Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Being in a new relationship is exciting, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of neglecting your social circle.

There’s nothing more annoying than enjoying the single life with a friend and creating a strong bond, only for her to disappear the minute she gets a partner. Suddenly, she no longer has time to hang, and she acts like she barely has five seconds to even answer your texts. And that’s not even the most annoying thing she does!

1. She cancels plans to fit around her new partner’s schedule.

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When she starts ditching long-standing plans with friends just because her partner’s schedule changed, it’s a major red flag. It leaves friends feeling like they’re second-best and can put a real strain on those long-term friendships. Nobody likes feeling like they’ve been pushed down the priority list.

2. She never reaches out anymore.

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If she suddenly stops texting or calling like she used to, it’s a sign that her focus is narrowing to her relationship. You might notice fewer messages, fewer check-ins, and less effort to stay connected. This can cause a slow drift in the friendship, even if she doesn’t realise it’s happening.

3. She only hangs out with other couples now.

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When she starts only spending time with couples and leaving her single or differently situated friends behind, it can feel pretty isolating. Socialising exclusively with other pairs can make friends who aren’t coupled up feel left out or like they don’t fit into her new world.

4. Every conversation turns into a discussion about her new partner.

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I get it, you’re in love—but when every conversation revolves around her relationship, it can get exhausting for friends. This habit can make people feel like their lives don’t matter as much and that their experiences are being sidelined in favour of relationship talk.

5. She’s never there when you need her anymore.

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If she’s always too distracted or busy to offer emotional support when her friends need it, it can be damaging. Friendships require mutual support, and just because she’s in a relationship doesn’t mean she should stop being there for her friends when they need her most.

6. She skips out on girls’ night.

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Constantly turning down girls’ nights or female bonding activities because she’d rather hang out with her partner can create distance. These moments with friends are important for staying connected, and skipping them regularly can leave her missing out on key support systems.

7. She doesn’t share much about her life anymore.

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When she suddenly keeps everything to herself or only shares personal details with her partner, it can create a divide. Friendships thrive on openness and vulnerability, and when someone withdraws from that, it’s hard to maintain that same closeness.

8. She starts adopting all of her partner’s interests.

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If she suddenly abandons the interests you once shared and adopts her partner’s hobbies instead, it can lead to a loss of identity. Friends might feel like they’re losing the person they used to know, and it can leave little common ground to connect on.

9. She takes ages to reply to your texts.

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If she’s suddenly taking forever to respond to messages or barely replies at all, it’s a sign she’s shifted her priorities. Friends notice when they’re being left on read, and it can lead to a breakdown in communication over time.

10. She skips out on important moments in your life.

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When she starts missing key events like your birthday or major life milestones because she’s prioritising her relationship, it stings. Those are the times friends need each other the most, and her absence can leave a real mark on the friendship.

11. She relies on her partner for everything.

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If she’s only turning to her partner for emotional support and validation, she’s missing out on the different perspectives and support her friends offer. Over-relying on one person for all emotional needs isn’t healthy, and it often leaves friendships feeling neglected.

12. She shuts down your concerns about her relationship.

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When friends have genuine concerns about her relationship and she either dismisses them or gets defensive, it creates tension. Ignoring your input or being unwilling to hear out the people who care about her most isn’t a good sign.

13. She stops making plans with her friends.

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If she’s stopped being part of social plans—whether that’s a trip you were planning or just the next hangout—it feels like she’s phased you out. It’s like her world is shrinking to include only her partner, and her friends are being pushed out of the picture.

14. She suddenly starts judging her single friends.

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If she’s become judgmental or critical of her friends who aren’t in relationships, it can really damage those bonds. Acting superior because she’s coupled up, or making snide comments, often stems from her own insecurities but ends up alienating her friends.

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