We all have our moments of irrational thinking, when emotions take over and logic goes out the window.

The problem is that some people seem to live in a constant state of overreaction, denial, or self-sabotage. While everyone experiences frustration, disappointment, and stress, well-adjusted people learn to manage those feelings in a way that keeps their relationships and decisions on track. Meanwhile, irrational people tend to repeat the same behaviours, often without realising how much chaos they’re creating. Here are some of the things they do that people who know how to take everything in their stride never would.
1. They assume the worst in every situation.

Irrational people tend to jump to negative conclusions before they have all the facts. If someone doesn’t reply to their message right away, they assume they’re being ignored. If they hear a piece of bad news, they immediately think it’s the end of the world. Instead of considering logical explanations or waiting for more information, they catastrophise everything. Well-adjusted people, on the other hand, take a step back and look at situations objectively before reacting.
2. They take everything personally.

Whether it’s a joke, a neutral comment, or even something that has nothing to do with them, irrational people find a way to make it about themselves. They assume hidden meanings in everything and feel attacked over the smallest things. Instead of seeing different perspectives, they get defensive or lash out. More logical people understand that not everything is personal, and sometimes things just aren’t that deep.
3. They refuse to admit when they’re wrong.

Admitting fault is tough for anyone, but irrational people take it to another level. No matter how much evidence is presented, they’ll twist the situation, shift blame, or change the argument entirely just to avoid admitting they were wrong. Grounded people, on the other hand, don’t let pride get in the way of truth. They know that being wrong isn’t the end of the world, and they learn from mistakes instead of doubling down on them.
4. They let their emotions dictate their actions.

Everyone has emotional reactions, but irrational people let those feelings control their behaviour entirely. They make impulsive decisions, say things they later regret, and act out without thinking about the consequences. More rational people still feel emotions just as strongly, but they pause before acting on them. They recognise that feelings are temporary, while the impact of their actions can last much longer.
5. They hold grudges for way too long.

Instead of moving on or addressing conflicts in a healthy way, irrational people cling to resentment. They bring up old arguments, refuse to forgive minor mistakes, and carry emotional baggage that poisons their relationships. On the flip side, well-adjusted people know that grudges are exhausting and unproductive. They understand the difference between setting boundaries and letting past upsets control their happiness.
6. They expect other people to read their minds.

Instead of clearly communicating their needs, irrational people assume everyone else should just know what they want. When someone fails to meet their expectations, they get angry or feel unappreciated. More logical people understand that communication is key. They express what they need instead of expecting other people to guess, which makes relationships much smoother and avoids unnecessary frustration.
7. They constantly play the victim.

Even when they’re responsible for a situation, irrational people find a way to make themselves the victim. They focus only on how they were wronged, ignoring how their actions may have contributed to the problem. Mature, emotionally intelligent people take accountability. They acknowledge when they’ve made mistakes and don’t manipulate situations to avoid responsibility.
8. They make decisions based on short-term emotions.

Whether it’s quitting a job in a fit of frustration, ending a friendship over a small disagreement, or making an impulsive purchase they can’t afford, irrational people make big decisions based on momentary feelings. Rational people recognise that emotions are fleeting. They take time to think things through, considering both the short-term and long-term consequences before making major choices.
9. They constantly compare themselves to other people.

Irrational people struggle with jealousy and constantly measure their worth against what other people have. Whether it’s money, looks, relationships, or success, they feel like they’re always falling behind. More balanced people understand that comparison is a losing game. They focus on their own progress and celebrate their achievements instead of resenting what everyone else has accomplished.
10. They expect perfection from themselves and everyone else.

Instead of allowing room for mistakes, irrational people set impossible standards. They either beat themselves up for not being perfect or criticise people for not living up to their unrealistic expectations. Well-adjusted people know that perfection doesn’t exist. They give themselves and other people grace because they know that growth and improvement matter more than flawless execution.
11. They avoid responsibility by blaming external factors.

Whenever something goes wrong, irrational people find a way to blame someone or something else. Whether it’s bad luck, other people, or the universe working against them, they rarely acknowledge their own role in a situation. More logical people understand that while external factors do play a role in life, personal accountability is essential for growth. They focus on what they can control rather than passing the blame.
12. They assume that their feelings are facts.

Irrational people believe that if they feel a certain way, it must be the truth. If they feel slighted, then someone must have wronged them. If they feel unappreciated, then people must be ignoring them, regardless of actual reality. More evolved people understand that emotions are real, but not always accurate reflections of a situation. They take a step back and consider the bigger picture before reacting.
13. They refuse to hear opposing viewpoints.

Instead of engaging in thoughtful discussions, irrational people shut down anything that challenges their beliefs. They only want to hear opinions that reinforce what they already think, and they dismiss anything different as wrong or offensive. More open-minded people understand that growth comes from hearing different perspectives. They don’t have to agree with everything, but they’re willing to listen and consider new ideas.
14. They create drama where none exists.

Whether it’s misinterpreting a harmless comment, blowing a small issue out of proportion, or stirring the pot for attention, irrational people have a knack for creating unnecessary drama. Rational people don’t thrive on chaos. They prefer to resolve issues calmly, avoid pointless conflicts, and focus their energy on things that actually matter.