You might think it’d be obvious if someone was attracted to you, but that’s not always the case.

Some people are confident about making their feelings known, but others are more subtle, whether they realise it or not. Instead of grand gestures or direct confessions, they’ll show their interest in small, almost unnoticeable ways. The tricky part is that these signs can be easy to miss or misinterpret. If you’ve ever wondered whether someone is secretly drawn to you, here are some of the more understated moves that might reveal their attraction.
1. They mirror your movements without realising it.

One of the most natural ways people show attraction is through subconscious mirroring. If someone likes you, they may unintentionally copy your posture, hand gestures, or even the way you speak. It’s not something they’re doing on purpose — it’s just how the brain works when we feel connected to someone. You might notice them taking a sip of their drink right after you do, adjusting their body language to match yours, or even using similar phrases. If this keeps happening, it’s a good sign they’re drawn to you.
2. Their feet are always pointed toward you.

Most people don’t think about what their feet are doing during a conversation, which is why this is such a reliable sign. When someone is interested in you, their feet naturally turn in your direction, even when they’re talking to other people. It’s a small but telling detail. If their body is physically oriented toward you, it’s often a reflection of where their attention and interest lie.
3. They find reasons to touch you, even briefly.

Attraction often shows up in small, seemingly accidental touches. A light tap on your shoulder when they’re laughing, a quick brush of their hand against yours, or even adjusting something on your clothes — these are all ways people create subtle physical closeness. They’re testing the waters, seeing how you respond, and finding excuses to be in your space. If you notice regular light touches that feel natural rather than forced, it could be their way of showing they’re drawn to you.
4. They remember small details about you.

When someone likes you, they pay attention, even to the little things most people would forget. Maybe they remember how you take your coffee, bring up something you mentioned in passing weeks ago, or notice small changes in your appearance. It’s more than just having a good memory; it’s about the fact that they’re genuinely interested. When someone makes an effort to recall tiny details about you, it’s often because you matter to them more than they’re letting on.
5. Their voice changes when they talk to you.

People unconsciously change their tone, speed, or pitch when speaking to someone they’re attracted to. Some might soften their voice, while others may get a little louder and more animated without realising it. If you notice that their voice sounds slightly different around you compared to when they talk to other people, it could be a sign that they’re drawn to you. It’s one of those small but telling changes that people don’t usually control consciously.
6. They get nervous or fidgety around you.

Attraction can make even the most confident person a little nervous. If someone suddenly seems fidgety, adjusts their hair, plays with their sleeves, or struggles to find the right words around you, it’s often because they’re hyper-aware of your presence. It’s not that they’re uncomfortable; it’s that they want to make a good impression. If they don’t act this way around other people but seem a little jittery around you, it’s a strong hint that they care more about how you see them.
7. They make an effort to keep the conversation going.

When someone is attracted to you, they won’t let the conversation fizzle out too easily. Even if there’s a natural pause, they’ll find a way to keep things going, whether it’s asking another question, bringing up something they know you like, or teasing you in a playful way. They’re not forcing the interaction, they just don’t want the moment to end too soon. If they seem genuinely engaged and invested in keeping you talking, that’s often a good sign of attraction.
8. They find reasons to be around you.

Attraction often leads people to try to be close to you, even if they’re not consciously doing it. If someone regularly shows up where you are, sits near you, or finds reasons to be in your space, it’s usually not accidental. They might justify it with small excuses — maybe they “happen” to need something from the same area you’re in, or they coincidentally take the same route as you. But if it keeps happening, there’s a good chance they’re drawn to you.
9. They react differently when you’re around.

Even in group settings, you might notice subtle shifts in their behaviour when you enter the room. Maybe they get a little louder, suddenly seem more engaged, or start cracking more jokes. On the flip side, some people get quieter when they’re around someone they like because they’re trying not to mess up. If their energy noticeably changes when you’re nearby, it’s worth paying attention to. Attraction has a way of influencing how people act, even when they’re trying to play it cool.
10. They subtly compliment you all the time.

Some people go all in with compliments, but others take a more low-key approach. They might comment on something you’re wearing, casually say they like how you think, or point out something unique about you. The key is that they don’t seem to compliment everyone the same way. If their compliments feel a little more personal or regular than what they say to other people, it’s a sign they’re noticing you in a different way.
11. They tease you in a playful (not mean) way.

Playful teasing is one of the oldest flirting tactics in the book. If someone frequently jokes around with you, gives you a hard time in a playful way, or finds little reasons to mess with you (without actually being rude), they’re likely drawn to you. It’s a way of building a connection and keeping interactions fun. If the teasing is accompanied by smiles, laughter, or lingering eye contact, it’s probably less about the joke and more about wanting to interact with you.
12. They respond quickly to your messages.

Not everyone is glued to their phone, but when someone is into you, they’ll usually be quicker to reply than they are with other people. Even if they’re busy, they might send a short response to keep the conversation going or acknowledge your message. If they take hours to respond to other people but reply to you within minutes or even seconds, that’s a sign you’re a priority to them.
13. They seem to “accidentally” touch you more than usual.

Some people are naturally touchy, but if someone keeps “accidentally” bumping into you, touching your arm when they laugh, or brushing against you in a way that feels a little too frequent to be random, it’s likely a subconscious sign of attraction. These little touches aren’t necessarily dramatic, but they’re often a way of testing comfort levels and creating a sense of closeness.
14. They genuinely light up when they see you.

One of the biggest giveaways of attraction is someone’s reaction when you enter a room. Do they smile without thinking? Do their eyes light up? Do they seem instantly happier or more animated? That’s often one of the purest signs of genuine attraction. People can try to hide their feelings, but their body language often gives them away. If they seem visibly happy to see you, even in a subtle way, they probably feel more for you than they’re letting on.