Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

There’s a lot of advice out there about practising gratitude, but how many of us actually do it?

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I’ll be the first to admit that I take a lot of the best things in my life for granted, albeit unintentionally. However, it’s important to recognise that not everything lasts forever, and if you don’t want to miss out on appreciating what you have before it’s gone, it’s time to start being thankful today.

1. The ability to breathe easily

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Our lungs working at full capacity is something we don’t appreciate until we’re struggling. Whether it’s taking a deep breath of fresh air or effortlessly climbing a flight of stairs, appreciate the simple act of breathing without being winded. As air quality issues and respiratory illnesses become more prevalent, cherish your lung health and the freedom it provides in your daily life.

2. Unscheduled time with loved ones

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In our busy lives, spontaneous moments with family and friends are becoming increasingly rare. Treasure those impromptu catch-ups, unexpected visits, or lazy Sunday afternoons spent together without agenda. These unplanned interactions often lead to the most meaningful conversations and memorable experiences, fostering deeper connections.

3. The luxury of a good night’s sleep

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As stress levels rise and screen time increases, quality sleep can become elusive. If you’re able to consistently get restful sleep, don’t take it for granted. Appreciate the rejuvenation it provides, the dreams you experience, and the energy it gives you to face each new day. Good sleep hygiene is a valuable asset in our ever-busy world.

4. Freedom of movement

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The ability to move your body freely, whether it’s going for a walk, dancing, or simply stretching, is a gift. As we age or if health issues arise, this freedom can become limited. Cherish your mobility and the independence it affords you in your daily life. Take time to appreciate the complex coordination of your muscles and joints in even the simplest movements.

5. Access to information and learning

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In our digital age, we have unprecedented access to information and educational resources. Whether it’s looking up a fact, learning a new skill online, or accessing global news, this wealth of knowledge at our fingertips is extraordinary. Appreciate this opportunity for continuous learning and personal growth that previous generations could only dream of.

6. The comfort of routine

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While we often crave excitement, there’s beauty in the predictability of daily routines. The familiarity of your morning coffee, the regular chat with a colleague, or your evening walk can provide a sense of stability and comfort. These routines anchor us in an uncertain world, so appreciate their role in maintaining your mental well-being.

7. The ability to taste and enjoy food

Carlo Prearo

Our sense of taste is a source of daily pleasure that we often take for granted. From savouring your favourite meal to experiencing new flavours, the ability to taste fully is a joy. Health issues or ageing can dull this sense, so appreciate the nuances of flavour in your food and the satisfaction of a delicious meal.

8. Moments of solitude

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In our hyper-connected world, true solitude is becoming rare. If you have opportunities for quiet reflection, private thoughts, or simply being alone without interruption, cherish them. These moments of solitude can be crucial for mental health, creativity, and self-discovery. Appreciate the freedom to be alone with your thoughts when you can.

9. The support of a chosen family

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Whether it’s blood relatives or a close-knit group of friends, having a support system is invaluable. These are the people who celebrate your successes, comfort you in hard times, and accept you for who you are. As life gets busier and people move around more, maintaining these close bonds can become challenging. Cherish the connections you have and the sense of belonging they provide.

10. Mental clarity and cognitive function

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The ability to think clearly, remember details, and problem-solve effectively is often taken for granted until it’s compromised. Whether it’s recalling a fond memory, learning a new skill, or navigating a complex task at work, appreciate your brain’s incredible capabilities. As cognitive health becomes a growing concern with ageing populations, value your mental acuity and the opportunities it affords you.

11. Emotional resilience


The capacity to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and maintain a positive outlook is a valuable asset. If you find yourself able to weather life’s storms without being overwhelmed, take a moment to appreciate this strength. Emotional resilience is not a given, and it can be destroyed by chronic stress or trauma. Recognise and nurture this ability to cope with life’s challenges.

12. The freedom to express yourself

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In many parts of the world, the ability to freely express your thoughts, beliefs, and identity is not guaranteed. If you live in a place where you can voice your opinions, dress as you choose, or pursue your passions without fear of persecution, be grateful for this freedom. Remember that self-expression is a fundamental human need that not everyone gets to fulfil openly.

13. Access to nature

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As urbanisation increases, easy access to green spaces and natural environments is becoming less common for many people. If you can walk in a park, hike in the woods, or simply sit under a tree, cherish these connections with nature. These experiences can significantly impact our mental and physical well-being, providing stress relief and a sense of perspective.

14. The ability to make choices

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The freedom to make decisions about your life, from small daily choices to major life directions, is a privilege not everyone has. Whether it’s choosing your career path, deciding where to live, or simply selecting what to have for dinner, appreciate the autonomy you have in shaping your life. This ability to exercise free will and personal agency is a fundamental aspect of human dignity that should never be taken for granted.