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Having a big heart is generally a wonderful thing, but it comes with its fair share of downsides.

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Sometimes it feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and it’s hard to find your equilibrium in the midst of all the madness. Here are some of the struggles you might face if you’re the kind of person who feels things deeply.

1. Your emotions run wild.

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One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re in a puddle of tears. It’s like your emotions are on a rollercoaster, and you’re just along for the ride. Joy feels amazing, but sadness hits you like a ton of bricks. Learning to handle this emotional intensity is key.

2. You give until you’re empty.


You’re always there for everyone else, but who’s there for you? You bend over backwards for people, but sometimes you forget to take care of yourself. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you’re filling yours up too.

3. People take advantage of your kindness.

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Sadly, not everyone has good intentions. Some people see your big heart as a free pass to take advantage of you. They might take your help for granted or ask for more than you can give. It’s important to be kind, but don’t let people walk all over you.

4. Saying “no” feels impossible.


You hate letting people down, so saying “no” feels like the ultimate betrayal. You end up saying “yes” to everything, even when you’re already stretched too thin. Remember, it’s okay to say “no” sometimes, it doesn’t make you a bad person.

5. You put everyone else first.

Cristina Villar Martin

You’re always putting everyone else’s needs before your own. You’ll sacrifice your own happiness to make someone else smile, but sometimes you end up neglecting your own needs. Remember, you deserve love and care too, so don’t forget to take care of yourself.

6. Your heart gets attached way too quickly.

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You fall hard and fast for people, but it can often lead to heartbreak. You invest so much of yourself into relationships, only to be let down. It’s okay to be cautious and take your time before diving headfirst into love.

7. You trust everyone blindly.

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You see the good in everyone, which is a wonderful trait, but it can also make you a bit naive. Some people might not have the best intentions, so it’s important to be a bit more discerning and not trust everyone blindly.

8. You overthink everything.

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Your mind is constantly racing, analysing every situation and interaction. You take everything to heart and overthink every little detail. It’s important to learn to let go of things that are beyond your control and not take everything so personally.

9. Your expectations are sky-high.

Aleksei Isachenko

You believe in the best in people, which is great, but sometimes your expectations are unrealistic. When people don’t live up to your ideals, you end up feeling disappointed and hurt. It’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that nobody’s perfect, not even you.

10. Setting boundaries is a constant struggle.

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You find it hard to say “no” and set limits with people, especially when it comes to helping those in need. You fear hurting their feelings or coming across as selfish. But remember, boundaries are healthy and necessary for your own well-being. It’s okay to protect your energy and say “no” when you need to.

11. You blame yourself for everything.

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When things go wrong, you tend to internalise it and blame yourself. You feel responsible for other people’s problems and believe you could have done more to help. But remember, you can’t control everything, and it’s not your fault if someone else is going through a tough time.

12. You forgive too easily.

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You’re quick to forgive, which is a great quality, but sometimes people don’t deserve it. If someone repeatedly hurts you, it’s okay to walk away and protect yourself. Forgiveness is important, but so is self-respect.

13. You feel the world’s pain.

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You’re deeply affected by other people’s suffering, whether it’s a friend’s heartbreak or the state of the world at large. While your empathy is a gift, it can also be overwhelming. It’s important to find healthy ways to cope with these emotions and not let them consume you.

14. You burn out easily.


Caring so much can take a toll on your mental and emotional health. You might find yourself exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed. Remember, it’s important to take breaks, recharge, and look after yourself. You can’t help other people if you’re not taking care of yourself.