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Dealing with a narcissist can feel like walking through a minefield – you never know when you might accidentally trigger their wrath. And when you do cross them, even unintentionally, be prepared for a unique brand of payback. Narcissists are known for their fragile egos and insatiable need for control. They won’t hesitate to employ various tactics to punish you for perceived slights.

1. They unleash a barrage of insults and criticism.

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One of the most common ways a narcissist makes you pay is by launching a verbal assault. This could range from subtle digs and sarcastic remarks to full-blown insults and character assassinations. They’ll pick apart your flaws, exaggerate your mistakes, and make you feel worthless. Their goal is to break down your self-esteem and make you question your worth.

2. They employ the silent treatment.

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Narcissists are experts at using silence as a weapon. They might abruptly withdraw their affection, attention, or communication, leaving you feeling isolated and confused. This silent treatment is a form of emotional manipulation designed to punish you for your perceived transgression and make you crave their approval.

3. They spread rumours and smear your reputation.

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Narcissists often have a knack for twisting the truth and manipulating other people’s perceptions. If you cross them, they might start a smear campaign to tarnish your reputation. They’ll spread rumours, exaggerate your flaws, and paint you in a negative light. This is their way of isolating you and ensuring that other people view you through their distorted lens.

4. They withdraw their support and affection.

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Narcissists can be incredibly charming and attentive when they want something from you. But once you’ve crossed them, they might abruptly withdraw their support and affection. They might cancel plans, ignore your needs, or act as if you don’t exist. This is their way of punishing you and making you feel like you’ve lost something valuable.

5. They gaslight you and twist your reality.

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Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that narcissists use to make you doubt your own sanity and perception of reality. They might deny saying or doing something hurtful, accuse you of being “too sensitive,” or convince you that you’re imagining things. This constant gaslighting can leave you feeling confused, insecure, and unsure of yourself.

6. They triangulate you with other people.

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Triangulation is a manipulative tactic where the narcissist brings a third person into the conflict to create jealousy, insecurity, or competition. They might compare you unfavourably to someone else, flirt with other people in front of you, or even start a new relationship to make you feel threatened and insecure.

7. They sabotage your success and happiness.

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Narcissists often feel threatened by your accomplishments and happiness. If you’re doing well in your career, personal life, or relationships, they might try to sabotage your success. They might undermine your efforts, spread rumours about you, or even try to create obstacles to hinder your progress. This is their way of maintaining control and ensuring that you remain dependent on them.

8. They use guilt and shame to manipulate you.

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Narcissists are adept at using guilt and shame to control your behaviour. They might remind you of past mistakes, exaggerate their own sacrifices, or make you feel responsible for their happiness. This manipulation tactics is designed to make you feel indebted to them and hesitant to challenge their authority.

9. They play the victim and make you feel guilty.

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Narcissists are masters of manipulation, and playing the victim is one of their favourite tactics. They’ll twist the narrative to make it seem like you’re the one who wronged them, even when it’s clear, they’re in the wrong. They’ll exaggerate their suffering, play on your empathy, and make you feel guilty for causing them pain. This guilt-tripping is designed to make you back down and apologise, even if you’ve done nothing wrong.

10. They undermine your confidence and self-esteem.

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Narcissists thrive on feeling superior to other people, and they’ll often try to erode your confidence and self-esteem to maintain their position of power. They might belittle your accomplishments, criticise your appearance, or constantly compare you unfavourably to other people. This constant barrage of negativity can leave you feeling insecure and doubting your own worth.

11. They give you the silent treatment.

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Another classic narcissist tactic is the silent treatment. They might ignore your calls, texts, or attempts to communicate. This withdrawal of communication is a form of emotional punishment designed to make you feel isolated, anxious, and desperate for their attention. It’s their way of controlling the situation and making you feel like you’re the one begging for forgiveness.

12. They project their own flaws onto you.

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Narcissists often have a distorted self-image, and they’ll often project their own flaws and insecurities onto you. If they’re insecure about their intelligence, they might accuse you of being stupid. If they’re dishonest, they might accuse you of lying. This projection is a way for them to avoid facing their own shortcomings and maintain their inflated ego.

13. They punish you with passive-aggressive behaviour.

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Instead of directly confronting you, narcissists might resort to passive-aggressive tactics to express their anger and resentment. They might make snide remarks, withhold affection, or deliberately sabotage your plans. This indirect form of aggression can be even more frustrating than overt hostility, as it leaves you feeling confused and unsure of how to respond.

14. They rewrite history to suit their narrative.

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Narcissists have a way of rewriting history to fit their own version of events. They might twist your words, deny their own actions, or completely fabricate stories to make themselves look good and you look bad. This manipulation of reality can leave you feeling gaslit and questioning your own memories and perceptions.