Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Everyone fails at some point in life, and some of us do it a whole lot more than others.

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While many people are ashamed of coming up short, the fact is that it’s inevitable — you’re not going to win every time, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. Here’s why we need to stop shying away from the topic of failure and start speaking up about it a lot more.

1. It helps us realise we’re not alone in messing up.

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When we start chatting about our failures, we quickly learn that everyone’s got their own collection of oops moments. It’s weirdly comforting to know that even the people who seem to have it all together have their fair share of facepalm experiences.

2. It takes the sting out of future failures.

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The more we talk about failure, the less scary it becomes. It’s like exposure therapy for our egos. When we know failure’s just part of the game, we’re less likely to freak out when things don’t go to plan next time.

3. It teaches us that failure isn’t the end of the world.

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Sharing stories about bouncing back from failures shows us that life goes on. It might feel like the sky’s falling when we mess up, but hearing how other people got through it reminds us that we will too.

4. It helps us learn from each other’s mistakes.

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When we’re open about our failures, we create a sort of communal wisdom. We can learn from other people’s missteps without having to make all the same blunders ourselves. It’s like getting a cheat sheet for life.

5. It encourages us to take more risks.

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Knowing that failure’s not the end of the world can give us the courage to try new things. When we hear stories of people failing and surviving, it makes those leaps of faith seem a bit less daunting.

6. It builds stronger, more authentic relationships.

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There’s something about sharing our failures that brings people closer. It’s vulnerable, sure, but it’s also real. When we open up about our slip-ups, we create deeper connections with the people around us.

7. It helps us develop a growth mindset.

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Talking about failure shifts our perspective. Instead of seeing mistakes as dead ends, we start to view them as stepping stones. It’s all part of the journey, and each stumble is just another chance to learn and grow.

8. It boosts our problem-solving skills.

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When we discuss our failures openly, we often end up brainstorming solutions together. It’s like having a think tank for life’s challenges. Plus, it gets us in the habit of looking for ways to fix things rather than just wallowing in our mistakes.

9. It makes success feel even sweeter.

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When we’re open about the stumbles along the way, it makes reaching our goals that much more satisfying. It’s like those “before and after” pics, but for life achievements. The contrast makes the win feel even bigger.

10. It helps us be more compassionate towards other people.

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The more we talk about our own failures, the more understanding we become of other people’s struggles. It’s a great way to build empathy and remember that everyone’s fighting their own battles.

11. It keeps our egos in check.

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Chatting about our failures is a great reality check. It reminds us that we’re all human and helps keep our egos from getting too big for their boots. It’s hard to get a swollen head when you’re laughing about that time you royally messed up.

12. It encourages a culture of honesty and transparency.

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When we normalise talking about failure, we create an environment where people feel safe being honest. This openness can spread to other areas of life, making our relationships and workplaces more genuine and trustworthy.

13. It helps us identify areas for improvement.

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Discussing our failures out loud often helps us spot patterns we might’ve missed. Maybe we always mess up when we’re in a rush, or we tend to drop the ball when we’re trying to please everyone. Talking it out can shine a light on these blind spots.

14. It reminds us that failure is just a part of success.

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The more we talk about failure, the more we realise it’s not the opposite of success – it’s part of it. Every big win has a trail of failures behind it. Chatting about this helps us see the bigger picture and keeps us going when things get tough.

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