15 Alarming Signs You’re Bad At Handling Stress

Stress hits all of us at some point in life, but how you handle it can make all the difference.


Some people manage to take added pressure in their stride and not let it get to them too much (as much as possible, anyway). However, others easily become overwhelmed and just can’t cope. So, how do you know which camp you fall into? Here are some signs you’re not that great at handling stress and may need to work on building a bit of resilience.

1. You’ve become best friends with your coffee maker.

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If your coffee intake has skyrocketed, it’s probably not just about the caffeine fix. That constant need for another cup could be masking stress, giving you a quick jolt to power through. But beware — too much coffee can jack up your anxiety and make sleep a nightmare, which just makes the whole stress cycle worse.

2. Your to-do list looks like a novel.

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If your daily task list is never-ending, it might be a sign you’re taking on too much. Overcommitting is a sneaky way of trying to take control when things feel overwhelming, but it often backfires, leaving you feeling buried. The key is learning to prioritise and say no, which helps you tackle stress head-on instead of adding more to your plate.

3. You’ve forgotten what a good night’s sleep feels like.

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When you’re stressed, getting a good night’s sleep can feel like an impossible dream. Tossing and turning, waking up in the middle of the night — it’s all part of the stress-sleep rollercoaster. If you’re constantly tired and can’t remember the last time you woke up feeling refreshed, it’s a sign that stress is running the show and needs to be addressed.

4. Your go-to phrase is “I’m fine”.

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If “I’m fine” is your go-to response, even when you’re clearly not, you’re likely bottling up your stress. This might be because you don’t want to seem vulnerable or like a burden, but keeping it all inside only makes things worse. Learning to admit when you’re struggling and asking for help is a huge step toward better stress management.

5. You’ve become a professional procrastinator.

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Putting off tasks because they seem too overwhelming? That’s stress talking. Procrastination is a common way of avoiding things that feel too big to tackle, but it only piles on more pressure as deadlines loom. Breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable steps can help you stop avoiding and start handling your stress in a healthier way.

6. Your emotions are all over the place.

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One minute you’re laughing, the next you’re tearing up over something small — sound familiar? Stress can mess with your emotional balance, leaving you more sensitive and irritable than usual. If you’re riding an emotional rollercoaster, it might be a sign that stress is affecting your ability to keep your cool.

7. You’ve developed a sudden interest in mindless scrolling.

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If you find yourself endlessly scrolling social media or endlessly watching TV to escape, it’s a classic sign you’re avoiding stress. Distraction can be helpful in small doses, but when it becomes your go-to coping mechanism, it stops helping and starts adding to the stress. Finding healthier outlets, like exercise or hobbies, can give you the break you need without making things worse.

8. Your eating habits have gone rogue.

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Whether you’re stress-eating everything in sight or skipping meals altogether, significant changes in your eating habits are a major red flag. Food can either become a comfort or an afterthought when you’re stressed, but neither extreme is healthy. Keeping your diet balanced helps maintain both your physical and mental health, making stress easier to manage.

9. You’ve become the office grump.

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If your patience is paper-thin, and you’re snapping at people over little things, stress is likely to blame. Being irritable and short-tempered is a common sign that your stress levels are maxed out. Recognising this in yourself is the first step toward addressing the underlying issues and getting back to a calmer, more patient version of yourself.

10. Your body is sending SOS signals.

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Constant headaches, stomach problems, or tight muscles? These are often your body’s way of telling you that you’re carrying too much stress. Ignoring these physical signs can lead to more serious health problems down the line. Listening to your body and taking action to reduce stress will keep you healthier in the long run.

11. You’re avoiding everything.

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Skipping plans, dodging phone calls, or finding excuses to stay home? That’s your stress talking. Avoidance might feel like a temporary fix, but it actually piles up more stress as things you’re avoiding don’t go away. Learning to face challenges and tasks directly, even when they’re uncomfortable, can help you break the avoidance cycle.

12. Your inner critic is on overdrive.

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When you’re stressed, it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of self-criticism. You might find yourself nitpicking every little thing and feeling like you’re never doing enough. This negative self-talk only adds to the stress and wears down your confidence. Practising self-compassion can help turn down the volume on that inner critic.

13. You’ve forgotten how to have fun.

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When was the last time you did something purely for fun? If you can’t remember, it’s probably because stress has taken over. It’s easy to let hobbies and leisure time slip when you’re overwhelmed, but making time for fun is crucial for your mental health. Reclaiming some joy in your daily life is one of the best stress relievers around.

14. Your decision-making skills have gone MIA.

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Feeling paralysed by choices or making rash, impulsive decisions? Stress can do that. When you’re overwhelmed, even the simplest decisions can feel like huge obstacles. On the flip side, stress can also make you act too quickly without thinking things through. Finding balance in decision-making is key to reducing stress and feeling more in control.

15. You’re living for the weekend.

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If you’re constantly waiting for Friday, it’s more than just a case of “workday blues.” Living for the weekend can be a sign that stress is making your day-to-day life feel unbearable. While everyone looks forward to time off, it’s important to find ways to manage stress so you’re not wishing your whole life away waiting for that two-day break.

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