniences, not the end of the world. If you find yourself throwing a tantrum over every little thing, it might be a sign that you haven’t quite mastered the art of emotional regulation. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and try to find a solution instead of throwing a fit.

2. You ghost people when you’re upset.

Envato Elements

Communication is key in any relationship, whether it’s with friends, family, or romantic partners. If you disappear when you’re upset, you’re not giving them a chance to understand or support you. Try talking things out instead of going AWOL. You might be surprised at how much better you feel.

3. You’re always desperate for other people to validate you.

Stefano Tinti

It’s nice to hear compliments and feel appreciated, but your self-worth shouldn’t hinge on other people’s opinions. If you’re constantly seeking validation through likes, comments, or reassurance from other people, it might be a sign that you need to work on building your self-esteem from within.

4. You refuse to accept responsibility for your mistakes.

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We all mess up sometimes, it’s part of being human. But if you’re always pointing the finger at someone else for your own mistakes, you’re not taking responsibility for your actions. Owning up to your errors is a sign of maturity and growth.

5. You can’t handle criticism without getting defensive.

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Constructive criticism can be a valuable tool for personal development, but if you always take it personally and lash out, you’re missing out on a chance to learn and improve. Try to see feedback as an opportunity for growth, not a personal attack.

6. You make impulsive decisions you later regret.

Valerii Honcharuk

That spontaneous tattoo, the last-minute road trip, the impulse purchase you couldn’t resist – we’ve all been there. But if your life is a series of impulsive decisions followed by regrets, it might be time to slow down and think things through a bit more.

7. You have trouble setting boundaries.

Envato Elements

Saying “yes” to everything, even when you don’t want to, can lead to burnout and resentment. Learning to say “no” politely but firmly is an essential skill for mature adults. It’s about respecting your own time and energy, and it’s not selfish – it’s healthy.

8. You hold grudges for far too long.

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Walking around full of anger and resentment hurts you more than anyone else. Learn to forgive, not for their sake, but for your own peace of mind. Letting go of grudges frees you to move on and focus on the positive aspects of your life.

9. You discuss people behind their backs (and not in a nice way).


Gossiping might seem like harmless fun, but it can be hurtful and damaging to relationships. If you’re constantly talking about other people’s lives behind their backs, it’s time to take a step back and consider the impact of your words. Focus on building people up, not tearing them down.

10. You compare yourself to your peers constantly.

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Social media can make it easy to fall into the comparison trap, but constantly measuring yourself against other people will undoubtedly make you miserable. Remember that everyone’s journey is different, and your worth isn’t determined by how many likes or followers you have. Focus on your own goals and celebrate your unique strengths.

11. You avoid difficult conversations.


Conflict is a part of life, and avoiding it doesn’t make it go away. If you’re constantly sweeping issues under the rug or avoiding difficult conversations, you’re not addressing the underlying problems. Learning to communicate effectively, even when it’s uncomfortable, is a crucial part of mature relationships.

12. You make excuses instead of taking action.

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“I’m too tired,” “I don’t have time,” “It’s too hard” – these are classic excuses that can hold you back from achieving your goals. Instead of making excuses, focus on finding solutions. Take small steps, break down big tasks into manageable chunks, and celebrate your progress along the way.

13. You don’t take care of your health.

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Your body is your temple, so treat it with respect. Eating junk food, neglecting exercise, and not getting enough sleep can all have serious consequences for your health and well-being. Taking care of your physical health is an act of self-love and a crucial part of maturing into a responsible adult.

14. You’re addicted to your phone.

Source: Unsplash

If you can’t go more than a few minutes without checking your phone, scrolling through social media, or playing games, it might be time for a digital detox. Constantly being plugged in can distract you from the present moment, hinder your ability to focus, and even damage your relationships. Set boundaries with your phone usage and make time for real-life interactions and activities.