Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

With every milestone birthday comes a period of reflection when you consider the things you’d like to change about your life in the next decade.

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While your to-do list is likely getting longer by the second, the list of bad habits and behaviours you’d like to drop might need to expand a bit too. If you want to live a happy, healthy life for a long time to come, stop doing these things before you hit 40.

1. Stop comparing yourself to other people, for goodness’ sake.


Constantly measuring your life against people’s just causes unnecessary stress and unhappiness. Everyone’s journey is unique, and by your forties, it’s time to focus on your own path and personal growth. Celebrate your achievements and set goals based on your own values and aspirations, not someone else’s highlight reel.

2. Stop neglecting your health.

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Your body may not bounce back as quickly as it once did in years to come, so make your health a priority by starting regular exercise routines, eating a balanced diet, and scheduling regular check-ups (if you can get through to your GP, that is!). Taking care of your health now can prevent issues down the road and improve your quality of life.

3. Stop putting off financial planning.


If you haven’t already, start taking your finances seriously. That means creating a budget, building an emergency fund, and planning for retirement, if you haven’t already started. The sooner you get going, the more secure your financial future will be. Consider talking to a financial advisor to create a solid plan tailored to your goals if you’re struggling to understand the nitty-gritty of financial planning. (Hey, it’s complicated!)

4. Stop holding on to toxic relationships.

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Life’s too short to maintain relationships that drain your energy or bring negativity into your life. Assess your friendships and romantic relationships critically. Focus on nurturing connections that are supportive, positive, and mutually beneficial. It’s okay to distance yourself from people who consistently bring you down.

5. Stop avoiding tough conversations you know you need to have.

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Whether it’s discussing end-of-life care with your parents or addressing issues in your relationships, stop putting off important talks. Developing the ability to have constructive, honest conversations is a must for personal growth and having healthy relationships. Face these discussions with maturity and openness.

6. Stop trying to please everyone.

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Attempting to make everyone happy is an exhausting and ultimately pointless exercise. So, learn to say no to things that don’t align with your values or goals. Prioritise yourself and the needs of those closest to you. It’s okay to disappoint people sometimes; it’s part of setting healthy boundaries.

7. Stop neglecting self-reflection.

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Take time to regularly assess your life, goals, and values. Are you living authentically? Are your actions aligned with your beliefs? Thinking about this stuff regularly can help you stay true to yourself and make necessary adjustments to your life’s direction. Consider practices like journaling or meditation to help the process along.

8. Stop putting off your passions.

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If you’ve been saying “someday” to your dreams or hobbies, now is the time to pursue them. Whether it’s learning a new skill, starting a side business, or travelling to a place you’ve always wanted to visit, stop waiting for the perfect moment. Life is happening now, so make time for the things that bring you joy and fulfilment.

9. Stop avoiding responsibility.

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Take ownership of your life and decisions. This means acknowledging your mistakes, learning from them, and taking steps to improve. It also means being proactive in your personal and professional life rather than waiting for things to happen to you. Embrace the power that comes with taking full responsibility for your life’s direction.

10. Stop neglecting your personal growth.

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Continuous learning and personal development should be lifelong pursuits. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re too old to learn or change. Keep challenging yourself intellectually and emotionally. Read as much as you can, try new experiences, and be open to changing your perspectives as you learn new things.

11. Stop ignoring your mental health.


Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, talk to a therapist or counsellor about it. There’s no shame in getting help! Keeping your mental health in a good place pays dividends in your life as a whole, so don’t neglect it.

12. Stop procrastinating on important decisions.

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Whether it’s about your career, relationships, or personal life, stop putting off important decisions. Weigh your options carefully, ask for advice if you need it, but don’t let indecision paralyse you. Making timely decisions, even if they’re not perfect, allows you to move forward and learn from the outcomes.

13. Stop undervaluing the importance of sleep.


Quality sleep becomes increasingly important as we age. Stop sacrificing sleep for work or leisure activities. Set a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine. Prioritising good sleep habits can improve your health, productivity, and overall health.

14. Stop taking your loved ones for granted.

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As life gets busier, it’s easy to neglect relationships with family and close friends. Make a conscious effort to nurture these important connections. Express your appreciation, make time for meaningful conversations, and create lasting memories. These relationships are often the most rewarding aspects of life, so give them the attention they deserve.