Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Ever found yourself wondering if someone’s just being nice, or if there’s a spark of something more?

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Sometimes, it’s possible for those signals to get crossed, and it can be incredibly confusing. However, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some key differences between friendly and flirty behaviour, which should make things a big easier to decipher.

1. Eye contact is key.

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Friendly people make eye contact during conversations, showing they’re engaged and listening. But, with flirting, there’s often a lingering gaze, a little twinkle in the eye, or even a shy glance away that suggests a deeper interest. It’s like the difference between a casual glance at a painting and getting lost in its details.

2. Compliments carry different weight.

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Friendly people might compliment your new haircut or your work presentation. Flirty compliments often focus on physical attributes or have a more suggestive tone. It’s the difference between saying “You look nice today” and “You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

3. Touch can be telling.

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A friendly touch might be a light tap on the arm or a brief hug hello. Flirting often involves more lingering touches, like a hand on the small of your back or brushing your arm “accidentally.” There’s that subtle invasion of personal space that sends a different message.

4. Body language speaks volumes.

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Friendly people have an open and relaxed posture. Someone who’s flirting might lean in closer, angle their body towards you, or playfully touch their hair. It’s like their body is subconsciously saying, “I’m interested.”

5. Teasing takes on a playful tone.

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Friendly teasing is playful and good-natured. Flirty teasing often has a suggestive undertone, a hint of challenge or invitation. It’s the difference between poking fun at someone’s taste in music and playfully suggesting a dance-off.

6. Personal questions go deeper.


Friendly people might ask about your day or your weekend plans. Flirting often involves more intimate questions about your dreams, your fears, or your relationship status. They’re showing a genuine interest in getting to know you on a deeper level.

7. There’s a focus on shared interests.

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Friendly people enjoy chatting about common hobbies or experiences. When someone’s flirting, they often try to find unique connections, things that make you feel special and understood. They’re working on building a sense of intimacy and shared secrets.

8. They remember the little things.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Friendly people might remember your birthday or your favourite coffee order. When someone’s flirting, they might recall a small detail you mentioned weeks ago, showing they’re paying close attention. They’re making you feel seen and valued.

9. There’s a playful sense of mystery.

Anna Bizon

Friendly conversations are usually straightforward and open. Flirting often involves a bit of playful mystery, leaving things unsaid or hinting at possibilities. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs, enticing you to follow and discover more.

10. They make an effort to be around you.

Adrian Exposito

Friendly people enjoy spending time with you when it’s convenient. Someone who’s flirting will go out of their way to be near you, showing up at events you’re attending or “bumping into you” at your favourite coffee shop. It’s all about looking for opportunities for connection.

11. They use playful language.


Friendly conversations are usually casual and relaxed. When someone’s flirting, they might use more suggestive language, double entendres, or playful nicknames. They’re adding a layer of intimacy and excitement to the interaction.

12. They initiate contact outside of usual settings.

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Friendly people might exchange occasional texts or emails. Someone who’s flirting will often text or message you just to say hello, share a funny meme, or ask how your day is going. They’re trying to keep the connection alive even when you’re not physically together.

13. There’s a noticeable change in their behaviour.

Allen and Kleanthous

Friendly people are generally consistent in their interactions. When someone’s flirting, you might notice they become more animated, their voice softens, or they blush easily. It’s like a subtle shift in energy that signals a deeper interest.

14. They make future plans.

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Friendly people might casually mention doing something together sometime. When someone’s flirting, they’ll often suggest specific plans, like grabbing a coffee or checking out a new exhibition. They’re actively looking for opportunities to spend more time with you.

15. They give you their undivided attention.

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Friendly people are good listeners, but they might also glance at their phone or get distracted by other things. When someone’s flirting, they’ll often put their phone away, make eye contact, and give you their full attention. They’re making you feel like the most important person in the room.