Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people are incredibly stressful to be around.

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Maybe they’re overly confrontational, or passive-aggressive, or maybe they’re always stressed and that wears off on you. Whatever the reason, spending time with them isn’t a pleasant experience. If you have no choice, here’s how to get through it without letting it get you too down.

1. Set clear boundaries and stick to them.

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It’s okay to draw a line in the sand. Figure out what you’re comfortable with and let people know. Maybe it’s not answering work calls after 6 PM or limiting how often you hang out with a draining friend. Whatever your boundaries are, set them clearly and don’t feel bad about enforcing them. It’s all about protecting your peace.

2. Practise deep breathing techniques.

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When someone’s stressing you out, take a moment to breathe. Deep, slow breaths can help calm your nerves and clear your head. Try breathing in for four counts, holding for four, and then exhaling for four. Do this a few times when you feel your stress levels rising. It’s a quick and easy way to regain your composure.

3. Choose your battles wisely.

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Not every issue needs to turn into a big deal. Ask yourself if this particular stressor is worth your energy. Sometimes, letting small things slide can save you a lot of headaches. Focus on the stuff that really matters and let the little things go. Your stress levels will thank you.

4. Communicate assertively, not aggressively.

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When dealing with stressful people, it’s important to speak up for yourself without going overboard. Be clear about how you feel and what you need, but do it in a calm, respectful way. Use “I” statements like “I feel frustrated when…” instead of pointing fingers. This approach can help get your point across without escalating the situation.

5. Take regular breaks from stressful situations.

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If you’re dealing with a stressful person or situation, give yourself permission to step away. Take a short walk, listen to some music, or just find a quiet spot for a few minutes. These little breaks can help you reset and come back with a fresher perspective.

6. Focus on what you can control.

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You can’t change how other people act, but you can control your own reactions. Instead of stressing about what other people are doing, focus on your own actions and responses. This shift in focus can help you feel more in control and less stressed out.

7. Practise empathy and try to understand their perspective.

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Sometimes, trying to see things from the other person’s point of view can help reduce your stress. Maybe they’re going through something tough or don’t realise how their actions affect you. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with them, but understanding where they’re coming from might make the situation easier to handle.

8. Use positive self-talk to stay calm.

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When someone’s stressing you out, it’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts. Try to flip the script in your head. Instead of thinking “This is awful,” try “I can handle this.” Positive self-talk can boost your confidence and help you stay calm in tricky situations.

9. Limit your exposure to stressful people when possible.

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If there’s someone in your life who constantly stresses you out, it’s okay to limit your time with them. This might mean seeing them less often or keeping your interactions short and sweet. You don’t have to cut them out completely, but creating some distance can help reduce your stress levels.

10. Develop a support system.

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Having people you can turn to when you’re stressed is super important. Build a network of friends, family, or even a therapist who can offer support and advice. Sometimes, just talking about what’s stressing you out can make you feel better and give you new ways to handle the situation.

11. Practise mindfulness techniques.

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Mindfulness can help you stay grounded when someone’s stressing you out. Try to focus on the present moment instead of worrying about what might happen. Notice your surroundings, how your body feels, and your breath. This can help you stay calm and centred, even in stressful situations.

12. Try to see the funny side.

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A little humour can go a long way in stressful situations. If it feels appropriate, try to lighten the mood with a joke or a funny observation. Just be careful not to use humour to avoid dealing with serious issues. The goal is to ease tension, not ignore problems.

13. Practise self-care regularly.

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Taking care of yourself is key when dealing with stressful people. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and doing things you enjoy. When you’re taking good care of yourself, you’re better equipped to handle stress when it comes your way.

14. Know when to talk to a professional.

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If you’re constantly dealing with stress from certain people and nothing seems to help, it might be time to talk to a professional. A therapist or counsellor can give you personalised strategies to cope with stress and improve your relationships. There’s no shame in getting extra support when you need it.

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