Sometimes, the signs are loud and clear; other times, they’re subtle but still tell you everything you need to know.

When someone isn’t interested in you for whatever reason, they might not come out and say it directly, but their behaviour usually does the talking. If you find yourself wondering whether someone likes you or if you’re just reading too much into things, here are some little ways they might be showing they’re just not that into you. Try not to take it personally. Chances are, it has very little to do with you.
1. They take ages to reply to your messages.

If someone is into you, they won’t leave your texts sitting unanswered for hours or days on end, at least not consistently. Sure, life gets busy, but if they’re always slow to reply and don’t seem bothered about keeping the conversation going, that’s a sign. Even worse, if they take forever to text back but seem to be active on social media, it’s safe to say your messages just aren’t a priority for them. Interest usually comes with effort, and a lack of effort says it all.
2. They never start conversations with you.

Are you always the one reaching out first? If someone is genuinely interested, they’ll want to talk to you and will make an effort to start conversations. If they never text first, call first, or try to keep in touch, they’re probably not thinking about you that much. Even if they do respond when you reach out, if they never take the initiative, that’s a sign they’re just going along with things rather than actually being excited to talk to you.
3. Their responses are short and dry.

If someone is interested, they’ll keep the conversation going, ask questions, and show enthusiasm. But if they’re giving you one-word answers, responding without any emotion, or generally making the conversation feel like a chore, they’re not invested. Even if they’re replying out of politeness, a lack of energy in their responses usually means they’re not really interested in talking — they’re just being nice.
4. They cancel plans without trying to reschedule.

Sometimes, things come up, and plans have to be changed. But if someone cancels on you and doesn’t even try to make new plans, that’s a clear sign they don’t actually care about seeing you. People who want to spend time with you will make the effort, even if they’re busy. If they’re always backing out but never suggesting an alternative, they’re probably just not that into you.
5. They don’t remember small details about you.

When someone likes you, they pay attention to the little things. They’ll remember your favourite coffee order, the TV show you said you loved, or the story you told them last week. If they always forget things you’ve told them, especially things you’ve mentioned more than once, it means they’re not really engaged in what you’re saying. If they’re not making an effort to remember details, they’re probably not interested in building something meaningful with you.
6. They keep things surface-level.

Deep conversations create connection, and when someone likes you, they’ll want to know more about you — your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. If they always keep things light, avoid personal topics, or never open up about themselves, they might not be looking for a real connection. It’s even more obvious if they shut down anything that feels remotely deep or emotional. If they’re avoiding meaningful conversations, it’s usually because they don’t see you in that way.
7. They don’t make an effort to look good around you.

People tend to put in extra effort with someone they’re interested in, whether that’s fixing their hair, choosing a nice outfit, or just making sure they look presentable. If someone always seems to show up looking like they just rolled out of bed, it could mean they don’t see you as someone they want to impress. Of course, comfort is great in any relationship, but if they don’t make any effort whatsoever, it’s worth considering whether they’re treating you more like a casual acquaintance than someone they want to attract.
8. They avoid physical touch.

Body language says a lot about how someone feels, and if they’re not interested, they’ll likely keep their distance. If they avoid hugs, don’t initiate any playful touches, or seem uncomfortable when you get close, they’re probably not feeling it. When someone likes you, even small touches, like a tap on the arm or a casual lean-in, happen naturally. If those moments never happen, it’s a sign they don’t see you in that way.
9. They talk about other people they’re interested in.

If this isn’t obvious, I’m not sure what is! If they’re bringing up their crushes, exes, or dates with other people, that’s a big flashing sign that they don’t see you as a romantic option. Most people won’t talk about their love life with someone they’re interested in dating. In some cases, they might even be doing it to send a message. If they’re clearly comfortable discussing their dating life around you, it’s because they don’t see you as a potential part of it.
10. They treat you like one of the guys (or girls).

If they talk to you the same way they talk to their mates, use you as a wingman, or joke around in a way that feels totally platonic, they likely see you as just a friend. There’s a difference between comfortable banter and romantic chemistry. If they’ve never once hinted at anything beyond friendship, it’s probably because that’s exactly how they see you. And if they call you “bro” or “mate” a little too often? That’s probably all you are to them.
11. They “forget” to invite you to things.

If they’re always hanging out with friends or going to events , andyou only hear about it after the fact, that’s a big sign they don’t think of you as someone they want to include. When people like you, they look for ways to spend time with you, even if it’s just inviting you to a casual get-together. If you’re never on their invite list, it might be time to stop making excuses for them.
12. They never compliment you in a meaningful way.

If someone is into you, they’ll notice little things about you — your style, your sense of humour, the way you carry yourself. But if they rarely, if ever, give you a genuine compliment, it’s a sign they don’t really see you that way. It’s even more obvious if the only compliments they do give are generic, like “you’re nice” or “you’re funny.” A lack of personal compliments means they’re not paying that much attention.
13. They seem distracted when you’re around.

If they’re always on their phone, looking around the room, or half-listening when you talk, they’re not fully engaged in your presence. When someone is interested, they give you their attention because they want to connect. If you constantly feel like you have to fight for their focus, that’s a sign they’re not prioritising you the way someone who’s interested would.
14. They make zero effort to impress you.

When someone likes you, they’ll naturally try to be their best self around you. They’ll put in a little extra effort, whether it’s dressing well, making you laugh, or finding ways to keep your attention. If they never go out of their way to impress you, charm you, or even just keep the conversation going, they probably don’t see a romantic future with you. And if that’s the case, you deserve to put your energy into someone who does.