Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes — that’s part of being human.

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Sometimes, no matter how carefully you consider your options, you’re going to end up making the wrong choice. It might feel like the end of the world, and it might come with some unpleasant consequences, but here’s why it’s (usually) no big deal in the long run.

1. Messing up is like a crash course in life lessons.


Every time you make a wrong call, you’re basically getting a free lesson in what not to do. It’s life’s way of saying, “Hey, remember this for next time!” Sure, it might sting a bit, but you’ll be wiser for it.

2. Nobody’s got it all figured out, seriously.

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If you think there are people out there who never mess up, you’re kidding yourself. Everyone’s just winging it to some degree. So cut yourself some slack – you’re in good company with the rest of us imperfect humans.

3. Playing it safe is boring anyway.

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Sometimes wrong decisions come from taking a chance. And let’s face it, if you never took risks, life would be pretty dull. Those wrong turns often lead to the most interesting stories and experiences.

4. It builds your mental resilience.

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Dealing with the fallout of a bad decision? Think of it as a workout for your brain. You’re building mental muscles that’ll help you handle whatever life throws at you next. Tough now, but you’ll be stronger for it.

5. Plot twists can be pretty awesome.


That “oops” moment might just lead to something unexpectedly brilliant. Life’s funny like that. What seems like a disaster now could be the best thing that ever happened to you. Keep an open mind!

6. Being kind to yourself isn’t just nice, it’s necessary.

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Constantly beating yourself up over mistakes is a one-way ticket to Stress City. Give yourself a break. Treat yourself with the same kindness you’d show a friend who messed up. Your mental health will thank you.

7. Perfection is overrated (and kinda suspicious).

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Know what makes you relatable? Your flaws. People tend to like you more when you’re real about your mistakes. It makes them feel better about their own slip-ups. Plus, perfect people are a bit weird, aren’t they?

8. Sometimes you need to get it wrong to know what’s right.

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Making the wrong choice can be like a lightbulb moment for figuring out what you actually want. It’s like when you bite into a weird flavour of crisps – suddenly you know exactly what you don’t like!

9. Each mistake makes you a bit stronger.

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Every time you bounce back from a wrong decision, you’re basically telling life, “Is that all you’ve got?” It’s a confidence booster. You start to realise you can handle more than you thought.

10. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

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Umming and ahhing forever is usually worse than just making a choice, even if it’s the wrong one. At least you’re moving forward. You can always course-correct later.

11. Your problem-solving skills go through the roof.

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Dealing with the mess after a wrong decision? You’re basically levelling up your problem-solving abilities. Every time you make tough choices, you’re getting better at doing so, and it gets easier every time.

12. You might surprise yourself.

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Sometimes it takes a whoopsie to discover something cool about yourself. Maybe you’ll find out you’re great in a crisis or that you have a hidden talent for thinking on your feet.

13. It keeps you humble and open to learning.

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When you accept that you’ll mess up sometimes, you stay open to learning new things. It’s a much cooler attitude than thinking you know it all. Plus, people tend to like you more when you’re not a know-it-all.

14. It makes the wins feel even sweeter.

Source: Unsplash

After you’ve had a few things go pear-shaped, the times when you get it right feel amazing. It’s like how food tastes better when you’re really hungry. Your successes become way more satisfying.

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