Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

It’s tempting to want to push your feelings to the side or sweep them under the rug, especially when they’re tough ones that you really don’t want to deal with.

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However, while ignoring your emotions might work in the moment, they’ll inevitably come back to bite you — and chances are, they’ll be even more intense than they were originally. Here’s why not giving your feelings the space they need to be felt and resolved is such a self-destructive habit.

1. Your emotions are trying to tell you something.

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Emotions are like little messengers from your subconscious. They’re trying to give you important information about your needs, your boundaries, and your values. When you ignore them, you’re missing out on important insights about yourself and your situation.

2. Bottled-up emotions tend to explode eventually.

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Again, think of emotions like a fizzy drink. If you shake it up and try to keep the lid on, eventually it’s going to burst. The same goes for your feelings. If you keep pushing them down, they’re likely to come out in unexpected and potentially destructive ways.

3. Ignoring emotions can lead to physical health problems.

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Your mind and body are connected. When you suppress your feelings, it can manifest in physical symptoms like headaches, stomach issues, or muscle tension. Chronic stress from unaddressed emotions can even contribute to more serious health problems over time. Is it really worth risking your life over?

4. Emotional awareness improves your relationships.

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Understanding your own emotions makes it easier to understand and empathise with other people. After all, emotional intelligence is key to building strong, healthy relationships. If you’re always pushing your feelings aside, you might struggle to connect with people on a deep level, and superficial relationships just aren’t fulfilling.

5. Emotions help you make decisions.

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While it’s not good to make decisions based solely on emotions, they do play an important role in decision-making. Your feelings can illuminate some valuable gut instincts about situations. Ignoring them completely might lead you to make choices that don’t align with what you really want.

6. Acknowledging emotions can reduce their power over you.

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It might seem counterintuitive, but recognising and accepting your emotions can actually help them pass more quickly. When you resist or ignore feelings, they often stick around longer and feel more intense.

7. Your emotions are part of who you are.

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Your emotional experiences shape your personality and your view of the world. By ignoring your feelings, you’re essentially ignoring a big part of yourself. Embracing all aspects of your emotional life allows you to be more authentic and self-aware.

8. Emotional awareness can boost your creativity.

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Emotions are a wellspring of creativity. Many great works of art, music, and literature have been inspired by intense emotional experiences. By tuning into your feelings, you might unlock new levels of creative expression. You’re probably not going to be the next Taylor Swift or anything, but hey, it’s worth a try!

9. Understanding your emotions helps you set boundaries.

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Your emotions can signal when something doesn’t feel right or when someone is overstepping. If you’re always ignoring these feelings, you might struggle to set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships and work life.

10. Emotions provide valuable life experiences.

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Both positive and negative emotions contribute to the richness of life. By allowing yourself to fully experience your emotions, you’re living life more fully. Even difficult emotions can lead to personal growth and deeper understanding.

11. Ignoring your feelings can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

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When we push our feelings aside, we often turn to other ways to numb or distract ourselves. This might lead to unhealthy habits like overeating, excessive drinking, or mindless scrolling. Facing your emotions head-on can help you develop healthier coping strategies.

12. Emotional awareness can improve your work life.

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Understanding and managing your emotions is really important in professional settings as well as personal ones. It can help you navigate workplace relationships, handle stress better, and make more balanced decisions. Ignoring your emotions might actually hold you back in your career, oddly enough.

13. Acknowledging your feelings can lead to greater self-acceptance.

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When you allow yourself to experience all your emotions without judgment, you’re practising self-acceptance. This can lead to greater self-esteem and a more positive relationship with yourself. Isn’t that what we wall want?

14. Emotions connect us to our core values.

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Our emotional reactions often reflect our deepest values and beliefs. By paying attention to your emotions, you can gain clarity on what truly matters to you. Deep self-knowledge is invaluable in living a life that feels authentic and meaningful.

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