Remember when you were a kid and thought adults were extremely boring?

You probably made all sorts of promises to yourself about how you’d never turn into one of those stuffy grown-ups. Well, surprise surprise, here we are! There are plenty of things you swore you’d never do but now find yourself embracing like they’re going out of style — here are just a few of them.
1. You actually look forward to a quiet night in.

Gone are the days when you’d be itching to hit the town every weekend. Now, the thought of a night on the sofa with a takeaway and your favourite show sounds like absolute bliss. You used to think staying in was for losers, but now you’re cancelling plans left and right just to get some quality time with your PJs and Netflix.
2. You’ve become obsessed with your garden.

Remember laughing at your parents for spending hours in the garden? Well, look at you now, getting excited about your tomato plants and debating the merits of different types of compost. You never thought you’d care about lawn maintenance, but here you are, proudly showing off your hanging baskets to anyone who’ll listen.
3. You go to bed at a “reasonable” hour.

You used to think anyone who went to bed before midnight was ancient. Now, you’re tucked up by 10pm and loving it. The thought of staying up late fills you with dread, and you find yourself bragging about how early you hit the sack. Who knew sleep could be so exciting?
4. You actually enjoy doing the food shop.

As a kid, being dragged around Tesco was torture. Now, you’re practically skipping down the aisles, getting excited about good deals and new products. You’ve even got favourite supermarkets and strong opinions on the best time to go. It’s like your own personal playground, but with more vegetables and less fun.
5. You’ve started collecting random stuff.

You used to roll your eyes at people who collected things, but now you’ve got a growing collection of… well, something. Maybe it’s vintage teacups or limited edition Monopoly boards. Whatever it is, you’re surprisingly passionate about it and always on the lookout for the next addition to your hoard.
6. You’ve become a weather obsessive.

Remember when weather chat was the height of boring adult conversation? Now you’re checking multiple weather apps daily and getting genuinely excited about a good forecast. You’ve even caught yourself starting conversations with “Looks like rain later” and meaning it.
7. You’re actually interested in politics now.

Politics used to be that boring stuff on the news that made you change the channel. Now you’re staying up late to watch election results and having heated debates about policies. You never thought you’d care this much about what goes on in Westminster, but here you are, armchair politician extraordinaire.
8. You’ve developed strong opinions about kitchen appliances.

Who knew you’d ever get this excited about a good blender? Or spend hours researching the perfect toaster? You used to think kitchen gear was the most boring gift ever, but now you’re dropping hints about that fancy stand mixer you’ve been eyeing up. Your younger self would be horrified.
9. You’ve started using phrases your parents used.

“Because I said so!” “Money doesn’t grow on trees!” “Don’t make me come up there!” Yep, those phrases you swore you’d never use are now part of your daily vocab. You catch yourself saying them and have a moment of existential crisis, realising you’ve become your parents.
10. You get excited about new cleaning products.

Once upon a time, cleaning was the worst chore ever. Now, you’re practically giddy about trying out a new mop or a fancy cleaning spray. You find yourself comparing notes with friends about the best way to get stains out of carpets. When did this become your idea of a riveting conversation?
11. You’ve started tutting at “kids these days”.

You swore you’d never be that grumpy old person complaining about the youth, but here you are, shaking your head at teenagers’ fashion choices and loud music. You catch yourself starting sentences with “In my day…” and wonder when exactly your day was.
12. You’ve developed a thing for comfortable shoes.

Style used to be everything, and comfort never entered the picture. Now, you’re all about those orthopaedic trainers and sensible loafers. You find yourself lingering in the “comfort” section of shoe shops and getting excited about good arch support. Fashion? Who needs it when you’ve got blissfully pain-free feet?
13. You’ve become weirdly protective of your lawn.

You used to think people who cared about their lawns were sad. Now you’re out there every weekend, mowing in perfect lines and freaking out if anyone dares to step on your precious grass. You’ve even caught yourself eyeing up those “Keep Off The Grass” signs. When did you become this person?
14. You actually enjoy going to the garden centre.

Remember when going to the garden centre with your parents was the most boring thing ever? Now it’s your idea of a great day out. You get excited about new plant arrivals and spend ages deliberating over different types of plant food. You even enjoy browsing the gift shop for quirky garden ornaments. Your younger self would be cringing so hard right now.