Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Your partner is meant to be your biggest cheerleader, but that doesn’t always end up being the case.

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Whether you want some encouragement as you pursue your dreams or you just want someone to stand beside you through the normal ups and downs of life, a supportive partner is a must. So, what happens when they don’t have your back?

1. Your self-esteem takes a serious hit.

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When your other half is always bringing you down instead of lifting you up, it really messes with your head. You start thinking you’re not good enough, and before you know it, you’re second-guessing everything you do. It’s like your confidence just goes out the window.

2. You start doubting yourself all the time.

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If your partner’s always shooting down your ideas or making you feel daft for your choices, you might find yourself stuck in a loop of “Am I right about anything?” It gets to the point where you can’t even decide what to have for dinner without worrying you’ve made the wrong call.

3. Your mental health goes downhill fast.

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Living with someone who’s not in your corner can really do a number on your head. You might start feeling anxious or down more often, and the stress of it all can really wear you out. It’s like carrying a heavy backpack around all day, every day.

4. Your body starts feeling the strain too.

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All that stress from a rubbish relationship can show up in weird ways. You might have trouble sleeping, get headaches out of nowhere, or find your appetite’s gone haywire. Your body’s basically saying, “Hey, something’s not right here!”

5. Your friend circle starts shrinking.

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When your partner’s not supportive, you might find yourself hanging out with mates less and less. Maybe they make it hard for you to see friends, or you’re just too knackered from the relationship drama. Before you know it, your social life’s looking pretty sparse.

6. Your work life takes a hit.

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It’s hard to climb the career ladder when your partner’s not cheering you on. They might not get why you’re staying late at work or why that promotion means so much. It can really put the brakes on your career dreams.

7. Your personal goals get shoved to the back burner.

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Got dreams of starting a business or learning to play the guitar? With a partner who’s not backing you up, those plans might just collect dust. It’s tough to go after what you want when the person who’s supposed to be your biggest fan is more like a wet blanket.

8. Talking becomes a minefield.

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In a relationship where you don’t feel supported, you might start keeping things to yourself to avoid drama. It’s like walking on eggshells, and before you know it, you’re not really talking about anything important anymore.

9. You start losing your independence.

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If your partner’s always making you feel like you can’t handle things on your own, you might start believing it. Suddenly, you’re relying on them for stuff you used to do, no problem. It’s like your ‘I’ve got this’ attitude just fades away.

10. Your money situation might get dicey.

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When your partner’s not on board with your financial goals or is rubbish with money, it can really mess things up. They might pressure you to spend when you want to save, or not pull their weight with the bills. It’s a recipe for some serious money stress.

11. Your creative side takes a back seat.

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It’s hard to let your creative juices flow when you’re worried about being shot down. You might stop sharing your ideas or give up on hobbies you love. It’s like your inner artist just goes into hiding.

12. Trusting people becomes really hard.

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After being with someone who doesn’t have your back, you might start thinking everyone’s like that. It can make you super cautious about opening up to anyone, even when they’re trying to be there for you.

13. You start losing touch with who you are.

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When you’re always trying to please someone who’s never happy, you might wake up one day and not recognise yourself. It’s like you’ve been slowly changing to fit what they want, and your real self has gone missing in action.

14. Dealing with life’s curveballs gets harder.

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Life’s tough enough, but without a supportive partner, it can feel impossible. You might find yourself struggling to bounce back from setbacks that you used to handle no problem. It’s like your emotional shock absorbers are worn out.

15. You start seeing all relationships through grey-tinted glasses.

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After being in a relationship that’s more of a drag than a boost, you might start thinking all relationships are a bit rubbish. It can make you cynical about love and make it hard to spot good people when they come along.

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