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Ever wondered why narcissists seem to steer clear of certain people?

It’s not just a coincidence; they’re actually repelled by specific personality traits and behaviours. And guess what? You can totally cultivate those qualities yourself! Here are the types of people who make narcissists run for the hills and how you can become one of them.

1. People who don’t give them attention

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Narcissists thrive on attention, validation, and admiration. When they encounter someone who doesn’t shower them with praise or cater to their ego, they quickly lose interest. So, if you want to repel a narcissist, simply don’t give them the attention they crave. Don’t fawn over them, don’t constantly compliment them, and don’t prioritise their needs above your own.

2. People who set boundaries

Envato Elements

Narcissists are notorious for pushing boundaries and exploiting prople. They don’t respect personal space, emotional limits, or social norms. That’s why people who establish firm boundaries are like kryptonite to narcissists. So, be clear about your limits, don’t be afraid to say no, and don’t tolerate any behaviour that makes you uncomfortable.

3. People who call them out

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Narcissists hate being challenged or confronted. They believe they’re always right, and they expect everyone to agree with them. But when someone has the guts to call them out on their BS, it throws them off balance. So, don’t be afraid to speak your mind, question their motives, and point out their flaws.

4. People who are confident and self-assured

Valerii Honcharuk

Narcissists are attracted to people who are insecure and easily manipulated. But when they encounter someone who is confident, self-assured, and knows their own worth, they’re intimidated. So, work on building your self-esteem, embrace your strengths, and don’t let anyone make you feel inferior.

5. People who don’t put up with their drama

man onlySource: Unsplash

Narcissists love to create drama and chaos. They thrive on conflict and attention, even if it’s negative. But people who refuse to engage in their drama are a major turn-off for them. So, don’t get sucked into their games, don’t feed their ego, and don’t let them control your emotions.

6. People who prioritise their own happiness

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Narcissists are selfish and self-centred. They only care about their own needs and desires, and they expect everyone else to revolve around them. But people who prioritise their own happiness and well-being are a threat to their control. So, put yourself first, do what makes you happy, and don’t let anyone guilt you into sacrificing your own needs.

7. People who have a strong support system

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Narcissists often try to isolate their victims from their friends and family. They want to be the sole source of support and validation in their lives. But people who have a strong support system are less vulnerable to their manipulation. So, nurture your relationships with your loved ones, lean on them for support, and don’t let anyone isolate you.

8. People who see through their facade

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Narcissists are masters of disguise. They can be charming, charismatic, and seemingly confident. But beneath the surface, they’re insecure, fragile, and deeply unhappy. People who can see through their facade and recognise their true nature are a threat to their carefully constructed image. So, be discerning, trust your gut instincts, and don’t be fooled by their superficial charm.

9. People who are genuinely kind and compassionate


Narcissists are often drawn to people who are kind and compassionate, as they see them as easy targets for manipulation. However, they’re ultimately repelled by genuine kindness because it highlights their own lack of empathy and compassion. So, continue to be kind and compassionate to people, but be mindful of who you extend that kindness to.

10. People who are emotionally stable and mature


Narcissists are often emotionally volatile and immature. They throw tantrums, play the victim, and engage in manipulative tactics. People who are emotionally stable and mature don’t tolerate this kind of behaviour. So, work on developing your emotional intelligence, learn to regulate your emotions, and don’t engage in childish games.

11. People who have a life outside of them


Narcissists want to be the centre of attention at all times. They get jealous and insecure when their partners or friends have other interests and commitments. People who have a fulfilling life outside their relationship with the narcissist are less likely to be controlled or manipulated. So, pursue your passions, nurture your friendships, and maintain your independence.

12. People who have strong morals and values

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Narcissists lack a moral compass. They lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate without remorse. People who have strong morals and values are disgusted by this kind of behaviour. So, stay true to your principles, don’t compromise your integrity, and don’t tolerate unethical behaviour from people.

13. People who are not afraid to walk away

Liubomyr Vorona

Narcissists are used to getting their way. They use threats, guilt trips, and other manipulative tactics to keep people in their lives. But people who are not afraid to walk away from a toxic relationship are a major threat to their power. So, know your worth, don’t settle for less than you deserve, and don’t be afraid to cut ties with anyone who treats you poorly.

14. People who are happy and fulfilled

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Narcissists are miserable people who are constantly seeking external validation to fill the void within. They’re envious of people who are genuinely happy and fulfilled because it reminds them of their own emptiness. So, focus on your own happiness, cultivate gratitude, and surround yourself with positive people.