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Money doesn’t just change your bank account; it can also change how you see the world and approach life.

While it’s obviously a bit of a generalisation, there are some noticeable differences in how wealthy people act in comparison to those of us without as much disposable income. Obviously, this isn’t meant to be judgmental or stereotype anyone, but hopefully shed a bit of light on different mindsets of the haves and have-nots (or have-lesses… if that’s a thing — ha!).

1. They view money as a tool, not a goal.

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For wealthy people, money isn’t the ultimate objective; it’s a resource to achieve other goals. Whether it’s starting a business, investing in education, or creating a comfortable lifestyle, money is simply a means to an end. This perspective allows them to focus on long-term strategies and make decisions that build wealth over time.

2. They have a solid financial education.

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Wealthy people understand the importance of financial literacy and actively try to learn more about money management, investments, and wealth creation. In fact, they might even work in that field. They read books, attend seminars, and even consult with financial advisors. This continuous learning helps them make informed decisions and avoid common financial pitfalls.

3. They take calculated risks.

career woman at workSource: Unsplash

While they’re not reckless, people with money are more likely to embrace calculated risks. They understand that playing it safe won’t lead to any significant financial gains. They assess the potential rewards and downsides, then take action based on informed decisions. This willingness to step outside their comfort zone can open doors to new opportunities and financial growth.

4. They focus on creating value.

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Instead of solely chasing money, rich people focus on creating value for other people. They develop products, services, or businesses that solve problems or fulfil needs. Taking a value-driven approach makes them money, for sure, but it also builds a lasting legacy and contributes to society.

5. They surround themselves with successful people.

office colleagues at laptopsSource: Unsplash

The saying “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with” holds true for many wealthy people. They surround themselves with positive, ambitious, and successful people who inspire and motivate them. This network provides valuable support, advice, and opportunities that can propel them towards their financial goals.

6. They have a strong work ethic.

Source: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

While some may inherit wealth, many rich people have achieved their financial status through hard work and dedication. They’re not afraid to put in long hours, make sacrifices, and persevere through challenges. They understand that success rarely comes overnight and are willing to put in the effort required to achieve their goals.

7. They believe in abundance, not scarcity.

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People with money often adopt an abundance mindset. They believe there are enough opportunities and resources for everyone to succeed. This positive outlook helps them stay motivated, take action, and attract more abundance into their lives. It’s a contrast to the scarcity mindset, which can lead to fear, insecurity, and missed opportunities.

8. They pay themselves first.

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Instead of waiting until the end of the month to save whatever’s left, rich people make saving and investing a priority. They allocate a portion of their income to savings and investments before paying bills or spending on discretionary items. This ensures that their wealth grows steadily over time, regardless of their income level.

9. They view failures as learning opportunities.

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Rich people don’t see failure as a roadblock; they see it as a stepping stone to success. They understand that mistakes and setbacks are inevitable, but they don’t let them derail their progress. Instead, they analyse their failures, learn from them, and use that knowledge to improve their strategies and decision-making.

10. They focus on long-term goals.

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While they may enjoy the finer things in life, wealthy people don’t put short-term gratification ahead of long-term goals. They’re willing to delay immediate pleasure and make sacrifices in the present to achieve their financial objectives in the future. This disciplined approach helps them stay focused and avoid impulsive decisions that could jeopardise their long-term financial security.

11. They delegate and outsource.

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Rich people understand the value of time and expertise. They don’t try to do everything themselves; they delegate tasks to capable people or outsource them to professionals. This frees up their time to focus on their strengths and high-value activities, leading to greater productivity and better results.

12. They invest in assets, not liabilities.

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Instead of accumulating depreciating assets like luxury cars or designer clothes, wealthy people invest in assets that appreciate over time, such as real estate, stocks, and businesses. They understand that these assets can generate passive income and build wealth in the long run, while liabilities only drain their finances.

13. They manage their emotions.

Source: Unsplash

Emotional decision-making can really mess up your financial success. People with money are aware of this and strive to manage their emotions, especially in high-pressure situations. They don’t let fear, greed, or excitement cloud their judgment. Instead, they make rational decisions based on facts and data.

14. They give back to society.

millennial male colleagues working on laptopsSource: Unsplash

Many wealthy people are philanthropists who are actively involved in charitable giving and social causes. They recognise their responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society and use their wealth to make a positive impact on the world. This sense of purpose and contribution adds another dimension to their wealth and makes them extremely memorable, to boot.