smiling woman with coffee on porchUnsplash

Self-esteem can feel like a rollercoaster sometimes. It’s great when you’re riding high, but those dips can be tough. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for external validation to feel good about yourself. Here are some practical tips to give your self-esteem a boost right now.

1. Take a moment to acknowledge your strengths.

smiling woman with coffee on porchSource: Unsplash

We often dwell on our weaknesses, forgetting all the incredible things we’re capable of. Grab a pen and paper and jot down your talents, skills, and positive qualities. Don’t be shy! Big or small, write them all down and give yourself credit where it’s due.

2. Practice positive self-talk.

serious guy looking to the sideSource: Unsplash

That voice inside your head? Make sure it’s your biggest cheerleader, not your harshest critic. Challenge negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” try, “I’m learning and growing, and I can handle this challenge.”

3. Do something that makes you feel good.

smiling woman sitting in officeSource: Unsplash

Whether it’s a long walk in nature, blasting your favourite music, or spending time with loved ones, prioritise activities that bring you joy. When you feel good, your self-esteem naturally gets a lift.

4. Celebrate small victories.

serious guy smiling outsideSource: Unsplash

Don’t wait for huge achievements to feel proud of yourself. Did you finish a task you’ve been putting off? Did you finally try that new recipe? Pat yourself on the back! Every step forward is worth celebrating.

5. Surround yourself with positive people.

Source: Unsplash

The company you keep can significantly impact your self-esteem. Spend time with people who uplift and inspire you, and distance yourself from those who drain your energy or bring you down.

6. Take care of your physical health.

young man looking to the sideSource: Unsplash

Your mind and body are connected. When you nourish your body with healthy food, regular exercise, and enough sleep, you’ll naturally feel better about yourself. Plus, those endorphins from a good workout are a great mood booster!

7. Set realistic goals and achieve them.

man smilingSource: Unsplash

Accomplishing goals, big or small, is a great way to build confidence. Start with something manageable and work your way up. As you check those goals off your list, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and self-efficacy.

8. Help someone else.

three female friends chatting in field of flowersSource: Unsplash

Making a positive impact on someone else’s life can do wonders for your own self-esteem. Volunteer your time, offer a helping hand to a friend, or simply pay someone a genuine compliment. The act of giving back can boost your mood and sense of self-worth.

9. Challenge negative thoughts.

serious woman aloneSource: Unsplash

Negative thoughts can be like bullies in your mind. Don’t let them have the last word. When a negative thought pops up, ask yourself if it’s really true. Is there another way to look at the situation? Often, our negative thoughts are based on distorted thinking patterns that we can learn to challenge.

10. Focus on progress, not perfection.

woman in the citySource: Unsplash

No one is perfect, and that’s okay! Striving for excellence is great, but don’t let perfectionism hold you back. Focus on progress instead. Celebrate your small wins and learn from your mistakes. Remember, it’s the journey that matters, not the destination.

11. Practice self-compassion.

serious womanSource: Unsplash

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. We’re often our own harshest critics, but it’s important to remember that we’re all human, and we all make mistakes. Beating yourself up doesn’t help anyone. Instead, focus on learning and growing.

12. Dress for success.

man onlySource: Unsplash

When you look good, you feel good. Put on an outfit that makes you feel confident and ready to take on the world. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just something that makes you feel like your best self.

13. Learn something new.

Source: Unsplash

Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things can boost your confidence and self-esteem. Sign up for a class, learn a new skill, or take on a new challenge. Expanding your knowledge and abilities can be incredibly empowering.

14. Accept compliments graciously.

smiling man in blue t-shirt outsideSource: Unsplash

When someone pays you a compliment, don’t deflect or downplay it. Say thank you and let yourself bask in the glow. Receiving compliments is a great way to validate your positive qualities and remind yourself that you’re valued and appreciated.