Envato Elements

Some people just seem to breeze through life.

They’re the ones who don’t get flustered when their coffee order is wrong or stressed out over a delayed flight? They’ve mastered the art of not sweating the small stuff, and it’s not just luck. These people have cultivated habits that help them navigate life’s curveballs with grace and composure. As it turns out, so can you.

1. They focus on what they can control.

Envato Elements

Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. But dwelling on things you can’t change, like the weather or traffic, is a recipe for frustration. These people have learned to accept what they can’t control and focus their energy on what they can, like their attitude and how they respond to challenges.

2. They practice gratitude.

Source: Unsplash

Instead of focusing on what’s going wrong, they make a conscious effort to appreciate what’s going right. They take time each day to reflect on the good things in their life, whether it’s a delicious meal, a supportive friend, or a beautiful sunset. This helps them cultivate a positive mindset and reduce stress.

3. They don’t take things personally.

Source: Unsplash

When someone cuts them off in traffic or makes a snarky comment, they don’t let it ruin their day. They understand that everyone has bad days and that other people’s actions are often not about them. They choose to let go of the negativity and move on.

4. They live in the present moment.

Envato Elements

Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, they focus on the here and now. They savour each experience, whether it’s enjoying a cup of coffee or spending time with loved ones. By being present, they reduce stress and increase their enjoyment of life.

5. They have a good sense of humour.

Source: Unsplash
Unsplash/Tabitha Turner

Laughter is truly the best medicine. These people know how to find the funny side of even the most challenging situations. They don’t take themselves too seriously and can laugh at their own mistakes. Humour helps them lighten up and keep things in perspective.

6. They prioritize self-care.

Source: Unsplash

They understand that taking care of themselves is essential for their well-being. They make time for activities that nourish their body and mind, like exercise, healthy eating, meditation, and spending time in nature. When they feel good, they’re better equipped to handle life’s challenges.

7. They set realistic expectations.

Source: Unsplash

They know that life isn’t perfect, and that things won’t always go their way. They set realistic expectations for themselves and other people, which helps them avoid disappointment and frustration. They understand that setbacks are a natural part of life and an opportunity for growth.

8. They choose their battles wisely.

smiling man in blue t-shirt outsideSource: Unsplash

They don’t get caught up in every little conflict or disagreement. They know that some things just aren’t worth fighting over. They save their energy for the issues that truly matter and let the rest go. This helps them avoid unnecessary stress and drama.

9. They practice forgiveness.

Source: Unsplash

Holding on to grudges is like drinking poison and hoping the other person gets sick. They understand this and choose to forgive, both themselves and other people, for mistakes and shortcomings. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning the behaviour, but rather, freeing themselves from the burden of anger and resentment.

10. They embrace flexibility.

smiling woman with hand in hairSource: Unsplash

Life rarely goes according to plan. These people understand this and embrace change and uncertainty. They adapt to unexpected situations with ease and don’t get hung up on rigid expectations. Their flexibility allows them to navigate life’s twists and turns without getting derailed by minor setbacks.

11. They practice mindfulness.

man smilingSource: Unsplash

They are aware of their thoughts and emotions without judgment. They observe their reactions to stress and triggers, allowing them to respond more thoughtfully rather than react impulsively. Mindfulness helps them stay grounded and centred, even in the midst of chaos.

12. They have a strong support system.

friends sitting together at restaurant tableSource: Unsplash

They surround themselves with positive, supportive people who lift them up and encourage them. They aren’t afraid to reach out for help when they need it and offer the same support to other people. Having a strong network of loved ones helps them navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience.

13. They focus on solutions, not problems.

serious guy smiling outsideSource: Unsplash

When faced with a challenge, they don’t waste time complaining or dwelling on the negative. Instead, they brainstorm solutions and take action. Their proactive approach helps them overcome obstacles more quickly and efficiently, without getting bogged down in worry or self-doubt.

14. They celebrate small victories.

Source: Unsplash

They don’t wait for major milestones to feel good about themselves. They celebrate even the smallest accomplishments, recognizing that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. This positive reinforcement fuels their motivation and keeps them moving forward, one step at a time.