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Thinking of nice things to do to make other people’s lives easier/a little happier doesn’t come naturally to everyone.

In fact, most people are too caught up in fulfilling their own needs that they never stop to think about how they can help anyone else. That’s not the case for thoughtful people. Without even consciously considering it, they regularly do these things for other people.

1. They offer a helping hand without being prompted.

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Thoughtful people are always on the lookout for ways to lend a hand, whether it’s carrying your groceries, offering to babysit, or simply holding the door open for you. They don’t wait to be asked; they just instinctively step in when they see you could use some help. It’s like having your own personal superhero, always ready to swoop in and save the day (or at least, your sanity).

2. They remember the little details that matter to you.

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They pay attention to the things you love, whether it’s your morning Pret order, your birthday, or the name of your cat. They remember the little details that make you feel special, and they use that knowledge to surprise you with small gestures of kindness. It could be a surprise latte on a stressful day, a thoughtful gift on your birthday, or simply asking how your cat is doing. It’s these small acts that show they’re truly listening and that they care about what matters to you.

3. They give genuine compliments and words of encouragement.

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Thoughtful people know the power of a kind word. They’re quick to compliment your outfit, your work, or simply your smile. They offer words of encouragement when you’re feeling down, and they celebrate your victories as if they were their own. Their genuine compliments and support can brighten your day and boost your confidence, reminding you that you’re valued and appreciated.

4. They respect your boundaries and never overstep.

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They understand the importance of personal space and boundaries. They never push you to do something you’re not comfortable with, they respect your time, and they’re always mindful of your feelings. They’re the kind of people you can be yourself around, without feeling judged or pressured.

5. They’re always willing to lend a listening ear.

Envato Elements

Sometimes, all you need is someone to listen. Thoughtful people are always ready to be a sounding board, whether you’re venting about a bad day, sharing a happy moment, or simply need to talk through a problem. They listen without judgment, offer support and encouragement, and make you feel heard and understood.

6. They offer a shoulder to cry on when you need it.

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Life can be tough, and sometimes you just need a good cry. Thoughtful people are always there to offer a shoulder to cry on, a warm hug, and a comforting word. They don’t judge your tears; they simply offer support and understanding, letting you know that it’s okay to not be okay.

7. They make an effort to stay connected.

Xavier Lorenzo

Even when life gets busy, they take a few minutes out of their day to reach out. They check in on you regularly, send a quick text to see how you’re doing, or simply make time for a phone call or coffee date. They value your friendship and want to keep the connection strong, even if it means juggling schedules and making time in their busy lives.

8. They anticipate your needs and offer help before you even have to ask.

Eugenio Marongiu

They seem to know when you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or simply need a helping hand. They offer to pick up groceries when you’re swamped at work, bring you soup when you’re sick, or simply make you a cup of tea when you’re feeling down. It’s like having your own personal assistant, always one step ahead of your needs.

9. They celebrate your successes, big or small.

© Eugenio Marongiu

They’re your biggest cheerleaders. They celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. They’re genuinely happy for you when you get a promotion, land a new job, or simply ace a presentation. They know that every victory, no matter how minor, is a step in the right direction, and they want you to know that they’re proud of you.

10. They offer constructive criticism with kindness and tact.

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They know that sometimes, a little tough love is necessary. But they always deliver it with kindness and tact. They focus on the issue at hand, not your character, and they offer suggestions for improvement rather than simply pointing out flaws. They want you to succeed, and they’re willing to help you get there, even if it means having a difficult conversation.

11. They apologise sincerely when they make a mistake.


Everyone makes mistakes, but thoughtful people own up to theirs. They don’t make excuses or try to shift the blame. They offer a sincere apology, acknowledge how their actions may have affected you, and make an effort to learn from their mistake. They value your relationship and want to maintain trust and respect.

12. They show up when you need them most.

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Whether you’re going through a tough time, celebrating a major milestone, or simply need a friend, thoughtful people are there for you. They show up when you need them most, offering support, encouragement, and a listening ear. They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty or go the extra mile because they value your friendship and want to be there for you through thick and thin.

13. They give thoughtful gifts that show they know you well.

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They don’t just grab the first thing they see off the shelf. They put time and effort into choosing gifts that are meaningful and personal. They consider your interests, hobbies, and personality, and they choose gifts that show they truly know and understand you. It’s not about the price tag; it’s about the thought and care that goes into the gift.

14. They make you feel valued and appreciated.

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At the end of the day, thoughtful people make you feel like you matter. They go out of their way to show you that they care, they appreciate your friendship, and they value your presence in their lives. They’re the kind of people who make the world a little brighter, simply by being in it.