Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Nobody’s perfect, and we all have some personality traits that are less than stellar.

However, there are certain qualities that aren’t just minor quirks — they could actually hurt our careers, keep us from finding amazing relationships, and generally hold us back in life. Here are some of the personality traits that could end up being major red flags.

1. You avoid expressing your true opinions.

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Maybe you keep quiet instead of disagreeing with someone in a meeting. Or you nod along with a friend’s opinion even if you don’t genuinely feel the same way. While a little diplomacy is important, constantly censoring your true thoughts might be a sign you’re afraid of being judged or disliked if people knew what you really believed. Over time, this can lead to resentment and a lack of authenticity in your relationships.

2. You are overly critical of yourself and everyone else.

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Striving for excellence is great, but constantly nitpicking every little flaw in yourself or other people can create a toxic environment. It might stem from a fear of failure or a need to feel superior. However, it can damage your self-esteem, strain relationships, and prevent you from enjoying the good things in life. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and nobody is perfect.

3. You are always the victim.

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Life can be tough, and bad things happen to everyone. But if you consistently find yourself blaming external factors for your problems and refusing to take responsibility for your actions, it might be a sign of a victim mentality. This can keep you stuck in a cycle of negativity and prevent you from taking control of your life. Remember, you have the power to make choices and shape your destiny.

4. You can’t say no to anything.

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Being helpful and agreeable is a positive trait, but saying yes to everything can lead to burnout, resentment, and a lack of boundaries. It might stem from a fear of disappointing people or a need to feel needed. However, it’s important to prioritize your own well-being and learn to say no when necessary. This allows you to focus on what truly matters and avoid overcommitting yourself.

5. You compare yourself to other people constantly.

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In the age of social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people. But remember, everyone’s journey is different, and what you see online is often a carefully curated highlight reel. Constantly comparing yourself can lead to feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and a distorted view of reality. Focus on your own progress and celebrate your unique strengths and accomplishments.

6. You hold grudges and have difficulty forgiving.

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Being angry or resentful towards someone long-term only works against you. It hurts you more than anyone else. While forgiveness doesn’t excuse hurtful behaviour, it can free you from the burden of negativity and allow you to move on. Practice empathy, understand that everyone makes mistakes, and choose to let go of the past so you can embrace the present.

7. You procrastinate and avoid difficult tasks.

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Unsplash/Jandre Van Der Walt

We all procrastinate sometimes, but if it becomes a chronic habit, it can seriously hinder your progress and create unnecessary stress. It might stem from a fear of failure, perfectionism, or simply feeling overwhelmed. Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps, set deadlines, and reward yourself for completing them. Remember, taking action, even imperfect action, is better than doing nothing at all.

8. You are addicted to drama and conflict.

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Some people thrive on chaos and drama, constantly stirring up trouble and creating conflict wherever they go. This might stem from a need for attention, a lack of excitement in their own lives, or a desire to feel powerful. However, this behaviour can be exhausting for everyone involved and can damage relationships. Try to find healthier ways to get your adrenaline fix, such as engaging in exciting activities or pursuing new hobbies.

9. You are a chronic complainer.

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We all have bad days and things to vent about, but if complaining becomes your default mode, it can be draining for you and everyone around you. It creates a negative atmosphere and can prevent you from seeing solutions or appreciating the good things in life. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, try to find things to be grateful for and actively seek solutions to problems.

10. You’re always looking for other people to validate you.

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Seeking approval and validation is a natural human desire, but when it becomes an obsession, it can be detrimental to your self-esteem and personal growth. Relying on external validation can make you vulnerable to manipulation and leave you feeling empty if you don’t receive the approval you crave. Focus on developing a strong sense of self-worth based on your own values and accomplishments, not on anyone else’s opinions.

11. You are easily offended and take things personally.

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Being sensitive and empathetic is a virtue, but taking everything personally can make it difficult to navigate social interactions and professional relationships. It can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a tendency to hold grudges. Try to develop a thicker skin, consider different perspectives, and choose your battles wisely. Not everything is a personal attack.

12. You gossip and spread negativity.

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Gossip might seem like harmless fun, but it can be hurtful and damaging to relationships. It creates a toxic environment and can really destroy trust. Instead of focusing on other people’s shortcomings, try to celebrate their successes and lift them up. Spread positivity and kindness, and you’ll find that it comes back to you tenfold.

13. You lack empathy and compassion.

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Empathy is a necessary component of healthy relationships and a fulfilling life. If you find it difficult to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see things from their perspective, it can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a lack of connection. Try to practice active listening, ask questions, and validate other people’s feelings. Remember, everyone is fighting their own battles.

14. You are resistant to change and new experiences.

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Change can be scary, but it’s also essential for growth and personal development. If you cling to your comfort zone and resist new experiences, you might miss out on opportunities and limit your potential. Embrace the unknown, challenge yourself, and be open to new ways of thinking and doing things. You might be surprised at what you discover about yourself and the world around you.