Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Most of us are guilty of carrying around unnecessary baggage that does nothing but weight us down and hold us back in life.

By letting go of the things that don’t serve you in any way, you free yourself up to be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. Life’s too short to be bogged down by meaningless crap, so it’s time to let go of these things. Go on, you deserve it!

1. The need for constant approval from other people

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Spending your life seeking other people’s approval is exhausting. Sure, it feels good when someone compliments you or agrees with you, but constantly needing that validation is a never-ending cycle. The truth is, no matter what you do, you’ll never please everyone. The key is learning to trust yourself and your own judgement. Once you start living for yourself rather than for what anyone else thinks, you’ll feel way more liberated and confident.

2. Holding grudges from the past

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Sure, people have hurt you, but keeping that resentment alive won’t change the past or make things better. Letting go doesn’t mean you have to forget or condone what happened, but it does mean freeing yourself from being weighed down by the past. Forgiveness is more for you than anyone else. Try it. You’ll be shocked at how much lighter you feel.

3. The belief that you’re not good enough

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That little voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough is lying. This belief can seriously limit your potential and keep you from pursuing the things you deserve. We all have moments of insecurity, but recognising your unique strengths and talents is key. Stop comparing yourself to other people and embrace your own journey. By letting go of that negative self-talk, you’ll open the door to more self-confidence and far more opportunities in life.

4. Toxic relationships that drain your energy

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Not all relationships are meant to last forever, and that’s okay. If someone in your life is constantly negative, unsupportive, or manipulative, it’s time to rethink their place in your world. Toxic relationships suck the life out of you, leaving you mentally and emotionally drained. By cutting ties with those who bring you down, you’ll create room for healthy, positive connections that uplift you. Prioritise yourself— it’s your life, after all.

5. The compulsion to always be busy

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We live in a culture that glorifies busyness, but constantly being on the go doesn’t necessarily mean you’re productive or happy. In fact, this mindset can lead to burnout and steal your joy. It’s time to let go of the pressure to always be doing something. Enjoy the quiet moments, give yourself permission to relax, and remember that rest is just as important as work. You deserve to recharge without the guilt.

6. Unrealistic expectations of perfection

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Perfectionism can feel like a never-ending race you can never win. Spoiler alert: it’s unattainable. Trying to make every aspect of your life flawless will only lead to stress and disappointment. The truth is, life’s messy and mistakes are part of the deal. Let go of this impossible standard and embrace your imperfections. When you allow yourself to be human, you free yourself to grow, learn, and— most importantly— enjoy the ride.

7. The habit of comparing yourself to other people

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Thanks to social media in particular, it’s easier than ever to compare yourself to everyone else. But guess what? You’re only seeing the highlight reels, not the behind-the-scenes struggles. Comparing your life to someone else’s isn’t just pointless—it’s damaging. Focus on your own path and celebrate your personal wins, however small they may seem. When you stop looking at what other people have, you’ll finally see how far you’ve come.

8. Dwelling on things you can’t control

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Worrying about things you can’t change is like running on a treadmill—you’re going nowhere fast. Sure, life can throw some pretty unpredictable stuff your way, but stressing over it doesn’t make it better. Instead, focus on what you can control—your actions, reactions, and mindset. Letting go of what’s out of your hands can be incredibly freeing. It allows you to spend your energy where it actually matters.

9. The fear of failure that holds you back

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Failure can be scary, no doubt about it. But what’s even scarier? Letting the fear of failure stop you from trying at all. Failure isn’t the end of the world; it’s a stepping stone to success. Every time you fail, you learn something valuable. Let go of the fear, take risks, and remember that every successful person has failed at some point. It’s not about never falling down, it’s about getting back up.

10. Unnecessary physical clutter in your space

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You know that drawer or cupboard overflowing with stuff you never use? It’s not just taking up space in your home—it’s cluttering your mind, too. Physical clutter can lead to mental stress, whether you realise it or not. Take the time to declutter and get rid of things that no longer serve you. You’ll be amazed at how much clearer and calmer you feel when your space is tidy and organised.

11. The need to always be right

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Being right all the time feels great in the moment, but constantly striving to win every argument can damage relationships. Letting go of this need allows you to be open to new perspectives and helps you build stronger connections. Life isn’t a competition, and sometimes admitting you’re wrong or simply listening without pushing your point can lead to far more meaningful conversations.

12. Procrastination and excuses

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We’ve all been guilty of putting off tasks because they seem too hard, or we’re just not in the mood, but procrastination leads to stress and missed opportunities. The longer you put things off, the more they pile up. By tackling tasks as they come and letting go of excuses, you’ll realise how much more productive and relaxed you feel. Take small steps, start somewhere, and watch how your life changes.

13. The belief that happiness comes from external sources

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Many people think they’ll be happy once they land a dream job, find the perfect partner, or buy a new car. But chasing external sources of happiness is a never-ending race. True joy comes from within—appreciating what you have, pursuing your passions, and finding meaning in everyday moments. Let go of the idea that happiness is “out there” somewhere, and you’ll realise it’s been with you all along.

14. The tendency to dwell on past mistakes

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Nobody’s perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. The problem comes when you can’t stop beating yourself up over things you did (or didn’t do) in the past. Rehashing old mistakes only keeps you stuck in guilt and regret. Learn from your errors, forgive yourself, and move forward. By letting go of your past missteps, you create space for growth, healing, and new opportunities. After all, you’re only human.

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