Envato Elements

Some people just seem to suck all the energy out of a room. Maybe it’s a friend, a coworker, or even a family member — whatever the relationship, their behaviour leaves you feeling drained and annoyed. Here are some of the things that make them so unpleasant to be around.

1. They constantly complain about everything.

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It’s like a broken record that just won’t stop. Nothing is ever good enough, everything is a problem, and they always have something to whine about. The weather, their job, their relationships, their food — it’s all a source of endless grievances. Their negativity is like a dark cloud that follows them wherever they go, raining on everyone else’s parade. It’s exhausting to be around someone who’s always complaining, and it can quickly bring down the mood of an entire group.

2. They never take responsibility for their own actions.

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They’re always the victim, always blaming everyone but themselves for their problems. They refuse to acknowledge their own mistakes or shortcomings, and they always have an excuse for their failures. This lack of accountability is frustrating and infuriating. It makes it difficult to have a healthy relationship with them, as you can never trust them to take ownership of their actions or to learn from their mistakes.

3. They’re always interrupting and talking over people.

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They can’t seem to wait their turn to speak, and they constantly interrupt people mid-sentence. (Hello, conversational narcissism!) They dominate conversations, talk over people, and generally make it all about them. This lack of respect for people’s opinions and perspectives is incredibly rude and frustrating. It makes it difficult to have a meaningful conversation with them, as you feel like your voice isn’t being heard or valued.

4. They’re constantly seeking attention and validation.

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They crave the spotlight and will do anything to get it. They might exaggerate their accomplishments, fish for compliments, or create drama just to be the centre of attention. This constant need for validation can be exhausting to be around. It feels like they’re always performing for an audience, rather than engaging in genuine interactions. Their neediness can also be a drain on your emotional energy, as you feel like you’re constantly having to prop them up and reassure them.

5. They’re always judging and criticising people.

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They have an opinion about everything, and they’re not afraid to share it, even if it’s unsolicited or hurtful. They might criticise your appearance, your choices, your lifestyle, or anything else they deem worthy of judgment. Their constant negativity and judgment can create a toxic environment and make you feel insecure and self-conscious. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re constantly being scrutinized and criticised.

6. They’re always trying to one-up you or prove they’re better than you.

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They can’t stand to see someone else succeed or be happy. They feel the need to compete with everyone, even their friends and loved ones. They might brag about their own accomplishments, belittle your achievements, or subtly undermine your confidence. This competitive nature can create tension and resentment in relationships, making it difficult to feel truly supported or celebrated.

7. They’re unreliable and flaky.

© Eugenio Marongiu

They make plans but rarely follow through. They cancel at the last minute, show up late, or forget important details. Their unreliability can be frustrating and disrespectful. It makes you feel like your time and energy aren’t valued. It can also be a source of anxiety and stress, as you never know if they’ll actually show up or come through on their promises.

8. They have no sense of boundaries or personal space.

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They overshare personal information, ask intrusive questions, and generally don’t respect your need for privacy. They might show up unannounced, borrow things without asking, or insert themselves into situations where they’re not welcome. Their lack of boundaries can make you feel uncomfortable, violated, and resentful. It’s hard to relax and be yourself around someone who doesn’t respect your personal space or your right to privacy.

9. They are always fishing for compliments.

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It’s nice to receive a compliment, and most of us enjoy being recognized for our accomplishments or positive qualities. However, some people seem to have an insatiable need for constant praise and validation. They might fish for compliments by putting themselves down or subtly bragging about their achievements. This behaviour can be tiresome and off-putting. It makes you feel like you’re constantly being manipulated into boosting their ego, rather than having a genuine conversation or interaction.

10. They never offer to help or pitch in.

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Whether it’s a group project at work or a shared responsibility among friends, some people always seem to find a way to avoid doing their fair share. They might make excuses, conveniently forget their obligations, or simply expect people to pick up the slack. This behaviour can be incredibly frustrating and resentment-inducing. It shows a lack of consideration for other people and a sense of entitlement. It can also create an imbalance in relationships and lead to feelings of being taken advantage of.

11. They are overly critical of everything.

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Constructive feedback can be helpful for personal growth and improvement. But some people it to an extreme, finding fault in everything and everyone around them. They might say mean things about your clothes, your cooking, your taste in music, or even your personality. This constant negativity can be demoralizing and draining. It makes you feel like you can’t do anything right and that you’re constantly being judged and evaluated.

12. They are always trying to outdo you.

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Some people have a competitive streak that goes beyond healthy rivalry. They always have to be better, faster, or stronger than everyone else. They might try to outdo you at work, in social situations, or even in your personal hobbies and interests. This behaviour can be exhausting and discouraging. It makes you feel like you’re constantly in a race, and it can create a sense of animosity and resentment in relationships.

13. They are emotionally draining.

Envato Elements

Some people seem to suck the energy out of the room. They might be constantly complaining, overly dramatic, or needy. They might also have a tendency to unload their emotional baggage onto everyone else without considering the impact it might have. This kind of emotional vampirism can leave you feeling exhausted and depleted. It’s important to set boundaries with these individuals and protect your own emotional well-being.

14. They are passive-aggressive.

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Passive-aggressive behaviour can be one of the most frustrating and confusing things to deal with. Instead of directly addressing their concerns or frustrations, these individuals express their anger or resentment in subtle, indirect ways. They might give you the silent treatment, make sarcastic remarks, or undermine you behind your back. This behaviour can be incredibly toxic and create a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere.

15. They are judgmental and narrow-minded.

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Some people have a rigid worldview and are quick to judge people who don’t share their beliefs or values. They might make assumptions about you based on your appearance, your background, or your lifestyle choices. This kind of judgmental attitude can be alienating and hurtful. It can also stifle open communication and prevent meaningful connection.