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There are some people in the world whose presence is just effortless and magnetic.

Naturally, charming people don’t have any secret tricks up their sleeve to pull people in. Instead, they just practise a few basic habits that make themselves far more likeable and make everyone want to be around them. Here are just a few things they do that you can adopt in your own life.

1. They know how to open their ears and listen to people.

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They’re not distracted and thinking of what they’ll say when the other person stops talking. They actually engage in conversations, giving their full attention to the person they’re talking to. They make eye contact, nod along, and ask meaningful questions, showing genuine interest in what the other person has to say. This makes people feel heard and valued, creating a deeper connection.

2. They make people feel important.

Envato Elements

Charming people have a knack for making people feel special and appreciated. They give genuine compliments, remember details about people’s lives, and show genuine interest in their stories. They create a sense of warmth and inclusivity, making everyone around them feel like they belong.

3. They’re confident, but not up themselves.

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Confidence is attractive, but arrogance is a turn-off. Charming people know how to strike the right balance. They believe in themselves and their abilities, but they don’t brag or put people down. They’re comfortable in their own skin and don’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone.

4. They have a great sense of humour.

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Laughter is a powerful tool for connection and charm. Naturally charming people know how to use it to break the ice, defuse tension, and make people feel at ease. They tell funny stories, crack jokes, and don’t take themselves too seriously. Their laughter is infectious and draws people to them.

5. They actually give a crap about other people.

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They’re curious about the world and the people in it. They ask questions, listen attentively, and try to understand different perspectives. They’re not just focused on themselves; they genuinely are keen to know more about people and build meaningful connections.

6. They mind their body language.

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Non-verbal cues play a significant role in charm. Charming people often have open postures, maintain good eye contact, and smile genuinely. They use their body language to convey warmth, approachability, and interest, making people feel comfortable and welcome in their presence.

7. They’re always their authentic selves — they never fake it.

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People can spot a fake person a mile away. Charming people are authentic and true to themselves. They don’t try to be someone they’re not or put on a façade. They’re comfortable with their flaws and imperfections, and they don’t shy away from showing their vulnerability. This genuineness is refreshing and endearing.

8. They know how to pick up on social cues.

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Charming people are adept at picking up on subtle social cues. They can sense when someone is uncomfortable, needs support, or wants to change the subject. This allows them to adjust their behaviour accordingly and navigate social situations with grace and tact.

9. They’re generous when it comes to compliments.


Charming people understand the power of positive reinforcement. They happily give comments and applaud people for their achievements. They make people feel good about themselves, which in turn makes them feel good about the person who gave them the compliment.

10. They don’t get awkward when there’s a bit of silence.

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Unlike those who feel the need to fill every pause with chatter, charming people are comfortable with silence. They understand that sometimes the most meaningful connections happen in the quiet moments. They’re not afraid to let a conversation breathe or to simply enjoy each other’s company without the need for constant noise.

11. They know how to tell a good story.

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Storytelling is a captivating skill that can make anyone more charming. They know how to weave anecdotes, personal experiences, or even jokes into engaging narratives. They captivate their audience, creating a shared experience and leaving a lasting impression.

12. They have a positive outlook on life.


Charming people tend to see the good in people and situations. They approach challenges with optimism and resilience. Their positive energy is contagious and draws people to them. They inspire hope and motivate those around them to see the brighter side of things.

13. They respect beliefs and opinions that don’t match their own.

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Even when they disagree with someone, charming people remain respectful. They listen to opposing viewpoints, ask questions to understand, and avoid getting into heated arguments. They value diversity of thought and create an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions.

14. They’re comfortable in their own skin.

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Charming people don’t feel the need to conform to societal expectations or follow trends. They embrace their quirks, celebrate their differences, and are unapologetically themselves. This authenticity shines through and makes them all the more magnetic and appealing to other people.