People with a cruel streak tend to do what they want regardless of the consequences, taking advantage of people for no other reason than that they can.

Their behaviour may range from subtle manipulations to outright toxic and hurtful behaviour, but none of it is okay. The terrible things they do exist to serve their own needs, feed their egos, or fulfil a desire for control (or all three). Here are just a few ways cruelty shows up in everyday life and how it impacts everyone around these people. There’s no rhyme or reason for their actions, which is what makes it even more baffling and painful.
1. They make people feel small.

Cruelty often begins with belittling people. Whether it’s through backhanded compliments, snide remarks, or outright criticism, cruel people thrive on making other people feel inadequate. Their goal isn’t constructive feedback, by any stretch of the imagination; it’s to assert dominance or superiority. What’s especially harmful is the subtlety. A well-timed sarcastic comment or a joke at someone’s expense might seem harmless, but over time, it chips away at self-esteem. The real impact comes from how these moments accumulate, leaving the person doubting their worth.
2. They exploit people’s vulnerabilities.

Cruel people are masters at finding and using people’s insecurities against them. Whether it’s a physical trait, a personal struggle, or an emotional wound, they’ll zero in on it and twist the knife. This isn’t accidental; it’s calculated and deliberate. It’s not just about words, either. Exploiting vulnerabilities might involve manipulating situations to make someone feel powerless or embarrassed. Over time, that behaviour creates an environment of fear or shame, making it harder for victims to stand up for themselves. That’s kind of what cruel people count on, sadly.
3. They spread malicious gossip for fun.

Gossip can seem like harmless chatter, but cruel people use it as a weapon. They spread rumours or share personal details about people, knowing it can damage reputations or relationships. They’re definitely not sharing news, either; it’s about control and power. The harm lies in how gossip isolates its target. Relationships become strained, trust breaks down, and the victim often feels unable to defend themselves. The person spreading the gossip gets to sit back and watch the chaos they’ve created, feeding their sense of superiority.
4. They sabotage other people’s success.

For someone cruel, another person’s success can feel threatening. Instead of offering support or celebrating achievements, they’ll find ways to undermine or discredit the person. That might involve spreading doubt about their abilities or actively interfering with their progress. Sabotage doesn’t always look obvious, which is what makes it so insidious. It could be withholding key information in a work setting or quietly planting seeds of doubt in other people. The underlying motivation is often jealousy, but the result is a toxic environment where trust and collaboration suffer.
5. They use people and discard them.

Cruel people often treat relationships as purely transactional. Once they’ve got what they need — whether it’s attention, resources, or favours — they quickly move on. There’s no genuine connection, just a cold calculation of what someone can offer them. That kind of behaviour can leave people feeling disposable, as though their value is tied only to what they provide. It’s emotionally draining for those involved and can make it hard for the victims to trust other people in the future. After all, what if it happened again?
6. They humiliate people publicly.

Public humiliation is a cruel person’s favourite way to assert dominance. Whether it’s a cutting remark in front of colleagues or an embarrassing story shared at someone’s expense, the goal is always the same: to make the other person feel about two centimetres tall. What makes this especially damaging is the audience. The victim not only has to process the hurt, but also the humiliation of other people witnessing their discomfort. It’s an incredibly effective way to assert power while leaving a lasting impact on the victim.
7. They ignore and trample all over other people’s boundaries.

Disrespecting boundaries is a common tactic of cruel people. Whether it’s invading someone’s personal space, prying into private matters, or pushing past social norms, they make it clear that other people’s limits don’t matter to them. Their lack of respect sends a message: their desires outweigh your comfort. Over time, it can create a sense of helplessness, as the victim feels they can’t protect themselves from repeatedly having their boundaries and privacy violated.
8. They gaslight to create doubt.

Gaslighting is one of the cruellest forms of manipulation. By distorting facts or denying events, the person causes the victim to doubt their own perceptions. It’s a calculated move to gain control by destabilising someone’s sense of reality. The longer it goes on, gaslighting can completely destroy confidence, leaving the victim unsure of what’s true. That inevitably makes them more dependent on the manipulator, creating a vicious cycle of control and confusion.
9. They take pleasure in other people’s pain.

Some cruel people genuinely enjoy seeing people suffer. Whether it’s laughing at someone’s misfortune or intentionally causing harm, they thrive on other people’s discomfort. It’s not just indifference; it’s active enjoyment. Their lack of empathy often stems from deep insecurities. By focusing on other people’s pain, they distract themselves from their own struggles, feeding a sense of superiority in the process.
10. They play favourites to create division.

Playing favourites is a subtle but effective way to create conflict. By favouring one person while excluding everyone else, cruel people stir up jealousy and competition. It’s a deliberate attempt to manipulate group dynamics for their own gain. This tactic is common in workplaces, families, and social groups. It keeps people on edge, vying for approval and attention, which ensures the manipulator stays at the centre of the drama at all times. That’s just how they like it.
11. They refuse to apologise.

Apologising requires vulnerability and a willingness to admit fault, two things cruel people avoid at all costs. Instead of owning up to their mistakes, they’ll double down, deflect blame, or act like the issue isn’t worth addressing. Their outright refusal to take responsibility leaves people feeling invalidated and often prolongs conflict. It’s a way to maintain power by never admitting they could be wrong, even when it’s crystal clear they are.
12. They take credit for other people’s work.

Stealing credit is a common behaviour among cruel people, especially in group settings. Whether it’s at work or during a collaborative project, they’ll swoop in to claim the spotlight at someone else’s expense. It’s not just about ego, either — it’s also about diminishing what other people bring to the table to keep themselves at the top. It’s a deeply frustrating behaviour that destroys trust and teamwork over time.
13. They dismiss other people’s feelings.

Mocking or minimising someone’s emotions is a subtle but damaging form of cruelty. Phrases like “You’re overreacting” or “Why does this even matter?” dismiss valid feelings, making the other person feel small or irrational. Doing so shifts the focus away from the harm caused and onto the victim’s reaction, avoiding accountability. It’s a way to maintain control while invalidating someone else’s experience.
14. They manipulate situations for personal gain.

Cruel people often twist facts, create drama, or stir conflict to get what they want. Their manipulations are calculated, designed to put themselves in a better position regardless of the cost to other people. The harm of this behaviour lies in its long-term effects. It leaves people questioning their own judgment and often damages relationships or trust beyond repair. The manipulator walks away with what they wanted, while everyone else deals with the fallout.